Wed 19 Nov, 2008 04:59 am
Got up this morning to a great new "look" at A2K. There was an introductory page that had kinds of threads by category. The colors were different. Liked them. And I love that the "2" in A2K looks like a question mark.
Robert, you have done a great job. I think that the site is much more attractive, and easier to navigate. Congratulations!
What does the rest of the gang think?
FAB!!!!! Lovin' the makeover! Well done all!
Appreciate the new look greatly, congratulations guys for a job well done.
those are questions (not discussions) that have yet to be marked as answered by the author...
Much more attractive.
Not sure on the navigation yet but it feels more like the old a2k.
@Bella Dea,
I love it...the able 2 (as a question mark) know is very cute! Much more inviting
Undoubtedly a job well done.
I like it. I will bitch no more. I promise. At least not about the site.
Great new look, because there are no ads, (yet).
The look just seemed odd with all that blank space on the sides. I wondered why the text wasn't going all the way to the edge and then realized there were no girls in bikinis to ignore.
oooooooooooooooh..... did it just change again... I have another new look now!!!!

Looking good still!
I really like it too!
Especially like the question mark in the new logo.
Looks good. Would like the "New Posts" link to be at the far left, but maybe that's just me.
I love the new width of the posts page with nothing cut off for me!
Well done!
The blues are nice. I like the "Reply to All" feature available at the bottom of the thread page.
I love the "Reply to All" at the bottom, y'all. Thanks. It's looking good.