Is she also plying you with strong drink?
Thats what my dad will do - I have 15 1 litre bottles of JW Black in my bar, he took one look at them and said, ahh well, I think that should be enuff
My bar will be seriously depleted by the time he leaves
Of course your father cannot drink alone! You have double duty as a host and a son.
Well, I'm almost down to my high school weight, now checking in at about 147 lbs. It's a good weight for me according to the BMI chart, but being sick, my muscles are a bit atrophied. I must start working out again...I don't quite get it, as I'm eating 4 or 5 meals a day!
Noddy absolutely - though I have limited myself to a very small one drink - sipping it so slowly as to last as long as my dad's customary two
cav, long time mate - how are you feeling now ?
Much better, Gautam, but it's still a long road to full recovery. Good to see you here too.
Weight holding steady at about 167.
Jogging continues apace (not today - too much snow). Didn't even get much exercise shovelling due to a shoulder problem.
Finally took a deep breath and made an appointment with my orthopedic guy. I suspect something nasty in the rotator cuff area.
Next: podiatry. I have horrendous hammer toes, one of which is pretty sore.
Dang! I'm just falling apart here.
Down another 1.2 today.
(Refill your glass, G.)
Here's a wish for better days to all.
Marvelous! Hold your dominion.
Hey G, how is it going with the boss superstar ?
Cav, hope your health improves, that sounds very light to me are you very short ?
Jo-blimey you are doing well, I am still in bed most of the time though its depresssing and I have turned to the drink for succour even though the painkillers forbid it-a little red wine is medicinal isn't it ?
George keep it up !
Noddy- where's my dominion gone, I had it here before thelast drink ?
Soon guys soon
Got a cortisone shot to the shoulder today and I've got to take anti-flammatory drugs for two weeks.
With luck, that should get me back in action.
If so, I'll be doing the "Run of the Charles", a canoe and kayak race in Boston on April 25.
hiama, I barely reach 5'6", so I think I'm okay there. I just need to start rebuilding some muscle.
Take it nice and easy rebuilding. Low weight, high reps and listen to your body.
You and Omar the Tentmaker--although his idea of "occasional" was a drink an hour! Your dominion will return, I promise.
Sure enough here it is, back again.
George that sounds like FUN
Cav, your weight sounds fine to me.
May try a little waddle-my word for walking with feet splayed like a pregnant woman, the only way I can perambulate with no pain at the moment.
Hang in there Hiama. Some can talk the talk and others walk the walk, but it it takes stalwart soul to waddle the waddle!
I 've lost about six pounds since Monday merely by eating like a regular person. Today I'm 237.2 down from 243.3.
Really. Okay, a regular person following the Scarsdale Diet, which I have to say, has worked several times for me. I've done it enough that I know how to make the restricted list of foods tastier and that helps.
Truth is, I eat too much. I have a Starbucks and a fritter most mornings, followed by a Pick-a-Bagel Roast Beef on a Everything for lunch.. The thing is huge! Maybe 3,000 calories on it's own. (just like the fritter)
Then there are the three dinners a week out at the MaryAnn's Mexican, the (I kid you not) Comfort Diner, or some place with PASTA in it's name.
Yes, yes, thank God the US Representatives have passed a law preventing me from suing the Pick-a-bagel over their too big bagels. Just in time.
So what I'm doing is eating like a person who weighs 170 pounds.
So far.
So good.
Stay with me. I'm surrounded by New York City.
PS Hey, take it easy, Hiama, get recovered and then start the routines again.
The end of the line for me came when I managed to get through a whole Carnegie Deli Reuben, plus pickles and potato salad...I returned home to find I was the heaviest I'd ever been.
We big people burn off the extra when we eat like normal humans - I can't remember the stats but it's something like 100 calories per day burned without exercise for every 7 pounds weight you're carrying.
Go for it!
" uff, just one more pickle and that little smear of salad and I'm done."
"Dessert anyone?"\\\\
"We'll look at the menu.......
Thanks and go for it yourself! :wink:
Joe Nation--
The trouble with being a sensual type who relishes Experience is that we move too little and eat too much. Hold your dominion.
I'm still gimping along on the Crutch & Codeine diet. Spring approaches.
Please continue as role model.