Kitchen Pete, George--
Very impressive. Slow weight loss is likely to be permanent weight loss--particularly when you replace fat with muscle.
I still have 20-25 pounds to lose--but I've taken off 40 which means I'm nearly 2/3 of my way to my goal.
Glad your dominions are in good order.
George and Noddy
Well done - very impressive, especially Noddy's 40 pounds lost.
Keep holding on...
Haven't seen you for a while - and there's less of you to see!
I've been missing the saga of your love life!
I've been busy with travel for work and pleasure. In fact, I just worked out that I've spent more than 100 nights in hotels in the last year...part of which was the reason I got out of shape!
No "Mrs KP" identified, yet. Hoping svelte me will help with that!
Thanks for asking
Jogged for 40 mins. at lunch.
But this evening they are bringing in pizza.
This hits two of my weaknesses: pizza and
free food. I've got to summon up my willpower.
A word of hard won wisdom. If you are weak-willed, don't sit next to the pizza box/candy dish/cheese tray.....
Grab that glass of water with both hands.
Sorry not been around, got admitted to hospital with prolapsed rectum so no triathloning for me for a few weeks at least.
Good to see KP getting there.
I have managed to lose weight in hospital, though I will lose some of my conditioning as no exercise for 10 days and at least another 2-3 weeks before and after the Op. I am now at home mostly in bed awaiting the op in around 2 weeks time.
What a very distressing setback. Of course when the Story of Your Glory is filmed, your hospitalization will be a heart-rending scene. The audience will cheer as you claw your way back to peak fitness in time for late-summer feats of derring do!
Hold your dominion.
Okay. I'm back and still fat.
But, first :
My heartfelt best wishes to you for a speedy recovery.
I have followed your progress on this thread in gap-mouthed awe and look forward to reading your comeback adventures.
warmest regards,
PS Daily reports on my gradual disappearance (1 pound at a time) to follow.
I'm with you, pound for pound. I'm down to 133--20/25 to go.
Hold your dominion.
You guys are doing so great! In the meantime, I haven't lost a pound. Haven't gained any either, tho.
I'm looking at that new Total Body Trainer by Jake. Has anyone tried it? Know anything about it?
Bummer! <ever with the poor puns!>
Perhaps it's your body's way to tell you to slow down!
Noddy, Jo, Eoeo, Margo,
Thanks I thought the same about my body telling me to slow down, to a certain extent I suspect it has been self inflicted, it was a condition I was living with, and the extra stress might have brought it to a head.
Anyway we must wait and wee what happens now.
Holding my dominion, just.
alright - here we go..i'm back in action and definitely reallly IN action. I've
-joined the gym (worked it out w/ my husband so that I can go 3x/wk and no kiddie worries
-have 4 girls that we've started a 'kick it up' fitness group (we walk, go to the gym, weigh & meausre ourselves as a group)
-bought a pedometer, if some of you've already seen that thread I posted
-am eating better...
I'll check back in a few weeks for progress's sake (before then for motivational stuff) dominion is being firmly & decidedly held.
Ouch! Sounds uncomfortable and no cycling for a while, I suppose. Still, you've already made much of the improvement and it's a few months until competition time, so keep holding...
Well done - sounds like you're moving forward with a good plan.
Noddy/eoe/margo and everyone else - keep it up!
I managed to make myself throw up during training on Saturday - next time I'll have breakfast rather than just Gatorade! Muscles still aching this morning but need to get more aerobic stuff done mid-week...just have to work out a way to fit it in this week.
Okay. I've got to go so I'll make this short.
I'm down 2.2 pounds since Sunday. (isn't that nice for the overseas crowd that that's exactly a kilo.)
See ya tomorrow.
It IS very painful, I suspect it was my longish bike rides that brought matters to a head. Its very frustrating as I am probably the most impatient patient on the planet.
Noddy, Eoeo, Margo thanks for caring and JO way to go buddy kilos or pounds its all the same when it comes off fella !
Joe Nation--
Kilo congratulations. Hold your dominion.
I lost another pound, but the snow is snowing--inch an hour--and weather makes me hungry.
Another 2.2 down.
More later.
Ouch Hiama !!! Hope you get well soon !!
I have given up - I can no longer hold my dominion. With mom in the kitchen, any healthy eating habits are out of the window - she anways seem to think thaT I have become too thin