Should War Supporters be Drafted into Active War Service

cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 24 Mar, 2006 09:16 pm
BTW, Pat Tillman was a professional football player that was making millions, but volunteered into the military service. He was killed by friendly fire in Afghanistan, and was orginally claimed he was killed by the enemy. The story has changed several times now, and his parents are rightfully upset about being lied to from the beginning of how he was killed. They're still trying to get the straight story, but none has been provided to his parents - as far as they are concerned.
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Reply Fri 24 Mar, 2006 09:28 pm
Ah, that's the impression I got from earlier posts, c.i. Thanks. Good to know it's not for a long, long time! Very Happy
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Reply Fri 24 Mar, 2006 09:36 pm
msolga wrote:
I was wondering where Anon had vanish to! Didn't sound like the sort of thing he'd do: start a thread then abandon it for no good reason, while it was in full swing.

The idea of someone being killed by "friendly fire" is quite bizarre! I mean, was the shooter waving & smiling as he shot his victim? I hate the twisting & turning of the truth of the situation, the weasel words that are used in an attempt to make the unpalatable palatable! I mean is it better that someone has died as a result of "friendly fire" than to have died in combat? Rolling Eyes
On the contrary: "friendly fire" is an even bigger waste than dying in combat. It is a term used to define an accidental casualty of an ally. Naturally, the government PR team would prefer to give his death some meaning and elevate his death to heroic instead of accidental... and I imagine that's easier on the friends and family as well. I don't think they've gotten to the bottom of what happened yet but; Pat Tillman is nonetheless an American Hero. He became one the day he chose service to country over a very lucrative football contract. Regardless of how he died; laughing at his death is disgusting to the extreme.
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Reply Fri 24 Mar, 2006 09:53 pm
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Reply Fri 24 Mar, 2006 10:15 pm
Montana wrote:
Bravo, Blueflame! That was awesome and it took guts! That video is priceless ;-)

Montana, BF appears to be incapable of posting his/her own thoughts/experiences on this board. Everything ... and I don't think I'm exagerrating ... everything is cut and paste. FYI.
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Reply Fri 24 Mar, 2006 10:18 pm
It is a term used to define an accidental casualty of an ally. Naturally, the government PR team would prefer to give his death some meaning and elevate his death to heroic instead of accidental...

Yes, I know what the term is meant to mean, Bill. I just wish they'd call it something like you just called it, that's all. That better matches the reality. And as for it being "heroic", I see it as more of an avoidable tragedy.
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Reply Fri 24 Mar, 2006 10:21 pm
.. & thanks for explaining who Pat Tillman was, Bill. Now I remember!
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Reply Fri 24 Mar, 2006 10:56 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
BTW, Pat Tillman was a professional football player that was making millions, but volunteered into the military service. He was killed by friendly fire in Afghanistan, and was orginally claimed he was killed by the enemy. The story has changed several times now, and his parents are rightfully upset about being lied to from the beginning of how he was killed. They're still trying to get the straight story, but none has been provided to his parents - as far as they are concerned.

I don't know how I missed this before. Thanks, c.i. It's all coming back to me now. How terribly to have their grieving for their son's death messed about in this way. Completely avoidable.
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Reply Sat 25 Mar, 2006 01:48 pm
Until now, I had never seen those quotes by Anon and I assure you that I am shocked by them and obviously don't support those thoughts!

I still liked Blueflame's post.
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Reply Sat 25 Mar, 2006 03:25 pm
I just spoke with Anon (email) and all I will say is that he has a lot to explain about those quotes, but is ovbiously unable to at the moment.

I believe he is prepared to defend himself when he is able.
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Reply Sat 25 Mar, 2006 03:59 pm
He is going to defend his comments? How about:
5) People just don't appreciate subtle sarcasm these days
4) I forgot to take my medicine
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Reply Sat 25 Mar, 2006 04:23 pm
I have nothing more to say on it at the moment!
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Reply Sat 25 Mar, 2006 04:47 pm
I'll wait to see what Montana hears.
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Reply Sat 25 Mar, 2006 04:57 pm
Montana wrote:
I just spoke with Anon (email) and all I will say is that he has a lot to explain about those quotes, but is ovbiously unable to at the moment.

I believe he is prepared to defend himself when he is able.
How does one defend the indefensible? When Mystery Man first confronted him with those comments; he first childishly denied ever making them, then claimed he was misquoted and finally when the truth and accuracy of them was brought to bear, he stood by them. Nowhere on A2K have I ever seen him retract them or provide any rational explanation for them. I went to some length verifying the veracity (not wanting to believe anyone was that callous) and can assure you they are 100% accurate. I believe out of the same sense of fair play; Tico did the same. Each time he's confronted by his own words; he responds with childish Ad Hominem attacks on the person who quoted him, for doing nothing more than quoting him. I don't know, but wouldn't be surprised to learn, if that is precisely why he is suspended right now. If so, good.

