LionTamerX wrote:Baldimo wrote:I feel this poor lady is being used by some antiwar groups. People who are in morning are susceptible to being influenced. It's a shame that these anti-war groups are acting the way they are by using a grieving mother to further their aims of sedition. I hope she realizes this sooner then later when these people start to leave her because they can't get accomplished what they want. I wonder how she will feel then? I'm sure they don't care.
Actually, she was interviewed this afternoon by Ed Schultz, and he asked her about the right wing media accusing her of being a tool of the left. She replied that the idea was nonsense. People from all around the country are joining her in her protest.
Funny how the "liberal" media isn't reporting much on it.
People from all over country? Interesting to say the least.
Could it be that it really is non-news. Could that be the reason why the media isn't reporting on it? There have been about 1800 families that have lost soldiers and I don't see them behaving this way. Those other families realize that their soldier made a choice to join the military and there is a bad side to the military. Death! They knew this and accepted this.
I feel for her loss but I still think she is being used as a pawn. As you said Ed Schultz had her on the radio, it isn't news to him, it is another chance to bash Bush and nothing more. In a few months he won't even remember who she was.