Why did Charles ever choose Camilla over Diana?

Arella Mae
Reply Fri 14 Oct, 2005 10:54 pm
Just out of curiosity, have you renounced your American citizenship as of yet?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 14 Oct, 2005 10:58 pm
I think it's interesting how easily people label others as tramps, scoundrels, silicone barbies, et cetera. Some of the uneasiness in this thread is from many of us seeing other people as more complicated than labels slapped over their lives, whether they are famous or not.

I am not exactly lecturing as I'm sure I've done it. It isn't really useful though as a way to understand character and interaction of individuals. I'd look to literature for clues for more depth of analysis.
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Reply Fri 14 Oct, 2005 11:06 pm
That, momma, is purely none of your business. And has nothing to do with this thread.
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Arella Mae
Reply Fri 14 Oct, 2005 11:12 pm
englishmajor wrote:
That, momma, is purely none of your business. And has nothing to do with this thread.

True, it's none of my business. But it just seemed like a reasonable question given the fact that you seem to dislike America so.

And I'm with Osso, I think labeling Charles as a scoundrel and Camilla a tramp is quite unfair. Diana didn't start an eating disorder to cope. No one intentionally starts a disorder like that.

I couldn't imagine having to be in the public eye every second and try to maintain my sanity. It's got to be hard with so many of the public making harsh judgements when they don't know the full story.
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Reply Fri 14 Oct, 2005 11:13 pm
Well, osso, it's a sad fact, isn't it, that people are labeled. You can thank the psychologists and psychiatrists for that. They simply love to label.

You can say things in many different ways. I prefer to be upfront, rather than beat around the bush. If you were really honest with yourself I really don't imagine you'd call them anything different. In your secret mind of course! Those women in Hollywood, the blond ones who look all the same? They look scary, unreal, and of course they achieve their plastic looks with a plastic surgeon. So what? Everyone knows they do this, so if I want to call Paris Hilton the Silicone Queen, what of it?

You are under no contract, real or imaginery, to read to or reply to this thread. I suggest you try reading the "new posts" if you want something else. This thread will not be sugarcoated to appease anyone.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 14 Oct, 2005 11:18 pm
Diana's eating disorder BEGAN because of Charles' treatment of her, get it? Did he stop seeing Camilla? Did he care if his boys knew that he was cheating on their mom and causing her so much distress? You being a self proclaimed christian should be against someone who commits adultry. I find your support of Camilla and Charles a bit strange in view of that.

Don't you have some cats or homeless people to take care of?
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Arella Mae
Reply Fri 14 Oct, 2005 11:23 pm
englishmajor wrote:
Diana's eating disorder BEGAN because of Charles' treatment of her, get it? Did he stop seeing Camilla? Did he care if his boys knew that he was cheating on their mom and causing her so much distress? You being a self proclaimed christian should be against someone who commits adultry. I find your support of Camilla and Charles a bit strange in view of that.

Don't you have some cats or homeless people to take care of?

First of all, I don't recall saying that I supported anyone. I just made a statement I didn't think labels should be given when no one can know the full story.

Besides even if they are/were adulterers, it's God's place to judge them, not mine.

My cats are asleep, as are the Katrina evacuees I have living in our house next door. But, thanx for asking.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 14 Oct, 2005 11:33 pm
cause you shore do have a lot of time on yer hands, momma, judging by all your posts!

Yes, you don't support anyone, you have no opinion at all (haha). No one knows the full story of anything unless it personally involves them.

This thread is conjecture, like all the other threads, about facts we DO know about: Charles DID cheat on Diana with Camilla. Diana DID develop an eating disorder because of his ill treatment of her. Diana DID die under suspicious circumstances. Murder is against God's law, is it not? Who would gain by Diana's death?

You are certainly eager to gossip for someone not interested. Weren't you going to look something up about the driver of the car that killed Diana?

Isn't adultry against your beliefs? It's against mine and I'm not Christian, in YOUR sense of the word.

BTW, the Bible says when you do good acts, that your right hand should not know what your left hand is doing. In other words, you like to brag about what you do, and that's a no-no according to the Bible. Want me to quote the passage, or can you?
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Arella Mae
Reply Fri 14 Oct, 2005 11:46 pm
englishmajor wrote:
cause you shore do have a lot of time on yer hands, momma, judging by all your posts!

