sozobe wrote:You're doing so great with this OTQ, I'm impressed.
Well heaps of thinking has been done the last 5 weeks with this councelor .
They are incredible , she has NEVER once given me an answer to the questions i couldnt answer and by the end of the session i found the answer as she turned everything around and menipulated sentances to just make things make sense .
This counceling has been nothing about Miss X really , its all been a self awareness chapter about me .
I have learnt in the last month that my life revolves around people / attention and my main problem competition . This is where all my issues with miss X have stemmed from deep down , and the competition is the big problem .
I just have to finally lose on this one , well maybee not use that terminology but i have to give up and throw in the towel on this girl , if she sends text messages , ive got to just let it go and not even aknowledge them , if she comes up to me 1 on 1 when were out , ive just got to put my head down and tail between my legs and walk away ...
As i mentioned before in counceling , my competitive nature makes so much sense on miss x , im learning to discover and maybee have allready that this is all about the chase and kill than actually being in love with her , i think i just got cought up in the chase ( could have been anyone really ) and now with all the build up in my head its just blown into something its not . DUNNO
Anyway , woke up this morning and thought about what i was told last night bout her 2 toyboys ... shes a F u c k i n g scrag , shes a cock tease , shes as immature as her daughter , shes unstable and i dont know if i mewntioned it ... a sex whore .... gees , things are coming to light all of a sudden

. 1 thing i am dissapointed in as well is that apart from the sleeping with others like she did , everything else im guilty of as well so does this make me the same person as her , am i all of the above ... ahh too much to think about atm , brains gone into overload .
Bloody hell , i hate losing but ive got to accept it ..... by the way , losing in the sense that she will now feel more of the player , but then again , who can hold their head up high ... its me for calling this move so maybee i am the winner ... ill try and drill that winner line into my head as well to make me feel better and less bitter towards her .
Mixed emotions atm , this post is all over the place and contradictive but its how i feel this morning .