Should War Supporters be Drafted into Active War Service

Reply Thu 23 Mar, 2006 11:28 am
I'm sure there are any number of international firms who would, as Halliburton did, fail to sanitize our GIs drinking water and then charge us an exorbitant fee for not doing so...
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Mar, 2006 12:07 pm
McGentrix wrote:
I would agree that the same situation occurs within the US military.

neat census information I found regarding US military.

doesn't say anything about economic background, but intresting.

I also found this:

Graph showing demographics of US Military enlistment

and this:

Graph showing US military recruitment by household income

from this site.

It has some intresting facts.

The plain fact is that the income distribution of recruits is nearly identical to the income distribu­tion of the general population ages 18-24. Because we lack individualized household income data, our approach does not indicate whether or not the recruits came from the poorer households in their neighborhoods. Nevertheless, Chart 3 shows that the difference between the 1999 recruit distribution of ZCTA income and the population distribution is below a single percentage point for 19 of the 20 income brackets. Yet even these slight differences show a sub­tle pattern: Proportionally, both poorer and richer areas provide slightly fewer recruits, and middle-income areas provide slightly more.

This evidence directly contradicts Representative Rangel's claim that under­privileged Americans are the source of military manpower and that the privileged are underrepresented. In fact, Chart 4 shows that every ZCTA income bracket below $40,000 provided the same number or fewer recruits after 9/11, while all brackets above $40,000 provided the same number or more.( second graph above)

Did any of this help you msolga?
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 23 Mar, 2006 12:15 pm
McGentrix wrote:

Did any of this help you msolga?

You mean, someone should wake her up to respond?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Mar, 2006 02:10 pm
McG's metaphor is spot on, if you take off the partisan shades, folks. But go ahead and keep snickering because you've found a way to call someone else a coward. Real big of you.

don't remember my calling anyone a coward, bill. although that word has been hurled at anti-war people for ever. for whatever reason, that is a situation where the almighty "value" of conviction comes under fire. and that comes to me like a double standard.

i do have to disagree with you about mcg's analogy. but i don't want to get into it with you. my beef is with him and his constant nattering about liberals, bla,bla,bla..

I've never been a soldier, but don't feel its fair I should be judged a coward for not signing up to be a soldier.

and i agree with you here. it's not for everyone. hats off to those that can do it and do it well.

The pretense of this thread is such that in the event a draft was necessary to defend our nation; only those with the courage to admit their convictions would be eligible for it.

not my interpretation here.

the draft is the great equalizer. everyone eligible gets their chance to stand up for what they believe. "yep, i'll go" or "nope, i don't believe in it.".

my take on this thread, bill, is that some who are the loudest cheerleaders for the iraq war and the most derisive of the anti-war folks don't seem to fully understand that we're not talking about a football game. or as some appear to view it, a simple game between conservatives and liberals.

sorry man, there's too much of the rhetoric that was going around during the vietnam war, another mistaken war of choice, for my taste.

seems a lot of people didn't learn a damn thing from that time. or they forgot. or they just don't care.

and i just feel like, if they didn't learn, don't want to remember or just don't care, they should put their money where there mouth is.

hurl insults like baby-killer and burn the flag, all the while exercising the very freedoms the targets of their insults provide. The author of this thread has stated "I can assure you that I have no phoney concerns for the military ... the more of them that get killed off ... the better!" and "When I heard about Pat Tillman being killed by friendly fire, I about broke a rib from laughing so hard!" Some leader you all have chosen to follow. Rolling Eyes

i agree that those statements are reprehensible. and represent the minority of anti-war people every bit as much as some here represent the zealotous liberal hating minority of mainstream americans.

i really do believe that people of good will, be they conservative, centrists or liberals have nothing but good wishes for the soldiers fighting in iraq and afghanistan.

it's our country's current leadership, that is using young american men and women in a war of ideology, not of need, in iraq that is deserving of scorn and the word coward. they've earned it. twice now.

see, here's the thing, to me; supporting a war is not the same as fighting that war.

so it's entirely bogus for someone to think that yelling at "liberals" and "doves" and all of that is the same as being a soldier. it's not.

does that make sense to you ?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Mar, 2006 05:47 pm
Walter Hinteler wrote:
McGentrix wrote:

Did any of this help you msolga?

You mean, someone should wake her up to respond?

Exactly, Walter. We Australians sleep at very odd (A2K) times! And I was A2King very late (again!) last night. Gotta change this before I go back to work on Monday.