This entire thread is an extrapolation of an Ad Hominem attack and serves mostly to promote flaming and derision, as opposed to rational debate. It amounts to a personal attack on people who hold a position rather than addressing the position itself. I wish everyone would follow the links Joefromchicago so frequently provides to develop better skills in discussion. I'd wager the staff of A2K wishes the same. If anyone's curious, or doubts the veracity of my description, please click here.

Argumentum ad hominem (argument directed at the person). This is the error of attacking the character or motives of a person who has stated an idea, rather than the idea itself...
The playground variety attack on persons on this thread are as childish as they are fallacious. If you don't like my arguments for the war, attack them... not me. This is the way adults behave in disagreement and the reason Ad Hominem attacks are restricted by the TOS.

You'll notice I've attacked Anon's positions, rather than attacking Anon. A rational adult should be able to defend his positions, if he deems them defensible, without attacking me personally.
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Reply Sat 25 Mar, 2006 05:25 pm
The constant personal attacks bother me as well, but I do understand how people can say things out of anger in positions they feel strongly about. I think we have all been guilty of saying something in the heat of anger that we wished we could take back.
I know if someone attacks me, I tend to get angry and defensive, which of course doesn't do me one damn bit of justice, but it still happens.
I also know that if I give myself time to cool of before I respond, I will come back with something quite the opposite of a defensive post.
Sometimes I can't help myself and I end up saying something I truly wish I hadn't.
I have difficulty keeping my cool in subjects that to where I've experienced things that cause me to feel passionate about it and I think we're all built that way.
I think we've all said things we didn't mean out of anger, but I don't think we should have to keep paying for it.
Anon has had his own experiences that make him very passionate about this subject and he plans on explaining everything as soon as he's able to return.

I also think if we could all stop with the insults, people would be taken more seriously.

I may be a liberal (by other peoples standards), but I never judge anyone who isn't one and I wish everyone would at least try to get along, even if you don't agree with eachother.
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Reply Sun 26 Mar, 2006 09:02 am
McG's metaphor is spot on, if you take off the partisan shades, folks. But go ahead and keep snickering because you've found a way to call someone else a coward. Real big of you.

How many of you have joined the Peace Corp? Should you be required to if you think they do good work, or are otherwise supportive of their efforts? How many of you have worked for UNICEF? Does no one here have opinions of where they may be needed? I doubt Doctors without Borders ever has a surplus of labor volunteers. How many of you have done so? How many of you think the United States could have done a hell of a lot more for the victims of the Asian Tsunami? How many of you volunteered? Now how many of you think you should have been drafted into service for opining on such matters?

Like McG, I've never volunteered to be a soldier. I came close a couple of times, but never went through with it. I've also never volunteered for the Peace Corp. I came close a couple of times, but never went through with it.

At this stage in life; I believe I can accomplish more through sharing a percentage of my earnings than through volunteering my back. I've donated generously to every one of the causes listed above and feel well within my rights to opine about any of them without answering to anyone.

I don't fight crime (other than a few occasions when it was taking place in front of me), but don't feel it's fair I should be judged a coward for not signing up to be a cop full.

I don't fight fires (other than the time in college I used too much grease in a pot while trying to make my own French fries), but don't feel it's fair I should be judged a coward for not signing up to be a fire-fighter.

I've never been a soldier, but don't feel its fair I should be judged a coward for not signing up to be a soldier.

I also believe in Aids walks, the Million Man March, Pro-Choice Advocacy, Women's Shelters, the March of Dimes, Collecting for UNICEF, the Christian Children's Fund, etc, etc, etc, but haven't participated in all and don't always choose to make time for the one's I do. So what? Can any of you say you take a more proactive roll in the causes you believe in than I? Not counting generous personal donations to a multitude of Charities, I've sponsored and ladeled out soup kitchens for the homeless during holiday seasons, used my business to raise well over $10,000 last year for various local, national and international causes, etc, etc, etc. I have every reason to expect to double our charity drives this year, and catch up to what I've accomplished in year's past. Over the course of my adult life; I assure you Uncle Sam places a much higher value on the tax money raised that is directly attributed to my being a civilian, than any service I could possibly provide as a soldier.

