Mother of dead soldier really pissed at Bush

Reply Fri 19 Aug, 2005 11:15 pm
Anne Coulter on Cindy,

Man did Cindy ever light a fire up these right-wing losers collective ass!

Cindy Sheehan: Commander in grief

http://www.NewsAndOpinion.com | To expiate the pain of losing her firstborn son in the Iraq war, Cindy Sheehan decided to cheer herself up by engaging in Stalinist agitprop (ha ha) outside President Bush's Crawford ranch. It's the strangest method of grieving I've seen since Paul Wellstone's funeral. Someone needs to teach these liberals how to mourn. (Oh we need a frak like you to tell us how to mourn?)

Call me old-fashioned, (old-fashioned, who ion their right mind would call you old-fashioned?) but a grief-stricken war mother shouldn't have her own full-time PR flack. (Oh no> She wouldn't if it weren't for all you right wing liars smearing her!) After your third profile on "Entertainment Tonight< you are lying, Anne) " (Entertainmnet Tonightyou're no longer a grieving mom; you're a C-list celebrity trolling for a book deal or a reality show.

We're sorry about Ms. Sheehan's son, but the entire nation was attacked on 9/11. (by Iraq?) This isn't about her personal loss. America has been under relentless attack from Islamic terrorists for 20 years, culminating in a devastating attack on U.S. soil on 9/11. It's not going to stop unless we fight back, annihilate Muslim fanatics, destroy their bases, eliminate their sponsors and end all their hope.

(so let's just nuke them, meanwhile Anne, get help!)
0 Replies
Reply Fri 19 Aug, 2005 11:23 pm
If we're gonna read Ann, let's read the whole thing:

August 17, 2005

To expiate the pain of losing her firstborn son in the Iraq war, Cindy Sheehan decided to cheer herself up by engaging in Stalinist agitprop outside President Bush's Crawford ranch. It's the strangest method of grieving I've seen since Paul Wellstone's funeral. Someone needs to teach these liberals how to mourn.

Call me old-fashioned, but a grief-stricken war mother shouldn't have her own full-time PR flack. After your third profile on "Entertainment Tonight," you're no longer a grieving mom; you're a C-list celebrity trolling for a book deal or a reality show.

We're sorry about Ms. Sheehan's son, but the entire nation was attacked on 9/11. This isn't about her personal loss. America has been under relentless attack from Islamic terrorists for 20 years, culminating in a devastating attack on U.S. soil on 9/11. It's not going to stop unless we fight back, annihilate Muslim fanatics, destroy their bases, eliminate their sponsors and end all their hope. A lot more mothers will be grieving if our military policy is: No one gets hurt!

Fortunately, the Constitution vests authority to make foreign policy with the president of the United States, not with this week's sad story. But liberals think that since they have been able to produce a grieving mother, the commander in chief should step aside and let Cindy Sheehan make foreign policy for the nation. As Maureen Dowd said, it's "inhumane" for Bush not "to understand that the moral authority of parents who bury children killed in Iraq is absolute."

I'm not sure what "moral authority" is supposed to mean in that sentence, but if it has anything to do with Cindy Sheehan dictating America's foreign policy, then no, it is not "absolute." It's not even conditional, provisional, fleeting, theoretical or ephemeral.

The logical, intellectual and ethical shortcomings of such a statement are staggering. If one dead son means no one can win an argument with you, how about two dead sons? What if the person arguing with you is a mother who also lost a son in Iraq and she's pro-war? Do we decide the winner with a coin toss? Or do we see if there's a woman out there who lost two children in Iraq and see what she thinks about the war?

Dowd's "absolute" moral authority column demonstrates, once again, what can happen when liberals start tossing around terms they don't understand like "absolute" and "moral." It seems that the inspiration for Dowd's column was also absolute. On the rocks.

Liberals demand that we listen with rapt attention to Sheehan, but she has nothing new to say about the war. At least nothing we haven't heard from Michael Moore since approximately 11 a.m., Sept. 11, 2001. It's a neocon war; we're fighting for Israel; it's a war for oil; Bush lied, kids died; there is no connection between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaida. Turn on MSNBC's "Hardball" and you can hear it right now. At this point, Cindy Sheehan is like a touring company of Air America radio: Same old script and it's not even the original cast.

