@P E Dant,
Q: Now that we know the purpose/reason behind pointy-toe shoes, it follows that the following question must be asked - why is it that almost all human beings have one foot slightly larger than the other?
A: AÂ lot of people have spent a lot of time on one foot, their dominant foot, in various pursuits. For instance yoga enthusiasts spend half their time on one foot in an posture called the stork. I know because I've done it often, and one of my feet is humongous. Another pursuit is ballet dancing where both males and females spend a predominant amount of their time on one foot. In this case, the female also has pointy shoes.
Another reason is what I call the stork gene. Storks and other birds sleep standing on one foot. We've inherited that gene, and when we're standing for long periods of time we shift our weight on one foot, and that foot becomes gigantic with the toes splayed out like a stork's foot. If you don't believe me look at your own foot.
Q: Related is how birds manage to sleep standing on one foot or even two feet for that matter. I've tried it, and it doesn't work at all.