Yes, that was helpful, McG. Thank you for taking the time to track those statistics down. Much appreciated. Interesting. I'm still making my way through the links you've provided. I was interested, also, in the composition of new military recruits since 9/11 & your links address that, too. I'm also wondering about the statistics about the troops who have died om duty in Iraq. I'm Googling now to see what I come up with.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Mar, 2006 06:23 pm
And this is the first link that came up in my search. Very sobering reading! Here are a few extracts:

War toll speaks to geography, class split
By Tom Bowman/ Baltimore Sun
Originally published October 30, 2005

Washington // Taken together, the stories of the 2,000 American soldiers who have died in Iraq in the past two years tell a poignant tale about who is bearing the largest burden.

The victims are disproportionately working-class young men, most in their 20s, Pentagon statistics show.

They are largely from the South or small towns and cities such as Bedford, Mass., and Gypsum, Colo., distant from the nation's political, cultural, academic and media centers.

They were raised in areas where uniformed service is common and respected, often near military bases or where the economy is struggling and prospects are limited, such as in northern Maine. ............


Southern, rural

As has been true through much of American history, Southern states have taken the lead in service and in death.

Thirty-one of the war dead came home to Mississippi in flag-draped coffins, one more than from Massachusetts, even though Massachusetts has nearly twice as many prime service-age men and woman as Mississippi - 325,000 vs. 180,000 ages 17 to 24.


Class concerns

For a number of years, defense analysts have worried about a growing divide between the military and much of society.

Senior Army officers say privately that there are only a handful of members of Congress who have sons or daughters in the military, although a third of the Army generals have children in uniform. ......


Volunteer force

Cohen wrote a commentary in The Washington Post in July and recalled being told by someone with no family or friends in uniform that the U.S. casualty rate in Iraq was not that high and that he shouldn't "get exercised about them." Cohen suppressed a desire "to slap the highly educated fool."

"As long as it's not their kid, they're not worried about it. If you want to end the war tomorrow, activate the draft," said Hart, who has pressed Congress for better military vehicle armor in the wake of his son's death. .............

<complete article>
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Mar, 2006 06:28 pm
I may not necessarily agree with the POV you're representing, McG, but it's good to see this kind of post from you. Compliments.

McGentrix wrote:
I would agree that the same situation occurs within the US military.

neat census information I found regarding US military.

doesn't say anything about economic background, but intresting.

I also found this:

Graph showing demographics of US Military enlistment

and this:

Graph showing US military recruitment by household income

from this site.

It has some intresting facts.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Mar, 2006 10:10 pm
DontTreadOnMe wrote:
i do have to disagree with you about mcg's analogy. but i don't want to get into it with you. my beef is with him and his constant nattering about liberals, bla,bla,bla..
McG's nattering about liberals is not only mirrored but exceeded by the constant derision of "neocons" etc. The conservatives and liberals I respect most are proud of their respective distinctions and don't seem to feel a need to spam every thread with idiotic crap like "idiot in chief", "liberal panzy's" or any other hyper partisan nonsense. This type of flaming only serves to incite further flaming. It is against the TOS, but it's so rampant it is a apparently too tedious to police. When you hear me refer to liberals, the far left, hawks or the far right; I am merely trying to identify the demographic I'm referring to. If you have issues with McG's use of the term "liberal"; I'd rather see you address that than align yourself with the mob mentality present in this thread. This thread is nothing more than a thinly veiled flame-baiting session for the obvious intention of accusing war supporters who haven't served of cowardice. It matters not at all who, how many, or if the word coward is used; the intention is clear. I've seen McG attacked in this manner more times than I can count and it strikes me as terribly childish, unfair and uncalled for. Anti-war doesn't mean coward. Neither does Pro-war, but hasn't served. The hypocrisy here should be apparent.

Anti-war doesn't mean naive about the dangers of this world. Pro-war doesn't mean naive about the consequences of war. Every generalized assertion to the contrary is the playground variety of flame baiting. You should choose a more appropriate setting to voice your complaints about McG's use of "liberal" if you don't want to be counted with the childish back-slapping BS that's going on here. The author of this thread set out to flame-bait and unjustly accuses an entire generalized group of being cowardly. He, and everyone who jumped on his childish bandwagon since, should be ashamed of themselves. Even if they feel they were just getting even. Unless of course, they believe two wrongs make a right. Rolling Eyes

DontTreadOnMe wrote:
I've never been a soldier, but don't feel its fair I should be judged a coward for not signing up to be a soldier.

and i agree with you here. it's not for everyone. hats off to those that can do it and do it well.
This agreement surprises me not at all, which is why I was taken aback to see you jump on the above mentioned bandwagon. You usually stand out as an independent thinker who passes on allegiance to such hyper partisan childishness. Where I can't fathom how anyone could think attempting to free the Iraqis is anything but noble; you can't fathom how anyone could think war will accomplish it. Rarely does either of us reach for the Ad Hominem substitute for debate displayed in this thread. Between you and I, reasonable disagreement is the norm.

