Priceless. This bitty is trying to judge and categorize and diss people on this forum after being here less than a month.
But she has "class" - yeah, okay.
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Arella Mae
Sun 9 Oct, 2005 10:33 pm
Hi Snood!
Well, as you can see, she hasn't been around forr a bit. Suppose "she can't stand the heat"? LOL
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Sun 9 Oct, 2005 10:36 pm
And your obvious lack of answering questions is appalling. You were asked several times, well after my post on another thread, about why you support the troops but not the Iraqis. Don't they all have the same God? All you do is start whining about 'why is everyone twisting what I say' ....why is everyone always picking on me? Quit using the Bible as an excuse. It is explicit (means, exact)when it says 'Love one another' but you obviously don't love Iraqis, do you? I really think you should get a life. You are seriously clueless. I mean, besides reading Harlequin Romances and the Bible, and typing ridiculous messages in which you don't even remotely support your arguments, what else do you do?
Not everyone agrees with you, as you saw from the last postings that deal with 'how should we win a christian victory'. If you don't like my threads that I post, don't read them. Last time I checked, America was a free country. That means I can say what I think. I have said nothing rude on this post I CREATED, I have stated OPINIONS, which is what everyone else is doing. I thought 'Able2Know' was about asking for expert advice- haha. It's a bunch of gossipy people with nothing to do except diss each other and nitpick. Try going out and meeting some real people (outside of church).Gotta run, got people coming for dinner. Have fun with your best friend, The Computer.
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Sun 9 Oct, 2005 10:37 pm
I am apt to be snappish or semidramatic sometimes. Ain't useful, sh/p osso. There are some really good arguers here on various sides of various questions, not always the people who get the most number of posts, and not always those on expected sides of questions. We could all learn from how they procede.
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Sun 9 Oct, 2005 10:40 pm
Before I get snappish again, hi, snood (who, by the way, I disagree with occasionally, on some of his lines of reasoning and he, me, no doubt)
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Arella Mae
Sun 9 Oct, 2005 10:44 pm
Englishmajor Wrote:
And your obvious lack of answering questions is appalling. You were asked several times, well after my post on another thread, about why you support the troops but not the Iraqis. Don't they all have the same God? All you do is start whining about 'why is everyone twisting what I say' ....why is everyone always picking on me? Quit using the Bible as an excuse. It is explicit (means, exact)when it says 'Love one another' but you obviously don't love Iraqis, do you? I really think you should get a life. You are seriously clueless. I mean, besides reading Harlequin Romances and the Bible, and typing ridiculous messages in which you don't even remotely support your arguments, what else do you do?
Not everyone agrees with you, as you saw from the last postings that deal with 'how should we win a christian victory'. If you don't like my threads that I post, don't read them. Last time I checked, America was a free country. That means I can say what I think. I have said nothing rude on this post I CREATED, I have stated OPINIONS, which is what everyone else is doing. I thought 'Able2Know' was about asking for expert advice- haha. It's a bunch of gossipy people with nothing to do except diss each other and nitpick. Try going out and meeting some real people (outside of church).Gotta run, got people coming for dinner. Have fun with your best friend, The Computer.
Seems to me that if I were to support the Iraqis the way I support our troops I would most likely find myself in jail for treason, don't you think?
That thread had nothing to do with the war. WRONG THREAD! What don't you understand about that?
You have said nothing rude? Seems I am not the only one that thinks you are rude dear.
I abhor Harlequin Romances. What do I do with my life? I run a homeless cat shelter. I run a non-profit corporation. I help feed and clothe the poor. I help people. That's what I do. I try to give back what I have been given in life. And if you had taken the time to read the thread about Christian victory you would have had your answers.
IMO you are a very arrogant young(?) woman. You have respect for no one.
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Sun 9 Oct, 2005 10:46 pm
Hi osso. You gotta find classier threads to hang out on.
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Sun 9 Oct, 2005 10:49 pm
English major, could you take that up with snood on the appropriate Topic?
I'll admit I have spoken too long here on your topic about Camilla and Diana, in response, however seemingly indirect, to your posts.
On Charles and Diana, I had to start with mild sympathy for both of them, and grew from what I read to have more sympathy for him. No matter, it is not my business and I wasn't there.
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Sun 9 Oct, 2005 10:51 pm
I also admit I shouldn't have gone on about people being welcome at my house in an apparent argument thread.
I'd withdraw that if I could edit it.
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Sun 9 Oct, 2005 10:56 pm
You're right, snood, you caught me not vacuuming the corgi hair and tackling the basement cleaning.
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Arella Mae
Sun 9 Oct, 2005 10:57 pm
Sorry for my part of the argument everyone. I haven't got a clue as to why this woman has an obvious hate on for me.
Oh well, whatever floats her boat!
I do apologize.
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Sun 9 Oct, 2005 11:01 pm
Last Post,
I read most of the pages of the post that Frank began that is up to what? 138 pages now? I noticed that what most of you do is avoid the question entirely, & diss Frank because you cannot answer the question posed. I have read rude replies from posters to other posters. If you read over my posts concerning Diana and Charles, I'd like to know what is considered rude? I was stating my opinion, and in one instance disagreed with how intrepid interpreted the word 'class'. I was not speaking of the class system at all.
Your game, snood or whatever your name is, is to hop onto a thread, make your inane remarks, and hop off. You either don't want to rock the boat or you don't have enough information to argue/debate. Debate often becomes heated; that's what happens when people have different, strong opinions and are not sheeple people and who don't want to go along with the crowd. In any case I know of better sites than this one which is a big coffee klatch. Just don't have time to sit all day and type to faceless people who would rather go with the crowd than dare to think for themselves.
