Montana wrote:I just spoke with Anon (email) and all I will say is that he has a lot to explain about those quotes, but is ovbiously unable to at the moment.
I believe he is prepared to defend himself when he is able.
How does one defend the indefensible? When Mystery Man first confronted him with those comments; he first childishly denied ever making them, then claimed he was misquoted and finally when the truth and accuracy of them was brought to bear, he stood by them. Nowhere on A2K have I ever seen him retract them or provide any rational explanation for them. I went to some length verifying the veracity (not wanting to believe anyone was that callous) and can assure you they are 100% accurate. I believe out of the same sense of fair play; Tico did the same. Each time he's confronted by his own words; he responds with childish Ad Hominem attacks on the person who quoted him, for doing nothing more than quoting him. I don't know, but wouldn't be surprised to learn, if that is precisely why he is suspended right now. If so, good.
This entire thread is an extrapolation of an Ad Hominem attack and serves mostly to promote flaming and derision, as opposed to rational debate. It amounts to a personal attack on people who hold a position rather than addressing the position itself. I wish everyone would follow the links Joefromchicago so frequently provides to develop better skills in discussion. I'd wager the staff of A2K wishes the same. If anyone's curious, or doubts the veracity of my description, please click
Quote:Argumentum ad hominem (argument directed at the person). This is the error of attacking the character or motives of a person who has stated an idea, rather than the idea itself...
The playground variety attack on persons on this thread are as childish as they are fallacious. If you don't like my arguments for the war, attack them... not me. This is the way adults behave in disagreement and the reason Ad Hominem attacks are restricted by the TOS.
You'll notice I've attacked Anon's positions, rather than attacking Anon. A rational adult should be able to defend his positions, if he deems them defensible, without attacking me personally.