Sat 5 Apr, 2003 10:40 pm
JoanneDorel and I are seriously discussing a Texas gathering. We're thinking Austin, since it's centrally located and all.
What do you think? Would you come? When's a good time? Is your Memorial Day weekend already booked? That weekend or the first weekend in June are good for me. (I have some commitments other weekends in June.) Let's not wait til it's 99 in the shade... 
Put in your two cents, please - nothing's decided yet...
yeah! If I go to TX it'll be to Austin.... but I doubt I'll be able to go anyway - wah!
Joanne, I'm PMing all the Texans we've thought of to direct them to this thread...
Great idea. This will be so cool. Have you seen the pictures of the Florida group yet, they are having too much fun.
Yes! I was just looking at those pics. It looks like a blast. Wish I were there!
This sounds like fun. I'll check my calander and let you know about dates.
Oh and where are the Florida pix?
Lola they are in the Florida gather topic, pages 7-9. Maybe we can drive down together. I am meeting my Aunt in Fort Worth tomorrow for lunch. She just loved you so much do you think it would be OK to invite her. She was born and raised in Austin and would be a great guide for us.
I think it would be fine to invite her. I'd love to see her and you again. I'll have to let you know about driving down. I'm not sure what schedule we'll have yet. Let's get the date down first and then we can make our plans.
Of course it used to be only a 15 minute flight from Love Field but in these times it would probably take longer just to board the plane than it would to drive to Austin.
There was some serious talk about a Southwest (Albuquerque) gathering, being coordinated by Asherman, but it seems to have faded out; I haven't heard a word for a month or more.
It was tentatively scheduled for May 24-26, which is Memorial Day weekend.
I will probably be in Chicago then but would love to attend a gathering in Austin.
Have you contacted edgarblythe?
Sounds great! I am only a four hour drive away. There is supposed to be a pretty good hostel to stay in not far from down town:
I've got Texas in-laws who we will be visiting sometime this summer, but no dates yet. They live in Fort Worth -- how far is that?
Soz, you are going to be in Fort Worth with the Sozlet along? Well we, you and I and Lola, will have to get together for sure. MaryCat might be here by then as well. This is good news.