These arguments didn't persuade Hillary Clinton or John McCain to vote against the war. They didn't persuade Democratic primary voters, who unceremoniously dumped anti-war candidate Howard Dean in favor of John Kerry, who voted for the war before he voted against it. They certainly didn't persuade a majority of American voters who re-upped George Bush's tenure as the nation's commander in chief last November.

But now liberals demand that we listen to the same old arguments all over again, not because Sheehan has any new insights, but because she has the ability to repel dissent by citing her grief.

On the bright side, Sheehan shows us what Democrats would say if they thought they were immunized from disagreement. Sheehan has called President Bush "that filth-spewer and warmonger." She says "America has been killing people on this continent since it was started" and "the killing has gone on unabated for over 200 years." She calls the U.S. government a "morally repugnant system" and says, "This country is not worth dying for." I have a feeling every time this gal opens her trap, Michael Moore gets a residuals check.

Evidently, however, there are some things worth killing for. Sheehan recently said she only seemed calm "because if I started hitting something, I wouldn't stop 'til it was dead." It's a wonder Bush won't meet with her.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 19 Aug, 2005 11:39 pm

The Angry (angry"apoplectic is more like it, incensed?) Right smears Cindy Sheehan ...

Last week, Media Matters noted, "With her vigil outside President Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas, gaining more and more attention, Cindy Sheehan, whose son Casey was killed in Iraq, has become the latest target of the right wing." Little could we have known that the attacks and insults from the Angry Right would only get worse.

Then the often confused and reliably offensive David Horowitz emerged from wherever it is the David Horowitzes of the world go to replenish their stockpiles of bile and hate. Horowitz claimed "it's very hard to respect" Sheehan because she "doesn't respect her own son's life," adding "I haven't heard one word out of Cindy Sheehan's mouth that respects what her son did."

Syndicated columnist and Fox News contributor Charles Krauthammer did his best to keep pace, claiming that Sheehan's protest is "hurting our troops and endangering our troops." Washington Times columnist Frank Gaffney agreed, saying that "enemies of this country ... will be emboldened and hardened" by Sheehan. Rush Limbaugh claimed Sheehan "is just Bill Burkett. Her story is nothing more than forged documents." Then he claimed "I've never said" that. Then, apparently frustrated at being held accountable for his angry rhetoric, he attacked Media Matters as "little pimple-faced kids that are working at wannabe websites."

G. Gordon Liddy appeared on Fox News' Hannity & Colmes (apparently, on Fox, being a felon convicted of conspiracy, burglary, and bugging Democratic headquarters is enough to earn you an invitation to appear on-air), where he called Sheehan an anti-Semite. Remember: this is coming from a guy who has said listening to Hitler made him "feel a strength inside I had never known before."

... but remains oddly quiet about desecration of flags, crosses at protest site

While conservative pundits wasted little time displaying their scorn for the grieving mother of a slain serviceman, they haven't had much to say about the desecration of flags and crosses at the site of Sheehan's protest. As Reuters reported,:

A pickup truck ran over wooden crosses erected at antiwar protester Cindy Sheehan's campsite on Monday night in the latest sign of tension over the peace vigil outside vacationing President Bush's Texas ranch.

Larry Northern, 46, of nearby Waco, Texas, was arrested and charged with criminal mischief in connection with the incident, Crawford Police Chief Donnie Tidmore said.


The small, white wooden crosses erected at the site are hand-painted with the names of soldiers killed in Iraq.

Northern's desecration of the crosses and flags hasn't drawn the scorn you would expect from right-wing pundits who are usually quick to loudly denounce anyone opposed to making it illegal to burn a flag as "anti-American." Apparently, to conservative commentators, it's un-American to defend someone's right to desecrate a flag, but OK to actually do it - as long as you're doing it to intimidate peaceful anti-war protestors led by the mother of a man who died for his country.

Speaking of intimidating protestors, just try to imagine the media and pundit outrage if a liberal had done something like this:

President Bush might have made his peace with the antiwar encampment outside his Texas ranch, but his next-door neighbor has taken up arms.

