Well, good on ya. It's not my ideology that makes me less than enthusiastic about his speech, it's his past performance, which I think is a perfectly reasonable criteria.
boomerang wrote:I agree with Finn d'Abuzz about how you have to listen to what he's saying.
I don't believe that reading the transcript disqualifies anyone from having "heard" though.
I think it will be all about saftey <be afraid> .
I usually try to listen but finding a chunk of uninterrupted time is difficult so I usually rely on the transcripts too.
Yea, I'm with Finn and Boomer. How do you know what you're up against if you don't listen to or read it. The man infuriates me, but I still have to listen.
Anon-Voter wrote:boomerang wrote:I agree with Finn d'Abuzz about how you have to listen to what he's saying.
I don't believe that reading the transcript disqualifies anyone from having "heard" though.
I think it will be all about saftey <be afraid> .
I usually try to listen but finding a chunk of uninterrupted time is difficult so I usually rely on the transcripts too.
Yea, I'm with Finn and Boomer. How do you know what you're up against if you don't listen to or read it. The man infuriates me, but I still have to listen.
I can concede that one should be aware of those whom he considers enemies. I could even concede that Bush should be taken heed to, were he not so completely scripted and predictable. Do any of you REALLY think we will see anything but posturing about how great things are going, that we should stay the course, and all that bolstered by mindless platitudes and disingenuous genuflecting from all?
If there were no such things as transcripts, I would force myself to watch it as it is I am going to going to save myself stomach pain. I can watch or read it about it later to see how he came across to others, there will surely be enough talk about it.
blueveinedthrobber wrote:and..... we have not one but TWO new boogeyman to keep folks scared shitless. damn he's lucky.
And when asked to specify exactly what the lie is, you'll make a personal insult to the poster and run.
finn reading the speech will do. the man is sickening to look at. his arrogance, smirk, body language and just the fact that he's incapable of public speech.
You need to come down from your mountain of smug self righteousness where the air is a little easier to breathe. It would do wonders for your general mood.
FreeDuck wrote:Well, good on ya. It's not my ideology that makes me less than enthusiastic about his speech, it's his past performance, which I think is a perfectly reasonable criteria.
Not if you can't specify exactly what in his past performance is bad and in what way. Otherwise, it's just name calling.
Brandon thinks that Bush is a talented speaker. Surreal.
old europe wrote:Brandon thinks that Bush is a talented speaker. Surreal.
You can win every argument when you invent your opponents' positions.
Brandon9000 wrote:FreeDuck wrote:Well, good on ya. It's not my ideology that makes me less than enthusiastic about his speech, it's his past performance, which I think is a perfectly reasonable criteria.
Not if you can't specify exactly what in his past performance is bad and in what way. Otherwise, it's just name calling.
To say that Bush is not a very inspiring speaker is not a statement that needs supporting evidence to anyone who has heard him, and is not even close to name calling (I didn't call him any names). You've seen him speak just as I have, correct? Even his die hard supporters concede he doesn't speak well. But if you'd like to derail the thread, I can start posting random nonsensical quotes.
He does a good speech. It's the off-the-cuff remarks that get him in trouble.
McGentrix wrote:He does a good speech. It's the off-the-cuff remarks that get him in trouble.
He doesn't do any public speaking particularly well. He has mad a few scripted speeches that were OK. OTOH he has given scripted speeches that were disastrous.
Facing the nation
Forget parsing his language for subtle meanings. Deciphering President Bush's State of the Union address tonight may be a lot simpler if you put the television on mute.
The President's body language will tell us plenty about how strongly he believes in his words and how comfortable he is delivering his message, said Karen Bradley, a certified movement analyst at the University of Maryland, College Park. "Don't just listen to the words. Look at the dance he's doing with us," Bradley said. "The content of the words is important, and so is the way he's communicating them."
Raised, furrowed brow
What it means: 'If the narrow brow is accompanied by rapid eye blinks, lip-licking and forgetting his lines, then we can safely say that adds up to something that is about his nervousness and his lack of conviction about what he's speaking,' she said.
The Smirk
What it means: Bush may make this expression out of insecurity that he'll make a mistake, Bradley said. But critics might argue that the President does this because he doesn't know what he's talking about.
What it means: Anyone who's talking a blue streak will lick their lips, Bradley said - but so will someone who's nervous.
Bradley's guide to the body behind the language:
Raised shoulders
What it means: The President tends to tense his shoulders when he's uncomfortable.
Point and wink
What it means: "There's going to be a lot of unspoken drama in the room," Bradley said. If Bush is just speaking to his supporters, he'll point at, wink at and smile hello to particular people, rather than broadly address the room of Republicans and Democrats, she said.
Stevie Wonder head tilt
What it means: If the President is having trouble reading the TelePrompTer, he may be "listening" to his speech, either recalling the words he's memorized or, as skeptics speculated during the 2004 presidential debates, through an earpiece. This "auditory attending" of the head is common in people who are blind - such as Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles - who rely on their ears more than their eyes to process the world, Bradley said. People who are primarily visual will widen their eyes instead.
The smile
What it means: It depends on whether the smile is combined with a relaxed leaning forward for emphasis or whether it's in conjunction with shoulder tension - "a smile that seems to be fighting with a frown," Bradley said. In the latter case, the President may not entirely believe what he's saying, she said.
Rapid eye blinks
What it means: A rise in adrenaline will cause our eyes to go dry, and we'll blink to lubricate them. But when Bush blinks more rapidly than usual, we don't know whether it's because the subject he's addressing is a distressing one or because he's not sure how to talk about it, Bradley said.
But look out for the First Lady's reaction, too. "How he looks at Laura Bush at the end of the speech tells us a lot about how he thinks he did," Bradley said.
I have noticed when he says something that is especially deceitful, he stammers and mispronounces words. I heard a tape yesterday that was a collection of his diiferent pronounciations of "Abu Ghraib." It was pretty funny.
What is really telling about his body language is the way he walks, that phony John Wayne swagger. This i s a man who is not comfortable in his own skin.
I think too much is made of his clumsiness and mispronounced words. If he only lived up to his words all that could easily be forgiven. That's why I like the transcripts, you can fact check his words and get the "rest of the story."
Brandon9000 wrote:blueveinedthrobber wrote:and..... we have not one but TWO new boogeyman to keep folks scared shitless. damn he's lucky.
And when asked to specify exactly what the lie is, you'll make a personal insult to the poster and run.
trying to pick a fight fella?
Yesterday while I was running at the lake I stepped in dogshit.Very unpleasant and difficult to dissassemble from. From now on I will be careful to avoid it at all costs. I will apply the same principle to communicating with you Brandon.
au1929 wrote:FreeDuck
What gets me is the idiotic look on his face when he makes a speech. I prefer to read the transcript. Not that i expect to find anything meaningful in it.
The idiot face combined with that gawd-awful voice is enough to gag a maggot.
I'm going to try to watch but am not sure I can control the gag reflex for an hour.
I just heard one of the talking heads on CNN announce that "I'll bet Bush's speech writers are busy re-writing his speech to include something about Coretta Scott King's death".
AND I will bet that he is trying his best to get one of the King children to rush to DC to sit in the balcony as his token black person for the evening!
Brandon9000 wrote:FreeDuck wrote:Well, good on ya. It's not my ideology that makes me less than enthusiastic about his speech, it's his past performance, which I think is a perfectly reasonable criteria.
Not if you can't specify exactly what in his past performance is bad and in what way. Otherwise, it's just name calling.
Bad? LMAO! It would be much easier to mention what is good.
The answer to the good part is seeing his back as he gets his ugly, giggling, smirking, lying arse out of the room!