Magginkat wrote:RexRed wrote:Cycloptichorn wrote:Quote:Shw was welcome to wear`that t-shirt outside. Nothing has happened to free speech. Not only should she have been arrested, but the fashion police should have slapped her around as well.
It's the state of the union address, not a street performance. Decorum please.
There is no law against wearing T-shirts inside. The Bushies would have been better served to let her stay while wearing it; she would have looked silly.
Is there a law prohibiting what she did? Or have we decided that the 1st amendment is outdated as well?
Just as Cindy unethically uses her dead son to promoter her hate America agenda she intended to use our elected presidents state of the union address to promote her radical special interest, get rich quick, treason...
She has lost ALL credibility with that Hugo visit/hug. Even the democrats are distancing themselves from her FAST! The only people that are with her now are the scourges of society, anarchists and flag burners...
Better Dead Than Red ......... and I mean that in more ways than one.
You rabid right wing nut cases are calling for the same thing that Adolph Hilter was calling for before he took over Germany. You don't even seem to have the sense to realize it or else you just don't give a damn.
No one loses credibility just because you say so. Who do you think died and appointed you god?
I have chosen the name rexred because my name is Eric which, Rex is the Greek form of the name Eric also I am of Norwegian decent and my father could trace his family back to Eric the Red. I am proud of my heritage... so what!
The democratic party is
dead due to their own obstructionist policies.
I happen to be a moderate which just clearly shows me how far left you are...
I believe in gay marriage, I was not 100% for Samuel Alito, I believe in Jesus Christ, I believe in choice, I believe in tax cuts for the poor but I do not believe in Cindy Sheehan ONE SINGLE BIT!
I also believe in social security reform and the patriot act. I believe in war but inside I am actually a pacifist. Why??? Because I can think for myself, unlike you and I do not follow any party lines other than my own conscience. I can see right through you because of this and you are nothing but a brainless collection of talking points that prove only that you are incapable of an original thought of your own.
So you can push your color thing and toss out Hitler's name all you want but most Americans see this for what it is. Nothing but radical left wing special interest partisan politics... And you are the one OUT THERE my friend.
So when I use words like patriotism, loyalty and respect for God, my country AND president... I ACTUALLY MEAN IT.