screech wiggles more when picked up. Lessee, he's about 9 lbs.
he's under the bed :-( so much for my exercise.
Is he really? I don't like it when he goes under the bed. Hope he's ok.
<nope, I don't know where he is. I made it up, now you ruined my alibi, thank you very much!>
Wow Lil'K, you look really cute in that...wait.
You need to shave.
Ain't that just the cutest little doggie? She and Dagmaraka use the same hair color.
Tee heee, at least I have my own hair!
I can't lift my cat. In fact, I can't TOUCH my cat. She was born feral and has remained skittish. Though perhaps this is an issue for another thread. What was the subject of this one again?
Sozobe & All--
I hate to betray sisterly solidarity, but the Sozolet is not dead weight. She twists, she turns, she squalks--AND SHE BALANCES HERSELF. I've never met a dumbell, barbell, bag of dog food, sack of potatoes or gunny of coal that balanced itself.
Confess, doesn't the little darling weigh a lot more when you're toting her sleeping body off to bed?
That is very true. Not so much sleeping, when she kinda cleaves, but her little passive resistance deal when she doesn't want to be picked up -- she doesn't have to do much but she gets HEAVY.
Back to topic:
I want you sorry sacks of shieeet to get dedicated.
No potato chips, no french fries, pizza, ect. Go drink some water, and get your asses excercising.
The Sozolet is practicing for peaceful protests.
I don't like that Slappy. He is thin and forbids us french-fries, no sir! I could eat half a cow right now, what to do? Aaaaaaargh, somebody stop me!
Here, eat this...oh, nevermind, this is a "nice" place.
I'm eating low carb and have lost a few pounds. I exercise a lot too, still, about 20 pounds over where I'd really like to be.
I don't eat chips or fries very often. I'll eat a whole pizza myself though. I do drink water. Not only all that, but I eat nn-fat yogurt because it tastes better than fatted yogurts.
Are you going to the dogs littlek?
I was going to post this pic, but when I realized I didn't have it on my computer I used my own pic. So, I imported it and viola.
Oh yes, me, 197 lbs and 5'10.5", 33" waist, 44" chest. Muscular, with a layer of flab covering the six-pack. C'est la vie. It could be a lot worse.
Now this is a much better thread.
Start Height 5 ft 10 ins-Start wieght 230lbs-Start waist-38 ins
Target height 6ft-(strecth machine should do that bit)-Target wieht end of 2003-180 ilbs-target waist-32 ins
Start gym tomorrow-report back around 7 EST-12 GMT
Uh, what the hell is a stretch machine?
Dag, that's right. No fries. Put them down, or you get whipped.
Eat a power bar.