DontTreadOnMe wrote:
The pretense of this thread is such that in the event a draft was necessary to defend our nation; only those with the courage to admit their convictions would be eligible for it.

not my interpretation here.

the draft is the great equalizer. everyone eligible gets their chance to stand up for what they believe. "yep, i'll go" or "nope, i don't believe in it.".
The result would remain the same. Think about it.

DontTreadOnMe wrote:
my take on this thread, bill, is that some who are the loudest cheerleaders for the iraq war and the most derisive of the anti-war folks don't seem to fully understand that we're not talking about a football game. or as some appear to view it, a simple game between conservatives and liberals.
Yep. And some who are the loudest naysayers about the the Iraqi War and the most derisive of the Pro-War folks, don't seem to fully understand that there is room for reasonable disagreement on the Iraqi War. I don't believe you'd put me in the category you mentioned above, so why ally yourself with the simple-minded generalization? Am I not among the loudest cheerleaders? Read my sig-line again.

DontTreadOnMe wrote:
sorry man, there's too much of the rhetoric that was going around during the vietnam war, another mistaken war of choice, for my taste.

seems a lot of people didn't learn a damn thing from that time. or they forgot. or they just don't care.
You've tagged it. "another mistaken war, for YOUR taste" We don't all view it the way you do, or even agree or disagree for the same reasons.

DontTreadOnMe wrote:
and i just feel like, if they didn't learn, don't want to remember or just don't care, they should put their money where there mouth is.
What if they did learn, do remember and do care? My father was (or if you ask him is forever) a Marine. He agrees wholeheartedly with the action in Iraq and even contemplated trying to get back in, though he's in his 60's.

My stepfather was drafted and served as a door-gunner in a helicopter (too nice of a man for that job, F'd him up bad for many, many years after). He too agrees not only with this action completely, but his guilt from Veitnam is in no small part on account of abandoning people who were later "slaughtered when we didn't finish the job". He would agree with you that that war wasn't our fight, but once there felt we owed it them to do what we promised to do, and on the very rare occasions that he talks about it, still holds that conviction to this day. After doing his duty, in a war he never signed up for, he was chastised as babykiller, spit on and generally regarded as a bastard by the draft dodgers who refused to answer the call. This man wasn't cut out to be a soldier and would never have volunteered... claims he's never been in even a fist fight in his entire life... yet he still served with honor, dignity and if the war had proved to be more important than it did, would have been regarded as an American Hero... not a baby killer. Should such a man be forced to choose between his conviction that the Iraqi war was necessary or pretend he doesn't believe in it because he isn't, himself, cut out to be a soldier? Bullshit.

Like him, I believe I would answer the call to service if I were drafted. The FACT that I haven't volunteered for it grants no one the right stifle my opinions, suggest I should put my money where my mouth is or otherwise imply I'm too cowardly to do so... accept those who have actually done so themselves. I wouldn't agree, but I would hear it from them with some shame and little complaint. The funny thing is; I can't recall any of those brave souls ever doing so. It is generally the smug hypocrite, who's just as opinionated, who thinks they've found some justifiable way to insult those who disagree with them. They haven't. They've found a childish playground taunt and I'm sorry to hear you concur with it.

DontTreadOnMe wrote:
hurl insults like baby-killer and burn the flag, all the while exercising the very freedoms the targets of their insults provide. The author of this thread has stated "I can assure you that I have no phoney concerns for the military ... the more of them that get killed off ... the better!" and "When I heard about Pat Tillman being killed by friendly fire, I about broke a rib from laughing so hard!" Some leader you all have chosen to follow. Rolling Eyes

i agree that those statements are reprehensible. and represent the minority of anti-war people every bit as much as some here represent the zealotous liberal hating minority of mainstream americans.

i really do believe that people of good will, be they conservative, centrists or liberals have nothing but good wishes for the soldiers fighting in iraq and afghanistan.
I know this about you which is why I know you don't belong aligned with some of the hyper partisan idiocy mentioned above.

DontTreadOnMe wrote:
it's our country's current leadership, that is using young american men and women in a war of ideology, not of need, in iraq that is deserving of scorn and the word coward. they've earned it. twice now.
Here, we usually reasonably disagree.

DontTreadOnMe wrote:
see, here's the thing, to me; supporting a war is not the same as fighting that war.

so it's entirely bogus for someone to think that yelling at "liberals" and "doves" and all of that is the same as being a soldier. it's not.

does that make sense to you ?
[/quote]Absolutely and I concur completely. The problem is that nothing in this thread separates the hyper partisan right who may rightly deserve your scorn from the reasonable man who simply disagrees. The generalization is as idiotic as the generalization that Anti-War people are so, because they are cowards.

It is equally bogus for someone to think that yelling at "conservatives" and all of that is the same as volunteering for the Peace Corp. All are entitled to their opinions and blanket insults of either group who hasn't volunteered prior to opining are as infantile as they are uncalled for. No?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Mar, 2006 05:57 am
Top Ten Reasons Dick Cheney Won't EVER Resign...

