Advice from women?

Reply Wed 15 Mar, 2006 08:14 pm
I don't think so. That's me.

Yeah, I've seen the one where they glued the hay to the wall and I cringed all through the shop. That's just insane, lol.

Hey, you're doing great. the point is not to hook up with someone right away, but to help you become more social ;-)
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Reply Wed 15 Mar, 2006 08:47 pm
I know I know, but I wouldn't do this at all if I didn't think it owuld at least eventually get me a girlfriend..... there's really not much else I want in the world..... besides an MP3 player with more storage space....
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Reply Wed 15 Mar, 2006 08:58 pm
OK, we're not getting him the MP3...
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Reply Wed 15 Mar, 2006 08:59 pm
Montana, I thought you were in the second row from the top. I didn't mean to steal your identity. I don't wanna play anymore now. <sniff>
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Reply Wed 15 Mar, 2006 09:13 pm
Perplexed wrote:
I know I know, but I wouldn't do this at all if I didn't think it owuld at least eventually get me a girlfriend..... there's really not much else I want in the world..... besides an MP3 player with more storage space....

Everything comes in time, Perplexed and it'll happen when you least expect it ;-)
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Reply Wed 15 Mar, 2006 09:15 pm
cyphercat wrote:
Montana, I thought you were in the second row from the top. I didn't mean to steal your identity. I don't wanna play anymore now. <sniff>

There there, it's ok. Please don't be sad Crying or Very sad
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Reply Wed 15 Mar, 2006 09:23 pm
You know, Perplexed, I just want to say that although I know it's no fun to not have a partner when you want one, keep in mind that you can also make the most of this alone time. Take advantage of the time until you find a girlfriend by making yourself really ready to have a partner.

Do you live by yourself, or at least out of your parents' home? If you do, then this is the time of your life when you learn to be self-sufficient and all that kinda stuff. Do take cooking classes, learn to do all kinds of stuff around the house, etc, and when you do get a girlfriend, you'll be a real catch.

Almost any girl would rather be with a guy who's had time to grow up and learn who he is (not to mention learn to clean up after himself), even if that means he's not done a lot of dating yet, than a guy who's just been partying and hanging out.
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Reply Wed 15 Mar, 2006 09:24 pm
It's okay Montana, even though you did take the cutest girl. Smile
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Reply Wed 15 Mar, 2006 09:28 pm
I think she's the prettiest one, so of course I had to snag her ;-)
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Reply Thu 16 Mar, 2006 06:15 am
Perplexed wrote:
I know I know, but I wouldn't do this at all if I didn't think it owuld at least eventually get me a girlfriend..... there's really not much else I want in the world..... besides an MP3 player with more storage space....

Well, maybe talk to a gal listening to an MP3 player. Smile

Seriously, though, it's a dance. Sometimes you go forward, sometimes you go backward and, er, sometimes you just wave your arms and look a little silly.
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Reply Thu 16 Mar, 2006 06:50 am
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Reply Thu 16 Mar, 2006 07:38 am
cyphercat wrote:
It's okay Montana, even though you did take the cutest girl. Smile

nu huh, I took the cutest girl, 2nd row down, 1st or 2nd from the left, dark hair....she's a hottie...I'd do her.
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Reply Thu 16 Mar, 2006 08:28 am
jespah wrote:

Seriously, though, it's a dance. Sometimes you go forward, sometimes you go backward and, er, sometimes you just wave your arms and look a little silly.

The best description of dating for love, I've ever seen. Very Happy Great, jespah.
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Reply Thu 16 Mar, 2006 09:56 am
10q Embarrassed
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Reply Thu 16 Mar, 2006 10:47 am
I'm pretty down today. I didn't go to school, it snowed but not so badly I couldn't go, I just couldn't be bothered.

I had a dream last night, which, without going into detail about what actually happened in the dream, was about my feelings of loneliness and inadequacy...

I hate feeling this way, if God had to make us, why did he have to make us incomplete?
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mystery girl
Reply Thu 16 Mar, 2006 10:52 am
Perplexed wrote:
I'm pretty down today. I didn't go to school, it snowed but not so badly I couldn't go, I just couldn't be bothered.

I had a dream last night, which, without going into detail about what actually happened in the dream, was about my feelings of loneliness and inadequacy...

I hate feeling this way, if God had to make us, why did he have to make us incomplete?

Do you mean incomplete in the sense you've been talking about here - relationship-wise?

What are you looking for?
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Reply Thu 16 Mar, 2006 10:54 am
Yeah pretty much.

I wasn't really looking for an answer, I just wanted to complain
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mystery girl
Reply Thu 16 Mar, 2006 10:57 am
Perplexed wrote:
Yeah pretty much.

I wasn't really looking for an answer, I just wanted to complain

I know. I was just curious what you're looking for in general. Sorry you are feeling low. Sad
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Bella Dea
Reply Thu 16 Mar, 2006 10:57 am
Well perplexed, if you are looking for someone else to fill that hole in you, then you will be looking and miserable for a long time. No one can "complete" you. They can compliment you but not complete you. That is something only you can do.
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Reply Thu 16 Mar, 2006 11:09 am
I want a woman to love me! I want her to kis me and hold me, I want her to care about my feelings, to worry about me, to think and wonder about me and miss me when I'm gone. I want her to talk to me, listen to me, I want her to come to me with her problems and to help me with mine. I want her to smile when she sees me, I want her eyes to soften when she looks into mine, and when we go to sleep at night, I want her to lie in my arms and think "I'm so glad to have a man who cares about me so much" and I want to do all those things for her.....
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