JGoldman10 wrote:
Why does the SECULAR WORLD insist on PUTTING LABELS on everything? I HATE LGBTQIA. I am a CHRISTIAN, I have NOTHING to do with LGBTQIA.
I love when Bible Thumpers cherry pick verses to suit their needs. What's even better is when it can be shown how faithless they really are with a much more simpler verse from the Bible, 1 Peter 1:22-2.3. "Love One Another, Deeply From The Heart"
From my perspective, you have absolutely no right to label yourself as Christian yet here you are, in all of your nasty, bigoted glory.
Did you ever stop to think WHY LGBTQIA fight so hard for marriage? So they can please God, just like every other sinner gets to do. I will support that view, as part of my service. You should learn from your mistakes, not relish in them.