
Reply Wed 22 Jul, 2020 02:38 pm
InfraBlue wrote:

Who, exactly, called him a racist on this thread?

izzythepush wrote:

But you’ll still vote for their party so the NRA can continue shooting up schools.

You’re worse than the racists, unlike them you know it’s wrong but you carry on anyway.

Reply Wed 22 Jul, 2020 02:44 pm
I didn’t call him a racist, dimwit.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Jul, 2020 02:45 pm
He was going into the changing rooms of young girls. You know that.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Jul, 2020 07:57 pm

Max, here is what you wrote:

maxdancona wrote:

This thread raises a basic question....

Can you be a liberal without being an extremist incapable of respecting other points of view..

Extremists have these qualities.

- They give people extreme labels "Trump voters are fascists".
- They stick to the labels rather than listening to what people actually say.
- They refuse to accept that anyone can have a mix of beliefs and can live in the middle.

It is the "Us v. Them" attitude on display here. To Izzy and Real_Music either I have ideological purity or I am fascist.

All the usual in crowd goons are here: Izzy, RealMusic, Glitterbag, Region... and they are in perfect lockstep.

Their creed is "Anyone who disagrees with us is a fascist" and they are unwilling to entertain any other thought.

I apologize to McGentrix. This is the reality we live in. I will continue to push back against extremism from both sides.

This is the only remark I made on McG's Clarity thread:

Tue 21 Jul, 2020 10:33 am
Neither the Democrat or Republican Party are the same as they were in the 1940's and 50's... Southern States became disaffected with the Democratic Party, and nominated Strom Thurmond to run for President as part of the DixieCrat Party. Strom didn't make it and after that many democrats left the party and joined the republican camp.

I'm not making a detailed argument or explanation of the differences....just saying that Strom was one of the first to switch Parties.


I'm sorry its wasn't clear enough for you, but I don't believe McG is a racist...my comment was simply to point out that racism was very virulent in this country. Lincoln indeed freed the slaves......and the Democrats in the late 50's and early 60's were beside themselves over the idea that black people might have the same opportunities as white people. Democrats like Strom Thurmond, Jesse Helms and Lester Maddox switched parties because of the changing direction of the Democrat Party.

So the next time you get a hair up your ass and a compelling need to point out others as hypocrites, sanctimonious liberals.....take a deep breath and reread the comment. You will not find me calling McG a racist...honestly I don't like either one of you, I think you're both snide inconsiderate oafs....we won't be making friendship bracelets for each other, but I don't think either of you are racist. So, I am asking you to leave me out of future fevered screeds about people ganging up on poor little Max. I don't give a flying freep if you like me, just don't fabricate viewpoints and attribute them to me.. It's tiresome.
0 Replies
Real Music
Reply Wed 22 Jul, 2020 08:31 pm
It’s how you operate, you accuse everyone else of **** you’ve just made up, then argue against the **** you’ve just made up in a vain attempt not to appear delusional.

1. Yes. That definitely and accurately describes Maxdancona.

2. I wonder if Max actually knows that he is the biggest hypocrite here on A2K.

3. Maybe Max actually does know that he is the biggest hypocrite on A2K, and he simply hope other people don't notice the obvious.

4. Max is a real piece of work. And I don't mean that in a good way.

5. There is a name we call that stuff that constantly gushes out of Maxdancona.

6. It's called total bullshit and Max sure knows how to talk bullshit.

7. Thank you Izzy for shining a light on Maxdancona's constant hypocrisy and relentless never ending bullshit.

8. Oh, I almost forgot about Maxdancona's nauseating crying and whining.

9. Will somebody please give Max a pacifier for his constant crying and whining?
Real Music
Reply Wed 22 Jul, 2020 09:40 pm
I just want to be clear that I do not approve of the rampant racism being expressed by many of the "right winged" posters on A2K. I do not condone it and I do not approve of it and it does not reflect my feelings or opinions in any way.

There is no place in my beliefs for that.

Thank you for your time.

1. The above statement is how the OP had began this thread.

2. I went ahead and cut and paste the exact words of the OP.

3. I disagree with the self righteous hypocrite Max, when he says that this thread has been hijacked.

4. When the OP starts a thread with the above opening statement, that opening statement will ultimately be what we participants will discuss.

5. If we participants are attempting to determine the sincerity and the consistency of the OP's statement, that is definitely fair game for a constructive intellectual discussion and conversation.

6. So, if other A2k members happens to ask the OP relevant questions to determine the sincerity and consistency of the OP, that is how humans engage in conversations and discussions.

7. Anyone who wishes to engage in the conversation and discussion definitely don't need the self righteous hypocrite like Max trying to tell others how Max thinks a discussion should be.

8. I was attempting to engage in an constructive intellectual conversation with the OP regarding the OP's opening statement.

9. Since I had legitimate concerns about the OP's sincerity and consistency, I simply ask questions to help clear that up.

10. I definitely did not expect the harsh response to my question I got from the OP.

11. The tone of the OP's response to my question was definitely a surprise to me.

12. But, it is what it is. I'm not losing no sleep over it.

13. At no point did I ever attacked the OP.

14. At no point did I ever hijacked the thread.

15. As others have already said, this is just the same old self righteous Max trying to tell everyone how Max thinks we should engage in a discussion.

16. I and others already know that Max is truly, and I do mean truly, full of ****.
Reply Wed 22 Jul, 2020 09:55 pm
@Real Music,
Your post did not seem sincere. That is why I responded the way I did. If you knew my posting history, my own sincerity should not have really been doubted.

If you would like to engage in an actual conversation minus large, bold print about what I MUST do, then we can do that.