Oh - you're right, ma, in your country the way things are going you probably would be arrested for treason for helping Iraqis. However, you know that kickycan or Tico or someone asked you a very simple question related to this and you never answered - you just said he was 'twisting' your answers. How convenient for you to say so, esp. when your religion gives you no answers. You're friend, snood, insulted me and called me a bitty or some such thing - I thought you were all above insults? Guess not. I will save labeling him and you, ma. You know what you are.
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Sun 9 Oct, 2005 11:05 pm
And here's from kickycan, MA, which you either could not or would not answer. Which part is difficult for you? The word 'extrapolate'?
Well, since the job of our troops in this war is to kill insurgents in Iraq, I would think you would be able to extrapolate past your simple statement and see that your support for our troops logically means you want the guys they are fighting to be killed rather than them. You can't have it both ways. Or can you?
Let me ask you this. What does the statement, "I support our troops" mean to you, in terms of this war they are in?
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Sun 9 Oct, 2005 11:05 pm
English major, I'm not trying to put logs in your way, but whyn't you address that on the topic where she or he were arguing?
I don't agree with either of them on religion or they with me, but we talk straight there or on other threads. It's just that other threads are other.
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Arella Mae
Sun 9 Oct, 2005 11:11 pm
englishmajor wrote:
Last Post,
I read most of the pages of the post that Frank began that is up to what? 138 pages now? I noticed that what most of you do is avoid the question entirely, & diss Frank because you cannot answer the question posed. I have read rude replies from posters to other posters. If you read over my posts concerning Diana and Charles, I'd like to know what is considered rude? I was stating my opinion, and in one instance disagreed with how intrepid interpreted the word 'class'. I was not speaking of the class system at all.
Your game, snood or whatever your name is, is to hop onto a thread, make your inane remarks, and hop off. You either don't want to rock the boat or you don't have enough information to argue/debate. Debate often becomes heated; that's what happens when people have different, strong opinions and are not sheeple people and who don't want to go along with the crowd. In any case I know of better sites than this one which is a big coffee klatch. Just don't have time to sit all day and type to faceless people who would rather go with the crowd than dare to think for themselves.
Oh - you're right, ma, in your country the way things are going you probably would be arrested for treason for helping Iraqis. However, you know that kickycan or Tico or someone asked you a very simple question related to this and you never answered - you just said he was 'twisting' your answers. How convenient for you to say so, esp. when your religion gives you no answers. You're friend, snood, insulted me and called me a bitty or some such thing - I thought you were all above insults? Guess not. I will save labeling him and you, ma. You know what you are.
In my country? Did you renounce your American citizenship then?
I told you, I do not get into the politics of the war. This has been explained over and over to you. You just don't like my answer.
We said we are Christian. We didn't say we were dead or had no feelings. And isn't it just like someone to point out to us how we are not doing what we believe? Especially after they provoke.
Yes, I know what I am. I am a Christian. I am sorry you feel the way you do about me. I will say a prayer for you.
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Arella Mae
Sun 9 Oct, 2005 11:14 pm
Englishmajor Wrote:
And here's from kickycan, MA, which you either could not or would not answer. Which part is difficult for you? The word 'extrapolate'?
Well, since the job of our troops in this war is to kill insurgents in Iraq, I would think you would be able to extrapolate past your simple statement and see that your support for our troops logically means you want the guys they are fighting to be killed rather than them. You can't have it both ways. Or can you?
Let me ask you this. What does the statement, "I support our troops" mean to you, in terms of this war they are in?
If you would have bothered to read just a bit further down from this post, I answered Kickycan's question quite specifically.
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Sun 9 Oct, 2005 11:16 pm
See, english major, I would if I read this agree with kickycan. But I'm not going to read it. This thread is about Camilla and Diana.
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Sun 9 Oct, 2005 11:19 pm
I've lost interest in arguing with Born Agains on that thread. They are hopeless and rely on Bush for their guidance. You can't argue/discuss/debate with people who sidestep the issue. How they can say that God prefers people in the US vs people in Iraq is part of their twisted thinking. They can all go to........that place opposite of heaven. Besides, old Mommy the Angel came onto this thread with her vitriol. I already addressed that to her and her buddy snoody. Suggest they create their own thread where they can PRAISE THE LORD and kill the Iraqis! What a confused bunch of freaks........
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Arella Mae
Sun 9 Oct, 2005 11:19 pm
Thank you Osso. It is about Camilla and Diana. Have you read the lastest (well a few weeks ago latest) about Camilla kicking Charles out of the bedroom?
That would have to be a devastating blow to Charles. Pining all these years for Camilla and then she rejects him? Oh well, but one never knows just how true some of that stuff is.
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Sun 9 Oct, 2005 11:29 pm
The weird thing is that I have mild sympathy for charles since I also like architecture and gardens and I can cover my head and imagine I was some forlorn prince sans power. I also have a mild sympathy for all the others, and not much care -- I am more interested in the english parliament and french government, and italian parties, and so on.
I am no fan of religion at all, very chary of it, remember, I'm not the argumentative agnostic but the plain old atheist, and am there having been through religion - I have no interest in arguing or convincing anyone to agree with me.
I'm not on your side of most arguments re religion and spirituality, but perhaps we can agree on other matters. I think snood and I have agreed on other matters before, giving us some basis for understanding.
I probably agree with the belligerant english major re iraq if I could stand to read her opinions.
So, as a group, we stand on shifting sands re agreement or not.