Yes, you don't support anyone, you have no opinion at all (haha). No one knows the full story of anything unless it personally involves them.

This thread is conjecture, like all the other threads, about facts we DO know about: Charles DID cheat on Diana with Camilla. Diana DID develop an eating disorder because of his ill treatment of her. Diana DID die under suspicious circumstances. Murder is against God's law, is it not? Who would gain by Diana's death?

You are certainly eager to gossip for someone not interested. Weren't you going to look something up about the driver of the car that killed Diana?

Isn't adultry against your beliefs? It's against mine and I'm not Christian, in YOUR sense of the word.

BTW, the Bible says when you do good acts, that your right hand should not know what your left hand is doing. In other words, you like to brag about what you do, and that's a no-no according to the Bible. Want me to quote the passage, or can you?

Yes, I have opinions. And my opinion is if you don't know all the facts then you can't make a valid judgement. No one knows what it was really like for Charles, Diana, or Camilla. None of us lived or live their lives. We can surmise or guess all we want, but it still doesn't give us license to label anyone.

Yes, adultery is against my beliefs. And, I wasn't bragging. I was answering your question.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Oct, 2005 12:00 am
If you don't know all the facts, then you can't make a valid judgment?
But you know all the facts about, say, the Bible? I heard Christians must take it on faith alone, since the Bible does not explain many things.
I could never make a valid judgment about the Bible based upon that premise.
And yes, you were bragging. You've mentioned it several times and I'm sure everyone on your other thread knows all about your 'good deeds'. How many brownie points do you need to get into Heaven?
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Arella Mae
Reply Sat 15 Oct, 2005 12:03 am
I hope you have sweet dreams tonight. I am going to bed. I am going to say a prayer for you. I don't know why you seem to hate Christianity or Christians as much as you seem to, but I am sorry that you do.

You have a good night!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Oct, 2005 12:12 am
So called God loving Christians are behind the war in Iraq. That's why I don't like them. They/you are truly dangerous, deluded people. Such as George Bush, who should be removed from office. He has a drinking problem and is a sociopath with a serious lying problem as well.

Your God says no killing. But George says God told him to kill them damn Iraqis!

Unless they are Iraqis, I guess? Yeah I know, you can't get into the politics. How convenient.

Don't pray for me. I don't want to be involved with your type of God. I will sleep just fine, thanks. Because I don't have blood on my hands for supporting a war brought about by a Christian. Supposedly.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Oct, 2005 04:39 am
Englishmajor, do you ever do anything positive related to the war or anything else? Do you write congressmen; do you try to think of any solutions besides "all-them-damn-Christians-mess-up-life"?
Did you vote in the American election? Are you aware of anything positive any Christian is doing anywhere, or are you so myopically pea-brained that you actually believe that your broadbrush is intellectually honest?
What do you think you accomplish by constantly browbeating momma? She has tried to practice a little "live-and-let-live" with you, but you keep raining invective - what do you think you accomplish, besides making someone possibly feel bad? Are you that petty and stupid, that to you making someone feel bad is either a good ambition or inconsequential?

You can count on one thing - you will not spew your nonsense here unopposed, and your goofy "reasoning" will not go unnoted.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Oct, 2005 05:14 am
In Englishmajor's thread dedicated to discussion on Charles and Camilla we have read where this poster dislikes Charles, Camilla, George Bush, Christians, psychologists, psychiatrists, Hollywood, U.S.A., anyone in disagreement, God, labels (not sure about this one since englishmajor labels almost everything), "homely" women, Paris Hilton, Barbie, silcon, tramps, scoundrels and blonds.

Most every response has been met with insults or negative comments. There appears to be anger issues that should probably be addressed. Of course, I am not qualified to assess the need for such action. I can only address what I see in several threads.

We all have opinions. That is why most of us are here. Everyone should have equal opportunity to voice those opinions. Some even have facts to support those opinions. Surely, we will have opposition to our thoughts, but we should not have to endure the wrath of those who seem to have a hate for almost everything and everyone.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 Oct, 2005 08:12 pm
Are you trying to tell me that this thread contains insults? If so, they have not come from me but as a reaction to comments from some of you. I have read many different threads on many subjects on Able2Know, and most seem to attack a person for their opinion. If you don't think so, read through several.

Maybe some of you are dealing with adultry yourselves and cannot treat the subject impartially. It would seem so.

