I'm one year and one week older ... and wiser.
blueveinedthrobber wrote:I'm 56 going on 14....
Gosh, I always had you pegged for at least 19.
that's because I'm so mature....
Walter Hinteler wrote:I'm one year and one week older ... and wiser.
So it's true that one gets wiser when one gets older---even if you can't remember when you were more unwise?
One thing I've noticed: If there's a heated exchange going on in a political thred, there's little point trying to jump in with a comment about the topic. The bashing will go on above and below your post as though it never happened.
It's kind of like being invisible and invulnerable in the middle of a riot. Kinda cool.
See? - it's not only with age you get wiser!
When I got my university-entrance diploma from high school, it was called in those days "certificate of maturity".
I hope that answers your question, BBB
I could post a "Good Morning A2K" thread and get bereated.
But that's just me.
If I have to post this one more time, I think that I am going to throw up.
. . .
I swear that I am going to copy this post and save it on my hard drive. I am sick to death of posting this over and over to people who don't understand the concept. Didn't everybody learn about "Freedom of Speech" in civics class?
Gosh, I feel berated and hurt.
Well I admit that when they were talking about freedom of speech in civics class, I was looking at that punk rock girl with the commie t-shirt (and no bra).
But seriously, that would be kind of cool if you saved that post on your hard drive.
And you'd deserve every foul word and insult you garnered, you right-wing, gun-lovin', wetback hatin' . . . i ran outta nasty things to call ya, just fill in the blanks yerself . . .
. . . and good morning to you too, goddamnit . . .
I've also posted threads with absolutely no commentary of my own, and been berated simply for posting it. Go figure.
Political correctness runs rampant here at A2K.
I like Slappy's sig line: "Being politically correct is gay".
That applies equally to the right as to the left, as well . . .
Set, you forgot "cat killin'".
Now try stop killing cats..
Do you kill cats?
Good for you . . . ever-body knows that cats is the spawn of SATAN ! ! !
I'm heading back over to the "Insult chain game". See ya!
cjhsa wrote:Set, you forgot "cat killin'".
AALERT! ALERT! The cat killers are invading A2K.
I just turned 19 and my favourite colour of crayon would have to be red. Set, must continue throwing out insults? If you haven't read my earlier post I stated an apology for your misinterpretation of my initial post. I never meant for anything to come off snide and sarcastic and I apologized, whcih you should do as well for your remarks. Thing is, I apologized, you didnt . NOW can you please put this aside and stop throwing out insults? Or is that just your way of having fun?
crayon851 wrote:I just turned 19 and my favourite colour of crayon would have to be red. Set, must continue throwing out insults? If you haven't read my earlier post I stated an apology for your misinterpretation of my initial post. I never meant for anything to come off snide and sarcastic and I apologized, whcih you should do as well for your remarks. Thing is, I apologized, you didnt . NOW can you please put this aside and stop throwing out insults? Or is that just your way of having fun?
Fun? Fun? Set doesn't do fun. He's too much of a sour pus to have fun.