McGentrix wrote:Finn, If you ignore it, it may go away.
and be sure to use the pronoun it... that'll calm things down and no one will ever expect that you're merely stirring the pot yourself.....
"it" being whatever is bothering you. "it" can be an anoying bee, an obnoxioous bear, a buzzing mesquito, tiresome trans-sexuals, cars with loud music, noisy children, whatever is bothering you at the moment. if you ignore it, it may go away.
"It" will never go away. Oh, "it" might go away for a little while, but "it" always comes back. Sometimes "it" comes back as something else, but come back "it" always does.
Written as ably as a "tiresome trans-sexual."
Another failed program touted by Bush. If he were rated by failure [1 t0 10] he would get a perfect 10
Bush Health Plan Stumbles in Government Test
woiyo wrote:Must be a slow news day.
So from now on, every President MUST use VIEDO CONFERENCING and NEVER EVER face the people.
In the case of george bu$h that would be a good idea.....
And then try to sell advertising based on who watches for the BS spewed by the little dictator.
I'd pay to never see his ugly face again or hear that gawd awful voice.
Magginkat wrote:woiyo wrote:Must be a slow news day.
So from now on, every President MUST use VIEDO CONFERENCING and NEVER EVER face the people.
In the case of george bu$h that would be a good idea.....
And then try to sell advertising based on who watches for the BS spewed by the little dictator.
I'd pay to never see his ugly face again or hear that gawd awful voice.
Me to, kat. I've really tried to force myself to sit and listen to a whole speech, but have been unable to do it for 6 years. He's such an abysmally ignorant piece of crap. He makes me embarrased to be American.
I am not embarrassed to be an American. I am embarrassed that he is the American that is president of the US.
au1929 wrote:Snood
I am not embarrassed to be an American. I am embarrassed that he is the American that is president of the US.
I'm not either. I just feel that way when I think of people from other countries measuring us by him.