Keep holding Noddy - it's all a delicate balance, isn't it???
"Balance" is my watchword. I just finished my exercises and a stint on the bicycle which should help with the water retention/weight gain. At least I'll sleep well tonight. Would that I'd be too weary to toddle to the kitchen for a consoling little snack. Mayonnaise is delicious this time of year, particularly when one is Suffering Because of Fate and Genetics.
Strawberries are also in season--45 calories a cup. Mayonnaise does not improve strawberries.
Sundays are check in days for me. It's the real weigh-in, the one that matters. I do it that way in order to avoid falling off the wagon on Saturday night (an old habit)
So if I could have a small drum roll please:
That's four pounds down this week. The projection is to reach my goal about next Spring.
I've begun to walk everyday to and from work, or at least, to and from the subway to work (about a mile) It takes me twenty minutes and makes me feel great. (Jogging in about a month.)
More later.
Love to all.
Thanks for being here.
Marvelous progress. I'm green-eyed. Fortunately, I'm also adjusting to the new meds and have dropped a pound--down to 126. Slowly, slowly, slowly, damnit.
What do you visualize as your "ideal" weight?
Hold your dominion.
I've lost 15 lbs in the last two months. 15 more to go.
Marvelous! I hope you can afford a wonderful fall wardrobe....then invest in something warm and slim....
160-165? That puts you in Elvish range--not the Tolkien elves, tall and doomed, but the survivor, gadfly elves like Puck, aka Robin Goodfellow, "Lord what fools these mortal be"
As for your kind words, I am very touched.
As for the dominion catch phrase.... My family is just a wee bit peculiar and most positively eclectic. One branch converted to Christian Science (from Numerology) and one of Mary Baker Eddy's notions was, "God has given me dominion over the things of this earth and I intend to hold my dominion."
We're a bit more modest than MBE--"things of this earth" is an impossible assignment, but if you limit your responsibility to the sphere just beyond your outstretched arms....
Thank you, Joe. You aren't egocentric--just a charming man with a few rough edges, an heir to Robin Goodfellow. You mixed blood guys....
Noddy, I bought a new fall wardrobe in 2001, right before I gained the weight, and many pieces I never got the chance to wear or wore only once or twice. That's the goal. Getting back into those clothes. And my summer dresses. I'm into a few, with a little help from a body briefer but who wants to wear one of those when it's 90 degrees? I don't know how our mothers did it, wearing girdles and long-lined bras all year round. It's torture.
My mother was born in 1910--her older sister in 1904. Back in those days when a girl got her first period, she was ceremoniously fitted for for her first corset.
Evidently my aunt and my grandmother had a wing-ding, no-holds-barred, hoop-de-doo go round on the subject that involved not only the two of them but aunts, mature female cousins and eventually my grandfather.
My aunt wasn't built like a flapper--but she (and my mother and the younger cousins and some of the older cousins) let it all hang out.
In the Roaring Twenties they had the lung capacity to roar. Any wonder that the vote came next?
Did you know that because of tight corseting some women had two livers? The organ was actually pinched into two pieces because of tight lacing.
Oh Noddy, I'm gasping for breath just thinking about corsets!
In the last couple of days I've slipped a bit and had far more sugar than I should, especially with Type 11 diabetes. Now I'm back on track.
One of my goals which is as important as losing weight, is to be more aware of my body. Many women have terrible problems with body image, thinking they're too fat when others see a perfectly normal body. That has been a problem of mine for many years. Now I'm trying to see my body as a perfectly good, strong and healthy container for the rest of me.
BTW, I second JoeNation's vote for you as mentor and supporter for the rest of us. Beautifully said, Joe.
Hold your dominion.
Survived a day long trip to NYC and 2 weddings and found the perfect recipe for weight loss (nothing else though) - stress and food poisoning! that's right. some food got warmed up by the sun a bit and i haven't eaten anything but rice for 2 days. I can already see and feel it, although I don't care much yet, feeling a bit queasy still. Could be worse I suppose. Must go check if littlek survived unharmed...
Diane, Margo--
Thanks for the kind words. You people have to understand that I rely on all of your for support.
Food poisoning is one way to kill an appetite--also a dieter. I hope you're feeling better.
Is this what those "lose weight without diet or excerise" plans involve?
Take a old fashioned Boston Cream pie with egg based custard and leave in the sun for.....
Thank you, dag, I'm going to try that poison thing this weekend.
Let's see .... I'm going to try the tuna/mayonaise at 76 degrees for two hours.....two scoops.
Scallops. Wrapped around with bacon. Highly recommended. Four hours. Works mirraculously, stomach still not quite alright, although apetite is feeling exquisitely well.
I've always thought that potato salad with home made mayonnaise...left on the counter overnight in August....could be an ideal murder weapon.
You guys scare me
Today's life lesson. Skivvies that are too big can be as much of a problem as skivvies that are too small.