Cav, after your research on liver affecting foods to shun, you could do a neato cookbook, with your own savoir faire, however you spell that. Well, maybe you've thought of that, but here's some encouragement.
Well, we can use whatever pictures of me happen at the San Francisco a2k meeting as Befores...
230.2 this am
Got a long day off.
Energetic loafing mode [pre-set]
Will you be loafing energetically?
Not to brag--which is unseemly--but I'm just a hair under 130 this morning. After a long plateau--with setbacks--I'm cheering.
Hold your dominion.
Just wanted to pop in to post a link to my liver-friendly recipe thread, part inspiration, part workshop.
Broke through to 229.8 Saturday morning.
Big birthday bash last night....... 231.2
still I'm down 13 pounds for the year.
1st week of excercise on the Trainer. Not bad. Felt a little soreness here and there but not much at all. Guess I'll do next week the same and then the following week, I'll add another set. The way this program works, instead of just adding reps to an excercise, you complete the whole routine and then repeat it.
Worked out in the garden yesterday, hauling dirt, raking and hoeing and today I'm feeling that.
Haven't been dieting exactly, just very concious of every calorie. I've never been a big eater, just eating alot of the wrong things so now, instead of filling up on potato chips, I'll have a sargento's cheese stick and a few wheat thins. Instead of rice krispies, I'm eating allbran and using sweet n' low in my coffee for the first time.
I'll do a weigh-in next Friday.
well i am sore allright. especially after the one hour run on thursday, then 50 laps in the pool and biking to and from work friday, 40 mins run yesterday. i keep hoping that additional exercise will make the soreness go away, but guess what. it only makes it worse. might go for some mild swimming and sauna today to relax...
i'll weigh in next week too.
dag, be careful now. Sounds like you're overdoing and heading for possible injury, not giving your muscles time to recover from one day to the next. That's why we're advised to workout every other day, or work on one muscle group one day and another muscle group the next day. Noddy...?
I know, I know. I am relaxing today. If I go for a swim, it won't be to work out. Just to soak a bit, then sauna to loosen the tight muscles. I love to push myself though,always did. luckily injuries seem to avoid me most of the time.
Oooh, a sauna sounds niiiice.
If you ever doubt that 13 pounds is a respectable weight loss, march straight out to your kitchen cupboards, pack 13 pounds worth of groceries in an old fashioned brown paper bag, and carry the bag around the house for awhile.
Just think: In seven pounds, you'll be able to cheer yourself up with bags of dog food (or beans or rice or rock salt).
Gardening uses muscles that other activity doesn't. Nothing makes the bottom of my tail feathers twang and ache like an afternoon on my hands and knees, pulling weeds.
I'm very impressed. So much so that I'm speechless.
Hold your dominions.
Okay, I've been carrying this bag around all day and am down to 230.4, when can I put it down?
A half an hour ago would have been fine. You're a speedy learner.
For one, brief, shining moment on Friday I was at my target weight. Ok, so it was right after a jog and I had been fasting, but still...
Then came the holiday weekend of too much eating and way too much sweets. I did not cover myself with glory.
But today is a new day. The sun is shining and I am about to go out for a lunchtime jog.
Every day is a new day! Resolve!
Eoe, your words were more than true. I have some nasty flu, and I'm certain I contributed to it by pushing myself over limits every day for some 3 weeks now. So am at home, taking it easy. Still feel so much better, mentally, than, say, a month ago. Some kind of a sane regiment will have to follow. And a chicken soup for now.
Take it easy, take a break, and rejoice in where you are today compared to a month ago. Nothing like chicken soup when you're ailing. yum.
Not every workout has to be for the record books! It's good simply to air it out every once in a while just to enjoy the feeling of your body functioning well.
soooooo, do we think the hamburgers figured out why they went through so much more salad than usual?
I continued to eat reasonably sensibly, even through the fine Easter offerings. One of my neighbours asked if I'd lost weight recently. Good question.
Sometime intrusive, personal questions can be positively delightful. Congratulations on accepting Easter dinner on your own terms.