Here's Rob Breszny's Weekly 'scopes:
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Soon the stakes will be higher, the rewards greater, and the judges tougher. You'll have a chance to show who you *really* are in a bigger, bolder way, and that will be exhilarating. But you'll also be *expected* to show who you *really* are in a bigger, bolder way, which could be daunting. The key to success is for you to concentrate so hard on the fun parts of the challenge that you'll render the scary parts irrelevant.
As usual, we can concentrate on fun, Clary.

Dang... it's good to be a Sag.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Historians estimate that at least 25 percent of all the gold ever mined lies at the bottom of the oceans, stuck inside ships that have sunk. Similarly, Jungian psychologists believe that in the depth of our psyches, there are great treasures moldering away, unclaimed by our conscious egos. For you Geminis, this September is the diving season - the time when you're most likely to be successful if you descend into the murky abyss and try to retrieve those lost riches.
Drom -- sounds like you will continue to be very deep.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): In reviewing the film, "Catwoman," the *San Francisco Chronicle's* Mick LaSalle coined a phrase that describes a mood many of you Scorpios are now prone to: festive pessimism. Frankly, my dear, I would love to talk you into shedding that state. It may give you an aura of murky intrigue, but it's so much less than what the astrological omens say you could possess. The fact of the matter is that the cosmos wants to bless you with an abundance of emotional riches right now. If you agree to suspend some of your jaded attitudes and cynical ideas, you'll be showered with experiences that will justify a full-blown outbreak of festive optimism.
Fortune -- I love the idea of festive optimism as well as festive pessimism. Do these sound familiar to you?
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): "Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes," says "Dilbert" cartoonist Scott Adams. "Art is knowing which
ones to keep." According to my analysis of the astrological omens, Pisces, August was your time to embody the first part of Adams' formula. During these past few weeks, I hope you gave yourself permission to unleash many fertile booboos. September, on the other hand, should be devoted to carrying out Adams' second proposal. Which of August's missteps might have marked the raw, imperfect appearance of ideas that will eventually turn out to be useful and brilliant?
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): In Greek mythology, Narcissus was the gorgeous demigod who had no desire for intimate relationships but fell desperately in love with his own reflection. From his name comes the word "narcissist," which refers to a person who is excessively self-involved, has an inflated sense of importance, and compulsively craves admiration. I've always suspected that Virgos are the least narcissistic sign in the zodiac. Many of you underestimate your self-worth and don't treat yourself with enough loving kindness. In fact, I sometimes get a mischievous urge to advise you to be *more* of a narcissist - like now, for instance. Here's an experiment I wish you would do: Spend 20 minutes in front of a mirror telling yourself how beautiful you are.
OK, Ms.Olga -- You get two... find those brilliant mistakes while telling yourself that you are fantastic and beautiful!