The incident occurred Sunday morning as activists gathered for a prayer service in the tent village set up by Cindy Sheehan, whose son Casey was killed in Iraq and who is demanding a meeting with Bush to discuss the war.

On the other side of Prairie Chapel Road, Larry Mattlage hopped into his pickup, barreled across his pasture and pulled up to a fence within a few hundred feet of the protesters. He climbed out of the cab, retrieved a shotgun from the back and fired at least one blast into the air.

Mattlage insisted he was shooting at birds. But he said the activists had worn out their welcome, and he wanted them to go away.

"I done made my case. It's over," he said as he shooed away a reporter from the gated entrance to his ranch.

Mattlage later said he was preparing for dove-hunting season, then -- in case that was too subtle -- told reporters who asked if he had some other motivation, "Figure it out for yourself."

More than a year and a half after an individual unaffiliated with MoveOn.org submitted an ad to the group that compared President Bush to Nazis, we're still hearing outrage from conservative pundits like Terry Holt, who said on CNN on July 18, "We're talking about the wacky left, we're talking about the group of people that ran ads against the president, accusing him of being a Nazi. If they were serious about this, they would maintain a modicum of decorum and of seriousness. But every passing day, it gets more ridiculous."

But a lunatic pulls up to a fence near some peaceful anti-war protestors and fires a gun into the air in an obvious attempt at intimidation the day before another lunatic ran a pickup truck over white crosses and flags commemorating casualties of war, and there isn't nearly as much outrage.

The next time Republican National Committee chairman Ken Mehlman sneers at the "Angry Left," remember that it's the Right, not the Left, that is running around saying a war widow "doesn't respect her own son's life." The next time some pundit or journalist buys into Mehlman's spin and refers to the "angry left-wing base of the Democratic Party," keep in mind that it isn't the left destroying crosses, desecrating flags, and firing guns to intimidate peaceful protestors.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 19 Aug, 2005 11:41 pm
More fun blog reading ... and more denials of what she said/wrote, this time from Sheehan herself.

Why am I still covering this??

Sort of like the temporary paralysis I suffered when the non-story of Plamegate was in full-brew, I find myself endlessly fascinated with the shiny object that is Cindy Sheehan. In particular, I'd like to take a whack today at her denial that she ever said, "My son joined the Army to protect America, not Israel. You get America out of Iraq and Israel out of Palestine and you'll stop the terrorism." The full transcript from Anderson Cooper reads thusly:
[list] COOPER: You were also quoted as saying, "My son joined the Army to protect America, not Israel. You get America out of Iraq and Israel out of Palestine and you'll stop the terrorism." How responsible do you believe Israel is for the amount of terrorism in the world?

SHEEHAN: I didn't say that.

COOPER: You didn't say that? OK.

SHEEHAN: I didn't -- I didn't say -- I didn't say that my son died for Israel. I've never said that. I saw somebody wrote that and it wasn't my words. Those aren't even words that I would say.

I do believe that the Palestinian issue is a hot issue that needs to be solved and it needs to be more fair and equitable but I never said my son died for Israel.

COOPER: OK, I'm glad I asked you that because, you know, as you know, there's tons of stuff floating around on the Internet on sites of all political persuasions.

SHEEHAN: I know and that's not -- yes.

COOPER: So, I'm glad we had the opportunity to clear that.

SHEEHAN: Yes, and thank you because those are not my words. Those aren't -- that doesn't even sound like me saying that.

COOPER: OK. I'm very glad we got that...

SHEEHAN: And I have read it. I have read it. I'm glad you did too.[/list]You'll pardon us saying so, Ms. Sheehan, but that sounds like exactly the sort of lunatic thing that you might expect to find Cindy Sheehan saying. So the "it doesn't even sound like me" defense isn't really probably your strongest. But what about the rest of Sheehan's statement?

Well, technically, Sheehan did not "say" that her son died for Israel. She wrote it. And also, technically, she is not accused of saying that her son died for Israel. She is accused of indignantly claiming that her son did not sign up for the military to defend Israel. So, Robert Jordan readers, is it possible we are dealing with an Aes Sedai? Perhaps she isn't lying, but the truth we're hearing might not be the truth we think it is.

