Still doin' my good thing.
Put on a pair of pants yesterday morning that I bought at the end of last summer. I didn't realize until I'd walked about halfway to the subway that they are now a good 1.5 to 2 inches too big at the waist. I had to keep haulin' them up all day.
Still not touching the scales. I've learned my personal lesson with those. I get a bit too focused on the pounds, and end up having to explain to the doctor why I shouldn't go to the hospital.
started teaching week and a half ago. 3 times a week, 2.5 hours each time. that means i haven't done anything for week and a half. plus it's crappy, so i'm not motivated for even a quick run. this weekend is long though, must get my new bike out on the road.
Go with the bike, dag! I need inspiration to go out and buy a new bike - one with more than 1 speed.
Well...generally, good news all round!
Me - my body is still fighting me - giving me injury after injury - but persevering!
Sunday weigh in (the one that counts.) 222.4
It took only three days of actually watching what I eat, I spent the last two weeks or so eating with my eyes shut.....
The REAL SCALES weigh five pounds heavier than my friendly bathroom scales. Street clothes and shoes are another three pounds. Reality is humbling.
This morning I was bang-on between 123 and 122 and I have all manner of good intentions for the day.
Noddy: Once I was at a weight watcher meeting and saw a person take off her earrings before getting on the scale.
I'm as vain as anyone, but my vanity is leavened with common sense--well, most of the time....
I have a fresh biking adventure. Well, it is an adventure now, but yesterday while happening, it was just pure misery. I set out for a beautiful 50 mile ride, it was sunny, the path went through woods and around lakes and farms, bliss on earth. I was about two thirds into my ride, when i took a right, as map suggested, onto this road across the woods, to get to lincoln avoiding the main roads. naturally, i got a flat there. i had a tube patch kit, but no pump. there was not a living soul, except for this old lady who did not have a pump, or a clue, for that matter. i walked some good three miles, but instead of lincoln, i ended up on 2A, a massive highway. It was getting dark - so I didn't want to schlep across the woods alone again. My GPS showed that there should be a filling station just some 2 miles down on I-95, which was crossing 2A some 200 meters ahead of me. Yup, I know, quite insane, but I went for it. I pushed my bike alongside the 95 for some good 45 minutes (walking some 2 hours prior to that), by then it was 9pm, i was cold and starving, and just hoping police will spot me and pick me up, didn't care if they give me a ticket for million dollars at all. memorial day, you'd think police would be everywhere, but no, nobody stopped. oh no, one guy slowed down to inform me that bicyclists cannot be on a major highway, which caught me off guard, i wasn't able to even hurl curses at him, i just stared blank. anyhow, finally these two ladies stopped. they went the other direction and saw me - they turned around and picked me up. drove me all the way home, some 15 -20 miles away, without letting me repay them in any way, may lord, or whichever higher power repay them with good fortune. learned my lesson though. to never ever leave the house without a pump, thinking there are plenty of bikers who can loan you one. not in the woods and on highways, they are not!
Must have been the weekend for flats.
Fortunately, I was only 2 miles from home when I got my flat. I had a spare tube and a pump. So proud of myself! Then I found out that the tube was the wrong size. D'oh! Second flat in three weeks - is this an omen?
I was also entertained by some amatuer humorists on the walk home ("Hey, aren't you supposed to pedal that thing?" Yuk, yuk. Pedal this, pal.)
i felt really stupid. before the ride i was trying to affix the emergency pump (two cartridges under high pressure that are good for a few fills), but i couldn't get it stable enough, so i figured if i'd got a flat i'd just flag the next biker down and borrow a pump. duh... not where i was! yah, pedal that.
What a harrowing experience--but I'm glad that you met some pleasant people.
Hold your dominion.
Catching up and reading all your interesting stories--Noddy's harrowing is a much better word.
Dys and I have been house hunting and I have been a little stressed which led to a sugar binge. For me, too much sugar is a quick road to depression and physical discomfort. I can be soooo stupid sometimes. Anyway, it was a tough reminder that sugar may taste good, but the after=effects are terribly harmful.
Feeling good now that I'm back to my senses and eating normally in smaller amounts. I think I've even lost a couple of pounds, but the scale isn't working.
My goal is to get down to where Dys weighs. Our builds are totally different. He is long and very slender and I have always been short and rather round. We compliment each other, but I don't want to be his TOTAL physical opposite.
Oh, and Dag, thank heaven you're alright!!
thank heavens and those two ladies that drove me home! i am still in pain, but it is tolerable, just a minor muscle ache. it is nice outside, i should at least go jogging, but i feel so lazy. i need to prepare a lecture for tomorrow, so reading in the sun for me today!!! yay!!! ethnic and religious identity and israel-palestine conflict on the menu tomorrow, so it should be interesting reading, too. The question is: should I go jogging? could somebody nudge me out the door?
C'mon Dag. A nice slow cruising pace along a pleasant route. Maybe a lap around Quannapowitt in Wakefield? I'll be with you in spirit.
Alllllrriiiiight. There was a storm, so I had a good excuse to postpone it for couple of hours, but now that the sun is out again, I have no excuse. Hasta luego, comrades.
HA! I'm back. Took 50 mins this time, that is much better than 70, which is what it took the first time I ran this path. I'll be happy once I reach 40 - which means eliminating the stop(s) I make. Almost did 3 stops today, but luckily it started pouring, which cooled me down beautifully and I ran on all the way home, wahoo. Still soaking wet. Umm, maybe should take a shower instead of sittin here.
You humble me. Consider yourself raptly admired.
Hold your dominion.
I've graduated to crutches! Crutches have far less cargo capacity than a well-equipped walker and it will be much more difficult to transport toothsome little snacks from the kitchen to my reading chair.
Weight holding at 122.
Please, all valiant cyclists--be careful this weekend.
Hold your dominion.