In all the posts, not one of you, except one poster in the first several pages, felt sorry for Diana. I find that lack of compassion for a young girl appalling, and one of your Christian (she knows who she is) posters never had anything to say about the way Diana was treated, or the adultry involved-which I would think would go against her Christian beliefs. She only chose to post comments in this thread as a way to try and annoy me, or why else would she even post comments on a subject she doesn't care about? She injects her Christian beliefs in this thread, rather than the one she is usually on. In one post here, she actually asks if I have given up my American citizenship! What has that to do with Diana, etc? I never made any comments about Americans in any posts here. What is her problem? You see, that is how she works, she can be insulting and cover it up with her cloak of Christianity. Well, that sanctimonious BS doesn't wash with me. I expect there may be a few other folks who see through her baloney as well.

I had wanted to discuss the accident and possible coverup/conspiracy, which I tried to do. But now someone wants to start a thread on a Hollywood clone (or clownish) typical boring, blond, Paris. So, why don't you do that, Chai? You do know how to begin another new post, do you not?

Thirty five years ago Camilla would have been labeled (yes, that word again) a tramp or worse. That is why she kept a low profile. With the mores of the 21 century being what they are, anything is ok. That still does not make it right. It does not change the fact that she and Charles were cruel to Diana and committed a sin, according to the Bible, does it? Not one of you addressed that. Even Miss Bible Banger. (Oops, another label). These are FACTS. They are not an attempt to label anyone.

Lying, cheating on a spouse, selfishness are so common in today's world that it is hardly worth discussing, I assume. Rather than being called what she is, let's go ahead and put a crown on Camilla's head! A reward for her wonderful behaviour. And Charles' too.

If anything, I see real avoidance issues here that should be addressed. Of course, I am not qualified to assess the need for such action. (wink wink)

Yes, I detect anger from many of you, with comments such as "why are you interested" by the same people who want to start a thread on Paris. Yes, indeed, why are you interested? With so many threads to chose from, why don't you chose another? Who is making you read this one, if it is so objectionable to you? Like I said, I will not sugercoat my posts to appease anyone. I say what I think, not what I think someone wants to hear. Maybe some of you should be a bit less politically correct and more into truth.

I don't post daily as I have a life that includes many wonderful friends. Unlike some of you, and you know who you are, I don't sit for hours on end and type drivel to faceless people. When Chai asked if I was 'still there' I was previously engaged, not at home. I have a lot of hobbies and sitting here talking to cyber people isn't first on my list. I feel sorry for those of you who use these threads as a way to connect to the world. I suggest you are disconnected from the human race. Go outside and meet a real person. I have things to do. Bye.
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Arella Mae
Reply Sun 16 Oct, 2005 08:33 pm

I do not understand why you have such a problem with me. But, it is just that, your problem. My only problem with you is you have a very caustic tone in your posts. You don't seem to care how about how anyone feels. However, you seem to be the only person that does not agree with this.

As a matter of fact, I felt very sorry for Diana. I can only imagine how she felt knowing Charles was betraying her.

You immediately started in on me and the thread got off track. You don't have to agree with anything I say or do in my life. It effects me in no way whatsoever.

I asked you about your citizenship because you seem to hate America and Americans and I can't imagine why you would want to be considered an American.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Oct, 2005 02:20 am
I recommend that you stick to the sites you are usually on i.e. the christian posts. You were never interested in this topic - you got onto this thread just because I was posting it, because you were angry about what I had said in your other forum. You keep bringing up whether or not I am an American - what has that to do with this thread? It is very inappropriate of you to keep asking, especially when I have said it is none of yer business. It is people like you, who hide their wrath and nastiness under their cloak of Christian forgiveness and love that inspire me to become a tad angry. You are a hypocrite - you said you 'don't get into politics' on your other forum, but I happen to know that you are in the "Why did American Attack Iraq" forum, because I created that forum. If you are so apolitical, why are you in that forum? If I didn't know better I would think you were being spiteful, Momma. How unChristian of you.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Oct, 2005 03:48 am
Perhaps more time spent on the topic at hand and less ad hominens would be a more productive use of time.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Oct, 2005 07:54 am
Intrepid wrote:
Perhaps more time spent on the topic at hand and less ad hominens would be a more productive use of time.

by many...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Oct, 2005 09:05 am
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