pueo - Don;t scratch of London. There is atleast one very friendly person here !
I agree with Gautam, Peuo, we are a friendly lot, in fact Gautam and me are virtual gym buddies.
Gautma, I think 400 calories is fine, in order to lose one pound in wieght you need to expend 3500 calories. On the face of it that would be between 8 and 9 workouts.
However it is not that simple you get the enhanced metabolic rate effect , which means that your system burns calories at a quicker rate for a few hours after exercie. I have found this is so after running. Up until recently, the last 3 months or so, i was running around 20 miles a week.
With the new program I will rn now only on Wednesdays-aiming for a minimum of 5 miles and Sundays -starting at 6 muiles building back up to 10 miles.
If the weather is filthy on either Wednesday or Sunday I will chiecken out and hit the treadmill for an hour-grwon-I hate that damn thing.
Thats it- have a great weekend and enjoy the chapatiis, I exercise to lose weight and hoepfully eat what I like
Pueo ran a marathon!!!!!!! AND you SMOKE!!! Wow.
I am on hols for a bit - my chance to get back into my exercise regime - walks or gym every day - right?
Right !! Go for it my favorite bunny !!
Right-go- bunny-go
Don't bunnies hop- hop it bunny !!
if I but had the batteries of the Energiser Bunny - I am EXHAUSTED!!!!!!!
Try to tap into yr inner energy - exhaustion is just a state of mind
Gotta get meself a poodle! (standard, of course -and no stupid haircuts)
Beauty is only skin deep. A poodle with a "stupid" haircut might be more loving than a poodle with a "trendy" one.
Why would a stupid haircut make a poodle more loving?
Don't be quick to jump to conclusions - things are not what they seem to be all the time.
I said "might" - never judge a person, or a poddle, by his haircut
I don't get a clap on the back for doing jane fonda? Wah! I'm sore today too. It was an hour of excersize even if I didn't do all of it.
Clap on the back ?? U deserve an applause !!! If you have "done" Jane Fonda, then half of the male population will be jealous of you !!!
oops, the above statement does not go with my current state of monk hood
<goes down on his knees to find forgiveness within himself>
Hmmm - that monk hood is considerably LESS than skin deep....
Way to go Littler k!
Thanks thanks...
Gautam - but but but, I didn't mean it that way.