I am rather fond of the famed lack of ability at war of italians and the general efforts toward sustaining stressed populations. It all may or not be true, re italian facility at war, but to the extent it is, it reflects not on clumsiness - I am so tired of hearing about this about these masters of art, style, architecture, etc. - but interest in family and village, not so much to yet another of passing governments. (Yes, I have heard of Mussolini and also of the mafia, camorra, n'dhroghata.)
We've all noticed, Osso, that while Italy's army has never been very scary, it's mafia is. Conversely, Isreal's fighting forces are formidable, but noone is afraid of Jews on the street.
Not all italians are mafia associated.
I admit I have learned they are extremely fond of bird hunting, to the decimation of the bird population, but I don't know if that is old news - heh, I don't know much. Seemed that way in my relatively short time in Tuscany. On the other hand, that is a land that has been through centuries of deprivation, not least in various occupations during WWII, with food very sparse.
Still, the romans did small birds in a pie, or some such, didn't they?
I know. My efforts at humor are sometimes in poor taste. Very very few Italians are mafia related, and I know some tough jews. But I know very many more bad Chicanos. Ha! Stop me.
You know we will be in Italy this summer, where the avion flu is now present. I wonder if I should avoid eating fowl.
Lightwizard, You scolded me in the "Gannon whitehouse " thread then I find you in here pulling shinanagins with the rest of'em??

It didn't post very well. Tried to use Photo Bucket but have to enlarge the image.
Sorry, I overdid the enlargment!