Here is an interesting article...
I wont post the whole article,but this part strikes me as interesting...
"He and others at "Fort Qualls" have asked for a debate with those at the Crawford Peace House, which is helping Sheehan.
It's unclear if that will happen. But a member of Gold Star Families for Peace, co-founded by Sheehan and comprised of relatives of fallen soldiers, said her group would not participate.
"We're asking for a meeting with the president, period," said Michelle DeFord, whose 37-year-old son, Sgt. David W. Johnson, was in the Army National Guard from Oregon when he was killed in Iraq last fall. "We don't want to debate with people who don't understand our point of view."
What are they afraid of?
It seems to me that since they know they wont get to see Bush,that they would welcome the opportunity to make their point,especially to people that disagree with them.
I am not making judgements,I just find it interesting.