As is widely known by now, the article was posted to a group called bullyard from Cindy Sheehan's AOL account. Someone from bullyard apparently forwarded the letter on to Nightline, with Cindy Sheehan's name on it. Rich Lowry originally claimed that the letter was signed, but has since backtracked, saying only that her name was on the letter in question.

So, in order to believe this story, one would have to believe that someone hacked into Cindy Sheehan's AOL account - in March 2005, before she was a widely known personage outside of the extreme left (who all love her anyway), and sent this to bullyard. Further, according to the person at Bullyard, they sent a copy of the letter to Sheehan, explaining that it would be sent to Nightline, and never got a response from Sheehan. Hmm. That seems like the kind of thing I might want to disassociate myself from, if I didn't say it, and someone was telling me they were about to send it to a major news organization.

In point of fact, that email, which I still strongly suspect is authentic, is not the only place Sheehan has made inflammatory anti-Israel remarks. She duplicated the "Israel out of Palestine" remarks at a Veterans for Peace rally, as covered by fellow anti-war sympathizer Mike Ferner:
[list] He died to make your friends richer. He died to expand American imperialism in the Middle East. We're not freer here, thanks to your PATRIOT Act. Iraq is not free. You get America out of Iraq and Israel out of Palestine and you'll stop the terrorism.[/list]Call me crazy, but that sounds pretty much exactly like the letter in question - minus the phrase "agenda to benefit Israel", it's the exact same sentiment - including the part where Israel is at fault.

It's very strange to me, personally, given the other bizarre conspiracy theories she has embraced, and continues to embrace, that she would bother even attempting to distance herself from this one. I mean, if you're going to say that America is evil, unjust, and not worth dying for, why would you care about stepping on the toes of the Israelis?

If any prominent news personage develops the testosterone-producing organs to ask such a question, or any other question about her ridiculously extremist rhetoric, we'll be here to report.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 19 Aug, 2005 11:42 pm
Sheehan is an anti-Semite. Catch up.
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Reply Fri 19 Aug, 2005 11:52 pm
Lash wrote:
Sheehan is an anti-Semite. Catch up.

You are projecting again, LOL
0 Replies
Reply Fri 19 Aug, 2005 11:56 pm
Are you sure this is your leader, Chrissee?

Do you agree with her views, or are you still convinced the transcript is bogus, the email to Nightline was bogus, and all her anti-Israel comments are bogus?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2005 12:03 am
The sad thing is--her children are begging her to come home and support them through all this, but she left them to mourn by themselves.

That media spotlight and cash from MoveOn and the DNC are much more appealing to her than her boring children.


Anti-war protestor Cindy Sheehan, whose soldier son Casey was killed in Iraq, is calling for Bush's "impeachment," and for Israel to get out of Palestine!

"You get America out of Iraq and Israel out of Palestine and you'll stop the terrorism," Sheehan declares.

Sheehan, who is asking for a second meeting with President Bush, says defiantly: "My son was killed in 2004. I am not paying my taxes for 2004. You killed my son, George Bush, and I don't owe you a penny...you give my son back and I'll pay my taxes. Come after me (for back taxes) and we'll put this war on trial."

"And now I'm going to use another 'I' word - impeachment - because we cannot have these people pardoned. They need to be tried on war crimes and go to jail."

The 48-year-old California mom remains tented up in a ditch along the one-lane road that leads to Bush's Texas ranch.

As her protest entered its second week, hundreds of people with conflicting opinions about the war in Iraq descended on the area.

TIME mag reports in new editions on Monday: Sheehan gets support from her surviving son, Andy, in principle, but he recently sent her a long e-mail imploring her, "to come home because you need to support us at home."

The real Cindy Sheehan.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2005 12:05 am
I mean, GOOD GOD, Nightline and Koppel are as lefty as they come! Even Koppel has her pegged as a freakin' wacko, attention seeker.
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Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2005 12:07 am
0 Replies
Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2005 07:57 am
The Angry Right smears Cindy Sheehan
Using the same tactics in the Republican Right's how to win elections playbook, the Bush chauvinists are acting with super uber viciousness. ---BBB

The Angry Right smears Cindy Sheehan
Media Matters

Last week, Media Matters noted, "With her vigil outside President Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas, gaining more and more attention, Cindy Sheehan, whose son Casey was killed in Iraq, has become the latest target of the right wing." Little could we have known that the attacks and insults from the Angry Right would only get worse.