10. Trying to fix up Condi Rice with his daughter

9. Turns out when you shoot somebody, if you're not vice president, you gotta do time

8. Bush leaves at two every day and then it's margaritas and Fritos

7. Set the solitare high score on his office computer

6. Wants to see if he can help Bush get his approval rating under ten

5. Too hard to give up Vice Presidential Discount at D.C. area Sam Goody stores

4. Wants to stay on the job until every country in the world hates us

3. Extra-zappy White House defibrillators

2. Undisclosed location has foosball and whores

1. Why quit when things are going so well?
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 24 Mar, 2006 12:08 pm
Sorry to report that Anon has been suspended for a short while, but will be back in a few days - we hope.

In the mean time, I agree with him that all you arm-chair hawks just don't know what you're talking about when it comes to fighting in a war; not even a tiny bit.

War is hell, and it's a malignancy of mankind. All of you including ican talk through your arses when you think our troops are winning anything in Iraq.

They've won over 2,300 deaths and over 16,000 wounded for a cause that is still termed a "quagmire" or even a civil war by most definitions of the term, and that doesn't even consider the loss of the Iraqi People that continues to get worse - not better. .
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Mar, 2006 12:53 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
Sorry to report that Anon has been suspended for a short while, but will be back in a few days - we hope.

In the mean time, I agree with him that all you arm-chair hawks just don't know what you're talking about when it comes to fighting in a war; not even a tiny bit.

War is hell, and it's a malignancy of mankind. All of you including ican talk through your arses when you think our troops are winning anything in Iraq.

They've won over 2,300 deaths and over 16,000 wounded for a cause that is still termed a "quagmire" or even a civil war by most definitions of the term, and that doesn't even consider the loss of the Iraqi People that continues to get worse - not better. .

It's obvious that some people just don't give a sh!t!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Mar, 2006 01:29 pm
Montana wrote:
cicerone imposter wrote:
Sorry to report that Anon has been suspended for a short while, but will be back in a few days - we hope.

In the mean time, I agree with him that all you arm-chair hawks just don't know what you're talking about when it comes to fighting in a war; not even a tiny bit.

War is hell, and it's a malignancy of mankind. All of you including ican talk through your arses when you think our troops are winning anything in Iraq.

They've won over 2,300 deaths and over 16,000 wounded for a cause that is still termed a "quagmire" or even a civil war by most definitions of the term, and that doesn't even consider the loss of the Iraqi People that continues to get worse - not better. .

It's obvious that some people just don't give a sh!t!
One need only look at Anon's word's quoted in my post to see who those some people really are. Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 24 Mar, 2006 01:34 pm
OB, I scrolled through this whole thread, but could not find your response to Anon.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Mar, 2006 02:03 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
OB, I scrolled through this whole thread, but could not find your response to Anon.
Click Here.

The author of this thread has stated "I can assure you that I have no phoney concerns for the military ... the more of them that get killed off ... the better!" and "When I heard about Pat Tillman being killed by friendly fire, I about broke a rib from laughing so hard!"
Those are direct quotes that I saved on my computer. You have my word they are accurate. Sad
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 24 Mar, 2006 02:26 pm
Your link seems to respond to DontThreadOnMe, but I have seen nothing from Anon in your post.

Please clarify.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Mar, 2006 07:40 pm
Confused C.I., I re-quoted the referenced quote from Anon in the post just above (he authored this thread). Do you want to see in it's own quote boxes? OK…

Anon-Voter wrote:
Hey Jackie,

I can assure you that I have no phoney concerns for the military ... the more of them that get killed off ... the better!

Then there's this:
Anon-Voter wrote:
...When I heard about Pat Tillman being killed by friendly fire, I about broke a rib from laughing so hard! Morons! I consider killing off the hopelessly stupid a beneficial thinning of the human ranks!

I can ill imagine a better example for Montana's
Montana wrote:
It's obvious that some people just don't give a sh!t!
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 24 Mar, 2006 07:43 pm
OB, Thanks. That "is" going way over the line of decency, and now understand your response.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Mar, 2006 09:06 pm
I was wondering where Anon had vanish to! Didn't sound like the sort of thing he'd do: start a thread then abandon it for no good reason, while it was in full swing.

The idea of someone being killed by "friendly fire" is quite bizarre! I mean, was the shooter waving & smiling as he shot his victim? I hate the twisting & turning of the truth of the situation, the weasel words that are used in an attempt to make the unpalatable palatable! I mean is it better that someone has died as a result of "friendly fire" than to have died in combat? Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Mar, 2006 09:08 pm
Question from a foreigner: Who is Pat Tillman?
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 24 Mar, 2006 09:14 pm
msolga, Anon was "suapended" from a2k for about one week.
0 Replies

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