this is sounding like fun
If our son is still in Austin, it might be a maybe for me and my mrs. It'll depend a great deal on a) dates of the A2K Austin Gathering, b) if our son is still living there, c) if my wife can get off of work on those dates, and d) I don't have a conflct on dates. c.i.
I've driven through Texas.....that's about it.....
Can I come to this gathering, too?
YIPPEE! I want pictures - lots and lots of pictures and a complete, thorough, concise report of everything you do.

I'm getting excited.
I'm tied up on the first weekend in May. I'll be in New York then. But I will be in Dallas the next weekend after and I'm fairly flexible then. Although I may be moving in May. We'll see when I know the dates.
Checking my calendar......The weekends of June 13-15 and the next weekend June 20-22 is taken as well.
How does the first weekend in June look, Lola?
The first weekend in June is fine with me. As I said, I'll be moving sometime around this time, so unless that interferes, I'll be there.
The only time period I can guarantee is October 18,19,20 & 21 time period! Other than that would have to be checked when known. I realize that this date is a long time off!
I could make it without my wife, but she is the much better half!
Woohoo! Gathering!
So exciting!
Lessee, May 23 - 26 are BAD for me because we will be in North Carolina for a wedding. There is another wedding that we may or may not have to (erm, rather, may or may not be able to) attend, one week later.
Other than that, my calendar looks clear for now.
Hey, by the way, we're in Texas! Yippee! It's WARM here! And gorgeous. And green. And blue and red and yellow. I like it here.
We went up to Austin over the weekend, looking for apartments and jobs and cars. We should have at least one of the three in the next week, preferably all three. Until then, we are staying in separate rooms in Brian's parents' house. I can't wait until we have our own place again.
By the way, does anyone know of any really really cheap apartments or cars available around Austin or San Antonio? Or bartender or bar manager jobs?
BTW, where in the world is Texas?

hmmmmmmm.Let me think on that marycat
Thanks, max!
We've seen a lot in the $600 - $700 range (for apartments, that is!)
Many of the places we've seen are really nice, but we're wondering if, being destitute and all, we might be able to find something a bit cheaper. And not in the student ghettos. But with a usable kitchen. I am a pro, after all. We don't need an enormous palace, we just need a clean place to sleep. And something to drive.
I appreciate your thinking on it for us, even if nothing turns up.
Get a house today marycat?
I am already here. May I join y'all? 78704.
I will be at the New Mexico gathering May 25th can we make it any month but may.
Absolutely, Joanne. I'm beginning to think that May is probably coming up too soon anyway. I have plans every weekend in June until the final weekend. How does the weekend of June 27-29 look for y'all? Speak up! The more the merrier!
I'll take a closer look at the suggestions we've received for meeting places today. Any other thoughts on places?