How to Lose Weight at the age 13

Sun 13 Jun, 2010 10:09 am
I am 13 years old and 5'0 ft. I weiqh 106 I wanna lose at least 10-20 pounds I just wanna look good in my skinnies and rite now I dont I just wanna look good in them and I wanna get my boyfriend back I think that if he sees I have changed then maybe he will wanna get back 2gether and put our differences aside and forget what happened in the past!! So plz can yhu guys help me I realli need it rite now !!! Thnx, Mikaella Weaver aka Mickeyy !!!!
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Type: Question • Score: 48 • Views: 30,158 • Replies: 88
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Sun 13 Jun, 2010 10:45 am

You lose weight and maintain a strong body through a healthy lifestyle of exercise and nutrition. But, another component of health equally important is to maintain a strong mind.

My concern is that losing weight in an effort to get a boyfriend back is not healthy. Thinking a physical change is a way to correct differences is a dangerous path to go down. It is not maintaining a strong mind. At 13 I'm sure you have had differences with your parents at some point. What do you do when you have differences with your parents...do you try to lose weight? I'm sure you have had differences with female friends...do you try to lose weight? I'm pretty confident the answer to both of those situations is no. Dealing with relationships with males that are friends should be no different.
Sun 13 Jun, 2010 10:53 am
@Mickeyy 214,
According to this chart:
You are of a relatively healthy weight.

Keep in mind you are still growing and if you keep a good and modest diet and a relatively healthy exercise regime (even if its basically walking to and/or from school every other day, etc...) then you should be fit as a fiddle.

Have you any interest in participating in any school related sports or say a dance class? That would be a much healthier fitness regiment then dieting at your age.

On the other hand, doing small things like drinking water instead of soda and eating celery and peanut butter, or apples, etc... instead of chips and/or cookies for snack is a great healthy lifestyle habit to get into.

I'm not saying that the occasional bit of ice cream or whatever can't hurt but the key term is moderation. Which is a simple idea and concept that a lot of people don't necessarily adopt until they are much older.

So what kind of junk food do you find yourself eating frequently? You should make a list of these foods of which you have a fondness for: McDonalds, pizza, etc... and then try and figure out healthier alternatives to choose when you have the urge to snack.
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Sun 13 Jun, 2010 12:03 pm
At 13yo 5' ~ 100lb, you are perfectly fine, and don't need to worry about losing weight. Do what makes you happy, and don't get caught up in the idea that you need to change your appearance just to meet somebody else's expectations. You're fine the way you are! Be proud of that...
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Sun 13 Jun, 2010 01:28 pm
@Mickeyy 214,
Please, please discuss this issue with your parents as they need to help you understand a bit about self confidence. At 5 ft tall and 105 lbs you're at an ideal weight for your height and age. You need to feel better about yourself and not look to a boyfriend for validation.
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Green Witch
Sun 13 Jun, 2010 02:13 pm
Why would you want a boyfriend who only likes you for the way you look? He'll just dump you when a better looking girl smiles his way. Find a guy who likes you for who you are and then you will irreplaceable.

Pssst...it's only gay guys who design clothing for women and other girls who think stick bodies are good, really men like their women to be warm and curvy.
Sun 13 Jun, 2010 03:05 pm
@Green Witch,
Green Witch wrote:

Pssst...it's only gay guys who design clothing for women and other girls who think stick bodies are good, really men like their women to be warm and curvy.

I second this notion!
0 Replies
Sun 13 Jun, 2010 04:59 pm
When I graduated from high school, I was 5'3" tall and weighed 106. There is nothing wrong with your weight.

However, I think 13 is far too young to be worrying about a boyfriend.

Follow tzarstephen's advice. Eat healthy stuff and do eliminate soda.

Can you walk to school or is the neighborhood too rough or the distance more than two miles? If the distance is more than 2 mi., just walk home. Find a sport that you like. Tennis and golf are life sports. So is track because you can run for years.
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Mon 14 Jun, 2010 01:23 am
Have more hot water , it will be helpful in reducing weight ..
Mon 14 Jun, 2010 11:09 am
Reenaa wrote:

Have more hot water , it will be helpful in reducing weight ..

How would this work? Drinking ice cold water actually burns calories, because your body has to expend energy to warm it up to body temperature. But I've never heard of hot water doing anything...
Mon 14 Jun, 2010 03:12 pm
That's because hot water and weight loss is a myth.
Mon 14 Jun, 2010 05:59 pm
That's what I figured...
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Thu 24 Jun, 2010 12:19 am
Mix honey with hot water ..
Have it daily it will reduce the weight ...
Thu 24 Jun, 2010 12:57 am
No, it won't. Honey is basically pure sugar.
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Thu 24 Jun, 2010 09:35 am
Mix hot water with a stick of butter and a tablespoon of gravy.
La Dame
Sat 18 Sep, 2010 06:42 pm
13 with a boyfriend? what happened to my little ponys and making friendship bracelets that stank after a week of wearing them.. you will have the rest of your life dealing with men.. please don't start now..

I am gonna go mix myself up some hot water, butter and gravy and just watch the weight melt off.. it must work.. it must be true! I read it on the internet!
Sun 19 Sep, 2010 02:11 pm
@La Dame,
La Dame wrote:
I am gonna go mix myself up some hot water, butter and gravy and just watch the weight melt off.. it must work.. it must be true! I read it on the internet!

Actually I recommend a guacamole IV drip. For one week exactly.
0 Replies
Mon 20 Sep, 2010 05:46 am
@Mickeyy 214,
What i am trying to do is eat healthy and try not to snack on unhealthy foods too much. Only have three meals a day. breakfast should be your biggest meal because you have the whole day to work off your food. dinner should be the smallest meal. So to lose weight you have to eat right and exercise daily. maybe go on a jog once or twice a week.
0 Replies
Mon 2 May, 2011 03:15 pm
@Mickeyy 214,
eat healthy and if you really want to loke good, belive you look good! Trust me no one needs a guy that only cares about looks, i bet you can find a cute and nice guy out there!! Smile hope this helped
0 Replies
Tue 10 May, 2011 05:30 pm
I answered another question like this. Although your ex-boyfriend should love for who you are, you can loose weight to acheive your personal goals. And here's a perfect solution that works. Sleep a lot. During the REM stages of sleep your brain burns more than 3 times the calories of running on a treadmill for hours! Expert say that this is probably even better and more important than diet because it is healthy for a person to eat junk food,but in moderation, so that it's not too tempting and it won't become a serious problem when you're older. So try to get in as much sleep as you can and you can still exercise too because the more you do in a day, the more your brain will have to work to re-strengthen you for the next and help you burn 3times the calories so many times faster!

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