Can berating other members be bad for A2k?
crayon851 wrote:Soo can someone care to share some intellect with me

I am just thursting for knowledge and such and also searching to broaden my vocabulary. My writing seems elementary compared to all of yours.
Please keep in mind, Crayon, there is something more important than vocabulary. Anyone can look up a word in a matter of seconds on the Internet. But it takes intelligence to be able to read and effectively understand what the poster has said.
If you haven't already, you'll discover that either because of carelessness or a lack of a well-rounded education, many people won't really read what you've carefully written. Even if they do, a lot of times they will interpret it through their own prejudiced viewpoint. So what I suggest is to make sure your reading comprehension and English composition skills are up to par. You would be shocked at the number of people who graduate high school who can't diagram sentences. These skills will prove invaluable to you in the future, in ways you might not be aware.
Good Communication: Thoroughly understanding what someone has said, and effectively relaying your thoughts in an
acceptable manner are paramount in every area of life.