Haven't those questions already been answered, though?
(Any gay members out there who can humor her by answering?)
Here are a few results of "coming out stories", with lots of first-person narratives that answer your questions:
This one is a good example there:
Quote:When I was teen-aged, I was attracted to other guys. When I went away to
college, I was ashamed of my attraction and strove dilligently to be
attracted to women; I really wanted a relationship and wanted to be loved
and to love another person in "that special way." I dated women, but was
sexually attracted to men. When I was 20, I fell in love with a woman
and at age 21, we got married. I hoped my attraction to men would just
sort of drift away or stop completely. I struggled for 14 years in this
marriage and had two children. I tried and tried and tried to be happy
in my marriage, but the underlying fact was that I was gay. Period. I
really tried to choose to be straight, but it just wouldn't work.
Finally, after years of struggling and a lot of counseling and therapy,
we decided it was best to end the marriage. So, from personal
experience, I can honestly say that one does not CHOOSE one's sexual
orientation. It is not a choice. It just is. No one, I don't care how
vehement they are, can ever convince me that it is a choice to go through
the hell that I did. I wouldn't choose to be gay, if it were a choice.
I'd much rather live the simple life and not have to defent myself
against boneheads and bigots. I couldn't and I suggest that no one
really can choose their sexual orientation. I'm happy to say now that my
ex-wife continues to be a good friend and is supportive of my
relationship with another man; my children love me (in fact, my 16 year
old son LIVES with my partner and me); my family of origin hasn't
rejected me; and I have a strong spiritual life (non-christian). The
only people that I have problems with are those who don't even try to
understand what I've been through and look at the world through their
narrow view that says "god" hates me and that justifies their bigotry and
Repeat after me: "It's not a choice to be gay or straight. It just is."
This one seems pretty comprehensive, with a search function and everything:
I have had lots of conversations about this, and can give my answers based on those conversations:
1.) The answer to this one is almost always, no, they don't think it's OK. They're terrified and want it to go away. This goes back to default mode. Default mode in the US today is that heterosexual relationships are good, healthy, and what is done -- homosexual relationships are bad, scary, and to be avoided if possible. This can be overcome, but it's default.
2.) I think the main concern is, this sexual orientation is not going away, I need to learn to deal with it, how do I do so?
3.) I think "society" and "their own beliefs" is too entertwined here... people's beliefs are hugely influenced by society. If a child grows up in a family, community, and society that thinks homosexuality is bad, that child will probably grow up thinking that homosexuality is bad, too.
If you want to go on the bible tangent, please answer the question about whether you've worn a garment that was a poly/ cotton mix, ever.