Then the often confused and reliably offensive David Horowitz emerged from wherever it is the David Horowitzes of the world go to replenish their stockpiles of bile and hate. Horowitz claimed "it's very hard to respect" Sheehan because she "doesn't respect her own son's life," adding "I haven't heard one word out of Cindy Sheehan's mouth that respects what her son did."

Syndicated columnist and Fox News contributor Charles Krauthammer did his best to keep pace, claiming that Sheehan's protest is "hurting our troops and endangering our troops." Washington Times columnist Frank Gaffney agreed, saying that "enemies of this country ... will be emboldened and hardened" by Sheehan. Rush Limbaugh claimed Sheehan "is just Bill Burkett. Her story is nothing more than forged documents." Then he claimed "I've never said" that. Then, apparently frustrated at being held accountable for his angry rhetoric, he attacked Media Matters as "little pimple-faced kids that are working at wannabe websites."

G. Gordon Liddy appeared on Fox News' Hannity & Colmes (apparently, on Fox, being a felon convicted of conspiracy, burglary, and bugging Democratic headquarters is enough to earn you an invitation to appear on-air), where he called Sheehan an anti-Semite. Remember: this is coming from a guy who has said listening to Hitler made him "feel a strength inside I had never known before."

... but remains oddly quiet about desecration of flags, crosses at protest site

While conservative pundits wasted little time displaying their scorn for the grieving mother of a slain serviceman, they haven't had much to say about the desecration of flags and crosses at the site of Sheehan's protest. As Reuters reported,:

A pickup truck ran over wooden crosses erected at antiwar protester Cindy Sheehan's campsite on Monday night in the latest sign of tension over the peace vigil outside vacationing President Bush's Texas ranch.

Larry Northern, 46, of nearby Waco, Texas, was arrested and charged with criminal mischief in connection with the incident, Crawford Police Chief Donnie Tidmore said.


The small, white wooden crosses erected at the site are hand-painted with the names of soldiers killed in Iraq.

Northern's desecration of the crosses and flags hasn't drawn the scorn you would expect from right-wing pundits who are usually quick to loudly denounce anyone opposed to making it illegal to burn a flag as "anti-American." Apparently, to conservative commentators, it's un-American to defend someone's right to desecrate a flag, but OK to actually do it - as long as you're doing it to intimidate peaceful anti-war protestors led by the mother of a man who died for his country.

Speaking of intimidating protestors, just try to imagine the media and pundit outrage if a liberal had done something like this:

President Bush might have made his peace with the antiwar encampment outside his Texas ranch, but his next-door neighbor has taken up arms.

The incident occurred Sunday morning as activists gathered for a prayer service in the tent village set up by Cindy Sheehan, whose son Casey was killed in Iraq and who is demanding a meeting with Bush to discuss the war.

On the other side of Prairie Chapel Road, Larry Mattlage hopped into his pickup, barreled across his pasture and pulled up to a fence within a few hundred feet of the protesters. He climbed out of the cab, retrieved a shotgun from the back and fired at least one blast into the air.

Mattlage insisted he was shooting at birds. But he said the activists had worn out their welcome, and he wanted them to go away.

"I done made my case. It's over," he said as he shooed away a reporter from the gated entrance to his ranch.

Mattlage later said he was preparing for dove-hunting season, then -- in case that was too subtle -- told reporters who asked if he had some other motivation, "Figure it out for yourself."

More than a year and a half after an individual unaffiliated with MoveOn.org submitted an ad to the group that compared President Bush to Nazis, we're still hearing outrage from conservative pundits like Terry Holt, who said on CNN on July 18, "We're talking about the wacky left, we're talking about the group of people that ran ads against the president, accusing him of being a Nazi. If they were serious about this, they would maintain a modicum of decorum and of seriousness. But every passing day, it gets more ridiculous."

