crayon851 wrote:I just turned 19 and my favourite colour of crayon would have to be red.
Cool. Happy Birthday.
Red is not bad.
I prefer lime green though. With black being a close second. I'm 20-something.
Regarding the berating: Don't take it too personally. Or too seriously. I look at it this way: sometimes it helps us sharpen and focus our thoughts. Painful? Sometimes.
However, this is the "Philosophy & DEBATE" forum.
I haven't been able to find the "You are Great Forum" yet. Humor Forum is as close as it gets.
Can berating other members be bad for A2k?
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:I want to know everyone's age---right now!

Very well, if you must. Let's see, according to my birth certificate...
October 26, at 3:50 PM (CST)
Odessa, Texas
Height: 5' 4 1/2"
(in silk-stocking feet)
Hair: Blonde
(born with it)
Weight: Nice
Tatoos: 0
Piercing: Ears - ONE hole, each lobe
(and that's it!)
Father's Occupation: Musician
(MCA Records)
Mother's Occupation: Homemaker
(makes music at home)
Anything else? Email me.
FYI: Age is a mass hypnotic, erroneous world belief. You can take that to the bank!!
Favorite Color of Crayon: It depends on my mood. I LOVE THEM ALL!!!
I'm over 60 - that's as precise as I'm gonna get.
I don't much do cutesy emoticons and SMS stuff - well, I guess I do hafta admit I sprinkle the standard emoticons around a bit (tastefully and with restraint always, however) - and I have little regard for ridiculous propositions and/or absurd, inept arguments.
There is a distinction to be made between critiquing a presentation and attacking the presenter - a distinction some fail to make. For one to infer personal attack when in fact it is one's presentation which is derided or ridiculed indicates both a lack of critical thought and of reading comprehension. Such misapprehension serves further, particularly when pursued with vigor, to validate the criticisms levelled against the presentation under fire.
Now, it seems to me anyone participating here pretty much is welcome to offer any proposition or observation they wish, and any proposition or observation offered is subject to challenge and critique. This is a public, open-discussion website; thats what its all about. There are plenty of mutual-admiration, single-point-of-view forums out there on the 'net; this ain't one of 'em. Here you'll find disagreement - on just about anything.
A modicum of civility and decorum are expected - those participating here are supposed to be adults and to behave in adult manner, after all - and those who persistently overstep the bounds generally find themselves not only unwelcome but unable to participate. Respect is a 2-way proposition; one gets what one gives whether or not one's point of view pertaining to any one or another particular is congruent with the majority point of view on that particular.
Whether casting bait or rising to bait, one so engaged is participating in the practice of trolling. When it comes to the nuances and finer points of baiting, some folks seem to be masters of the craft.
Oh, and crayon - while there are some participating here who rightly may be termed barely computer literate, some here display rather more competence in the field. A2K is a thriving, vibrant internet community, an extraordinarily diverse community by any standard - age, ideology, education, erudition, interest - something one may determine only by exploring it. A2K is what you make of it; what you get from it precisely reflects what you bring to it.
MUST LEARN MORE. Its good to know that some of you are older than me so it means I can learn from you guys without having to rush to catch up to anyone

^^ thx
I stopped counting at 29
Hey extra medium: nice to see you again!!
48, and underimpressed by it
Nice to see O'Bill and extra medium here.
What would A2K be without a bit of rampaging? Boring.
hmmmm, is that why Craven hasn't been around?
Can berating other members be bad for A2k?
ehBeth wrote:48, and underimpressed by it
Nice to see O'Bill and extra medium here.
What would A2K be without a bit of rampaging? Boring.
hmmmm, is that why Craven hasn't been around?
ehBeth, that means in Chihuahua years, you're only approaching 7. You still have a long way to go!
that means Setanta's avatar and I are the same age, and the dog and the dawg are older than both of us
The same number as the famous old route that goes out west.
Soo can someone care to share some intellect with me

I am just thursting for knowledge and such and also searching to broaden my vocabulary. My writing seems elementary compared to all of yours.
Just explore and read, crayon, there is an awful lot to see here.
Can berating other members be bad for A2k?
Phoenix32890 wrote:The same number as the famous old route that goes out west.
To get your kicks on Route 66, call Phoenix32-890, oh!
When you become 77, you can strip at sunset. :wink:
Any suggestions on good books? I need something to fill in the void. Ih ave so much time on my hands now, since I am looking for a job and finished with secondary schooling, awaiting my arrival at the post secondary institutions
Down and Out in Paris and London, George Orwell . . . you can read it in a day . . .
Phoenix, I give up, you are indeed older and if not wiser, cough, have more patina than I do, but not by much. <Wipes patina off shoulders...>
(Welcome, Crayon..)
Thinking of "Down and Out", I've always had a special appreciation for
Down and Out: Fear and Loating in Las Vegas
Prolly a sorta "Shared Experience" thing
Can berating other members be bad for A2k?
crayon851 wrote:Soo can someone care to share some intellect with me

I am just thursting for knowledge and such and also searching to broaden my vocabulary. My writing seems elementary compared to all of yours.
Crayon, as a new member, you won't be able to have private messaging for a very long time, if ever. So in the meantime, why not open a free web email account such as with Yahoo!, and post the address in your profile? This is what I've done.
Or, ya know, discuss things on this discussion forum of which we are all members... ;-)