The pretense of this thread is such that in the event a draft was necessary to defend our nation; only those with the courage to admit their convictions would be eligible for it. The true cowards would snicker and laugh, hurl insults like baby-killer and burn the flag, all the while exercising the very freedoms the targets of their insults provide. The author of this thread has stated "I can assure you that I have no phoney concerns for the military ... the more of them that get killed off ... the better!" and "When I heard about Pat Tillman being killed by friendly fire, I about broke a rib from laughing so hard!" Some leader you all have chosen to follow. Rolling Eyes

OB defends McG's false analogy as "spot on" but is not able to provide any justification that it is not, as has been demonstrtated, a false analogy. He then follows up with his own false analogy. Service in the Peace Corps to those who oppose the Iraq War does not equate to miltary service for those who support the Iraq War. It just doesn't. He then poses a classic strawman in an attempt to demonize war protestors. Then he implies that Anon is a coward. Then, amazingly, he spends the rest of the the thread decrying ad hominem attacks.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Mar, 2006 09:09 am
Anyway, back to the topic. The issue of others sending others to war to die has been discussed for ages. It is a perfectly valid argument. In this case, it not only applies to the leaders but thousands of "fighting keyboardists" who promote this travesty from the safety of their computers while avoiding the duty to serve their country in time of need.

Come you masters of war
You that build all the guns
You that build the death planes
You that build the big bombs
You that hide behind walls
You that hide behind desks
I just want you to know
I can see through your masks

You that never done nothin'
But build to destroy
You play with my world
Like it's your little toy
You put a gun in my hand
And you hide from my eyes
And you turn and run farther
When the fast bullets fly

Like Judas of old
You lie and deceive
A world war can be won
You want me to believe
But I see through your eyes
And I see through your brain
Like I see through the water
That runs down my drain

You fasten the triggers
For the others to fire
Then you set back and watch
When the death count gets higher
You hide in your mansion
As young people's blood
Flows out of their bodies
And is buried in the mud

You've thrown the worst fear
That can ever be hurled
Fear to bring children
Into the world
For threatening my baby
Unborn and unnamed
You ain't worth the blood
That runs in your veins

How much do I know
To talk out of turn
You might say that I'm young
You might say I'm unlearned
But there's one thing I know
Though I'm younger than you
Even Jesus would never
Forgive what you do

Let me ask you one question
Is your money that good
Will it buy you forgiveness
Do you think that it could
I think you will find
When your death takes its toll
All the money you made
Will never buy back your soul

And I hope that you die
And your death'll come soon
I will follow your casket
In the pale afternoon
And I'll watch while you're lowered
Down to your deathbed
And I'll stand o'er your grave
'Til I'm sure that you're dead

Bob Dylan
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Reply Sun 26 Mar, 2006 10:21 am
Roxxxanne wrote:
OB defends McG's false analogy as "spot on" but is not able to provide any justification that it is not, as has been demonstrtated, a false analogy. He then follows up with his own false analogy. Service in the Peace Corps to those who oppose the Iraq War does not equate to miltary service for those who support the Iraq War. It just doesn't. He then poses a classic strawman in an attempt to demonize war protestors. Then he implies that Anon is a coward. Then, amazingly, he spends the rest of the the thread decrying ad hominem attacks.
Laughing I demonstrated why I thought his analogy was spot on. You answered not one question. Please demonstrate why mine is false. It is also customary to demonstrate where and why a Strawman is a Strawman, which you'll find impossible; since I neither constructed one, nor made any attempt to demonize war protesters in general. Nor did I imply Anon was a coward; I quoted his words, opined they were disgusting and left any judgment up to you. This thread is ONE BIG AD HOMINEM attack. Read the definition provided... and follow the link provided if you continue to have trouble understanding why. Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Mar, 2006 10:42 am
Roxxxanne wrote:
Anyway, back to the topic. The issue of others sending others to war to die has been discussed for ages. It is a perfectly valid argument. In this case, it not only applies to the leaders but thousands of "fighting keyboardists" who promote this travesty from the safety of their computers while avoiding the duty to serve their country in time of need.
Laughing Supporting one fallacious argument with another is a sorry substitute for justification. In this case; you defend Ad Hominem with ad antiquitatem. This can also be learned about here.

Argumentum ad antiquitatem (the argument to antiquity or tradition). This is the familiar argument that some policy, behavior, or practice is right or acceptable because "it's always been done that way." This is an extremely popular fallacy in debate rounds; for example, "Every great civilization in history has provided state subsidies for art and culture!" But that fact does not justify continuing the policy.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Mar, 2006 10:57 am
I demonstrated why I thought his analogy was spot on.
You did? I must have missed it, can you point me to it?

Your strawman picked out the actions of a few and attempted to apply it it to all those who oppose war. That is textbook strawman.

I find it laughable that the one who turned this thread into "one big ad hominem" is the one who continues to decry it.

Argumentum ad antiquitatem (the argument to antiquity or tradition). This is the familiar argument that some policy, behavior, or practice is right or acceptable because "it's always been done that way." This is an extremely popular fallacy in debate rounds; for example, "Every great civilization in history has provided state subsidies for art and culture!" But that fact does not justify continuing the policy.['/quote]

OB you don't do pseudo-intellectual claptrap well. I merely pointed out that the issue has been around for ages. I didn't point to this as justification.
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