But a lunatic pulls up to a fence near some peaceful anti-war protestors and fires a gun into the air in an obvious attempt at intimidation the day before another lunatic ran a pickup truck over white crosses and flags commemorating casualties of war, and there isn't nearly as much outrage.

The next time Republican National Committee chairman Ken Mehlman sneers at the "Angry Left," remember that it's the Right, not the Left, that is running around saying a war widow "doesn't respect her own son's life." The next time some pundit or journalist buys into Mehlman's spin and refers to the "angry left-wing base of the Democratic Party," keep in mind that it isn't the left destroying crosses, desecrating flags, and firing guns to intimidate peaceful protestors.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2005 08:01 am
Lash wrote:
I mean, GOOD GOD, Nightline and Koppel are as lefty as they come! Even Koppel has her pegged as a freakin' wacko, attention seeker.

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Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2005 08:07 am
I'm not wondering very much that the right is trying to run down her character in order to discredit her message.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2005 09:41 am
Walter, That's what republicans do best; character assassination. They even attacked John McCain when he ran against Bush in 2000; lest we forget.
I don't give much hope to the American People; many do the same thing.

If parents in this country is challenged for her right to demonstrate, no matter what the motivation, what did her son die for?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2005 09:54 am
Truthfully, the image of family members who have lost loved ones in war is very powerful and compelling.

Had she not revealed herself as nuts, it would have likely been a very powerful tool for the Left against Bush.

Not even the most hard hearted partisan--I don't think--is without deep sympathy for families of lost service personnel.

However, when you point out FACTS about someone, it isn't a smear. It's pointing out facts. She may have been potentially damaging to Bush at first, but it has backfired and now she drags the Left further down the drain.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2005 09:58 am
Lash, Your conclusion that "she drags the Left further down the drain" is your own opinion. Ms Sheehan has done something the democratic party was unable to do; get thousands to demonstrate against this war. Don't jump to any conclusions yet; this is only the beginning.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2005 10:13 am
This is gone far beyond Cindy, way beyond. The right is still in a panic mood trying to smear her. Reasonable people who actually LISTEN to what she says are touched by her. It is beyond any sense of decency to break down every word she says in order to discrecit her as if she were running for President.

Cindy has unified Bush's base as well as unifying those who oppose the war but the problem for the Bush apologists is that the base now is a decided minority.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2005 10:15 am
cicerone imposter wrote:
Lash, Your conclusion that "she drags the Left further down the drain" is your own opinion. Ms Sheehan has done something the democratic party was unable to do; get thousands to demonstrate against this war. Don't jump to any conclusions yet; this is only the beginning.

There is no doubt that Cindy has created a spark. She is in LA with her mom, but the movemrnt hasn't skipped a beat. In fact, it continues to grow even as we speak.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2005 10:18 am
Lash wrote:

However, when you point out FACTS about someone, it isn't a smear. It's pointing out facts. She may have been potentially damaging to Bush at first, but it has backfired and now she drags the Left further down the drain.

Except they are not facts. You have to be in la la land to believe Cindy's actions have backfired. I wouldn't assign much credibilty to someone with such a view assessing another person's mental health. LOL
0 Replies
Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2005 10:25 am
Does this sound like a movement that has backfired. What is backfiring is the right's attempts to Swiftboat her.

About 150 protesters marched two miles down the road to the checkpoint outside Bush's ranch Thursday with letters urging first lady Laura Bush to persuade her husband to meet with Sheehan.

Bush has said he sympathizes with Sheehan, whom he met with just after her son's death in April 2004. White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said earlier Thursday that the president said Sheehan had a right to protest but that he did not plan to change his schedule and meet with her.

Two top Bush administration officials talked to Sheehan the day she started her camp.

FBI whistleblower Coleen Rowley and Sen. Becky Lourey, a Minnesota state lawmaker whose son died in Iraq, joined the protesters Thursday and planned to stay for a few days. Rowley said going to war was a mistake because the link between Iraq and al Qaeda was exaggerated.

Rowley, now retired, gained national attention after criticizing the FBI for ignoring her pleas before the September 11 attacks to investigate terrorism suspect Zacarias Moussaoui more aggressively.

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