Momma Angel wrote:
1. When they first realize this about themselves, what goes through their mind? Do they think it's ok? If so, why? If not, why? Do they think it's not ok because of others or because of what they feel or believe themselves?
Well, it was kind of a gradual process, you see, something you don't want to hear about. At first, I wasn't too ready to admit it to myself.
In retrospect, I think this had something to do with the general disgust my old schoolmates felt about homosexuality and its act. I say, in retrospect, because at the time, I just thought it was wrong and didn't even explore the concept of why did I think it was wrong.
Of course, the derogative term, wanker, also made me reluctant to masturbate because my logic was if its a derogorative term, someone who masturbates can't really be a good person.
It couldn't have been because of the Bible, because I never got round to reading those parts of it in my Bible studies.
So it had to be the reaction of the other classmates, that made me think it was wrong or at least made me initially think it was wrong. In the end, I just didn't care.
Quote:2. For those that decide to follow their orientation (am I getting better at the terms?) what are their main concerns? Living their life as they believe it is or should be or conforming to society for reasons of their own?
Main concerns. My one main concern is to have a loving boyfriend, but that's only in relation to sexuality. In reality, my sexuality doesn't really top my list of main life concerns.
As far as I'm concerned, conforming to society is being yourself, contributing through taxes and through act of charity, and just trying to not rock the boat when it doesn't need any rocking.
My sexuality doesn't concern me too much. I just don't talk about it that much. Most of the time, I operate under the policy of, "if you don't ask, I won't tell."
I hope this isn't too personal and if it is, I completely understand.
Well, you asked nicely, at least I think you did. (I can't quite remember). So to answer your questions it the least I could do.