After running around our local Homeland (corp which bought out all local Safeways) and getting a chorus of boos, went home and sulked.
Anyway, back to business-
Mac, didn't you have a date in late July when you would be in the Austin area? I've got to make plans and will state right now that plans are to be in San Antonio the night of July 23 (Wed) through Friday the 25th. Therefore, I would be looking for a dinner the night of the 25th at a selected spot in Austin.
My plans are to be at Water World on the 24th. The Alamo and Riverwalk is planned for the 25th.
Hope we can get a large group together - Max, have you got a final spot pick out?
Laughing, BillW about your experiment. Are you sure those were boos you heard?
They sure weren't "Take it all off!"
Maybe they were 'woofing'...
I can't do late summer; last weekend in July has a seminar and the first weekend in August is the wife's birthday.
Am anticipating attending a record-setting gathering in October.
Yes, never forget the long gathering in October -

can't wait!
So what are the dates of this Austin shendig? If I don't get tied up with Civil Grand Jury service, I'll try to make it, because our son lives in Austin. c.i.
c.i. - It looks as though there will be a mini-gathering for dinner on Friday, July 25.
The weekend-long Humungous Texas Gathering is scheduled for October 10 thru October 13, 2003.
Don't mess with Texas, bern.
NO! The only person ever to do that was Ozzie Osbourne, and his butt was kicked from here back to LA! LOL
And Billy, Every time I begin to think of a place to meet I get hungry! I'll think of some place after lunch, or I'll go with the flow of what ya'll want
blatham, Be my guest; you can pee on the Alamo, and piss while you're doing the Riverwalk.

The Riverwalk is in San Antonio, c.i., or at least that's what I'm told...........
If you piss on the Alamo, Blatham, I'll do it too. Want to? Let's............... Messin with Texas, my specialty.....
Some folks I know were involved in the Riverwalk design long ago. Whatever they did might have been redone by now, but I have thought of that whole renovation as a smart idea. Is that true, do you think? Did it reinvigorate the town and the river itself? Is it Disneyland? If so, is that good or bad? Have only been along the route 66 cities myself, as a child.
also, btw, Blatham, darlin..........the Alamo is also in San Antonio, or it was the last time I looked...............
We are meeting in Austin, aren't we?
have decided...won't pee on alamo....alternate plan B - scale and place Canadian flag
to carry out this plan, Blatham, you will have to drive to San Antonio................and I seriously doubt you'll have the time for that little side trip.
Time is critical! Our intelligence on this matter leaves no question but that the Alamo is a repository of WOMD (wiggy old 'merican delusions). I will not shirk my responsibility to rid the world of this menace.
Then you will have to go to Dallas and change the name of a theme park to "Seven Flags Over Texas" -