Anon-Voter wrote:You betcha Tico. Who cares who he kills as long as he's a snappy dresser!
"He is also a man that the families of more than 600 victims of the 9/11 attacks
believe was connected to their loved ones' deaths."
And I "believe" in the tooth fairy...
Or, do we just convict people (Arabs) on hearsay these days and what people believe? Was he found on a battle field wielding an AK47? No...
Where is the proof? What about the other 2500 victims families? Why don't they believe this? And the French book claiming the US flew the planes into the towers? What a joke!
Omar also didn't and never has been present and stood up in the middle of a US speech and start screaming his hate for the president...
Sheehan has proven she can be a disruptive element and has lost all serious credibility with her Hugo hug. That is proof that she conspires with a government that has set itself up to oppose the US and our way of life... Again, THIS IS TREASON... If she attempts to sue our government for this incident we should lock her up for treason which we do have "proof" of... Conspiring with the enemy in a time of war? I hope (due to the patriot act) we have recorded the conversations between her and her hero Hugo... This will be admissible in court when she is convicted of treason.
Will she be hugging the Iranian president next? Few would put it past her...
Cindy has "proven" she cannot be trusted on MANY occasions. Besides using her dead son for political gain she thinks California wants her as a lawmaker? ha ha! She underestimates how much the American people detest her now...
She continues to "promote" hate for our president on internet websites...
Can you show me Mullah Omar's website denouncing our president? NO... because there is none... BIG DIFFERENCE!