Glennn - Q: If I'm a vegetarian, and I can't help but consume some dust in my house, does that mean I've eaten flesh?
A: Of course it does Glennn -
dust to dust, ashes to ashes etc - but it is in a modified form! You can rest easy, because you are among friends! You are not a cannibal, put that out of your mind immediately! Rather, you can consider that you are in fact taking part in a religious ritual, along with millions of others who line up regularly, poke out their tongue, and listen to a religious personage intone
the body of Christ as a small stale cracker is placed on their tongue! Then there is the part about
the blood of Christ, which, in reality, is sour past-use-by date red wine. Participating in this ritual doesn't make these people cannibals or vampires! You can be sure that among those millions there will be about 22% who are vegetarians

Rest easy Glennn, and enjoy your lentils
Q: Why does the rain in Spain fall mainly on the plain?