I've been away too long. Some of you may recall that I had a problem a few months ago, that means I can not sit easily so no biking for me for the last 3 months. I saw the doc a week or so ago and have to have an operation in the next 2/3 months. Managed a swim in the sea this week , which was invigorating-another word for freezing cold !
Trying to keep the weight from creeping back on-currently 190 lbs so have put on 5 lbs by my reckoning of the 45 lbs I lost, most of that was due to the pizza and wine I had last night though so not too bad.
Noddy, Dags, Joe, George, Margo, Ehbeth, Gautam-where are you ?, all keep holding your dominion, mine's here somewhere I can feel it