I feel Max has performed a service in this thread. I was happy to let the trolls take over and do as they wish. It reflects on them, not me. I think a lot of you are down on Max because he speaks the truth of your (the grand your and not you personally) motivations. People are so set in the extreme that anyone they see as not heaving the same water as a threat.

I am super glad my side does not treat me like that. We have a disagreement on something. I said so and that was that. I don't see a single right wing poster on A2K calling me names or jeering my posts. But hold the ******* phone if someone from the left disagrees. It becomes a pile on.

It's a maturity level I appreciate from "my side" that "your side" doesn't share. We can disagree with each other without fire bombing one another.

This thread has once again shown the vile side of a lot, not all, liberals on A2K. I have actually been pleasantly surprised by some and grateful.

Max has broad shoulders and I am sure he is man enough to take the usual poop flinging from the dance monkeys.
Real Music
Reply Wed 22 Jul, 2020 10:14 pm
Your post did not seem sincere. That is why I responded the way I did. If you knew my posting history, my own sincerity should not have really been doubted.

1. I was definitely sincere about having concerns about your sincerity.

2. The reason I put in big bold letters the word (rampant), because I felt that the word (rampant) was way too important to the actual question.

3. Here is a repeat of the questions that I had originally asked you, because I genuinely and truly still question your sincerity as well as your your consistency.

4. And at least for the moment, still has not changed.

a) Do you (acknowledge) and (denounce) the rampant racism expressed by Donald Trump?

b). It's one thing to say that you (acknowledge) and (denounce) the rampant racism expressed by many of the "right winged" posters on A2k.

c) It's a whole nother thing to express that exact same disapproval and denouncing of the rampant racism expressed by Donald Trump.
0 Replies
Real Music
Reply Wed 22 Jul, 2020 10:16 pm
If you would like to engage in an actual conversation minus large, bold print about what I MUST do, then we can do that.

Sorry. I simply cannot comply with that request, because some things are just too important and sometimes needs to be highlighted by putting it in big bold letters.
0 Replies
Real Music
Reply Wed 22 Jul, 2020 10:23 pm
I feel Max has performed a service in this thread. I was happy to let the trolls take over and do as they wish. It reflects on them, not me. I think a lot of you are down on Max because he speaks the truth of your (the grand your and not you personally) motivations. People are so set in the extreme that anyone they see as not heaving the same water as a threat.

1. You are free to believe what you want to believe about Max.

2. Max is a self righteous whiny hypocrite.

3. Max is full of ****.

4. At this moment in time, there is absolutely nothing you can say that will make me think anything different about Max.
Real Music
Reply Wed 22 Jul, 2020 10:28 pm
I am super glad my side does not treat me like that. We have a disagreement on something. I said so and that was that. I don't see a single right wing poster on A2K calling me names or jeering my posts. But hold the ******* phone if someone from the left disagrees. It becomes a pile on.

1. I don't mind having disagreements.

2. Disagreements are always going to occur.

3. That's just part of life.

4. I also don't have a problem with having discussions and conversations regarding disagreements.
0 Replies
Real Music
Reply Wed 22 Jul, 2020 10:30 pm
Max has broad shoulders and I am sure he is man enough to take the usual poop flinging from the dance monkeys.

1. Max is full of ****.

2. That sums up everything anyone needs to know about Max.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Jul, 2020 10:32 pm
@Real Music,
Max has broad shoulders and I am sure he is man enough to take the usual poop flinging from the dance monkeys.

At least I know which tree you swing from.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Jul, 2020 04:19 am
@Real Music,
Thank you, now Max will accuse you of taking your orders from me because he can’t accept that the only people he gets on with are racists and paedophiles.
Reply Thu 23 Jul, 2020 04:44 am
@Real Music,
What you’re going through is what I went through a ew years ago. You reach breaking point, there’s only so much whining, lying, hypocrisy and control freakery one can take before it all comes out.

That’s the effect Max has on people.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Jul, 2020 06:23 am
Real Music wrote:
Thank you Izzy for shining a light on Maxdancona's constant hypocrisy and relentless never ending bullshit.

This is my personal favorite line. Real Music, I love you! I think you are my new favorite.
Reply Thu 23 Jul, 2020 06:32 am
Still trying too hard.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Jul, 2020 06:46 am
I have been thinking about the problem of either/or thinking. Consider these two statements.

1. Anti-racism is important. Racism is a deep-rooted problem that continues in important ways in our society. Finding examples of institutional racism and exposing them is valuable. Protests, assertive dialog and insisting that society change are necessary.

2. Anti-racism goes to far in some areas. Attacking White people for wearing dread-locks, or tearing down statues of founding father, or arguing about the use of common terms like "blacklist", are excessive. More than this they are counterproductive.

I believe that both of these statements are true (of course there are a lot of details to hash out). But that is not the point.

Both of these statements can be true. There is nothing contradictory with saying... "I agree with this and it is important but it goes to far in these cases".

The hysterical anger you see on this thread is because people want to have an all-or-nothing argument. You are either with us completely or you are a fascist.... they want there to be no room for discussion or thought.

As a society, I hope we can get beyond the two sides of angry people yelling insults at each other. A constructive dialog involves both sides saying "I see what you are saying here, and I respect it... but I want you to understand that this other part is important to me".

I hope this type of discussion is possible.
Reply Thu 23 Jul, 2020 07:36 am

If people are angry on this thread it’s because they’re sick of your horseshit.
Reply Thu 23 Jul, 2020 08:41 am
maxdancona wrote:
1. I am objecting to the claim "Everyone who supports Trump is a racist". I believe that this is a ridiculous claim. Worse, it is makes every discussion nothing more than the two extremes yelling at each other.

While I'm not going to speak for others, at no point whatsoever have I made that claim, directly or indirectly. I've even made the point previously that I don't agree that every Republican is a racist. Trump is not a democrat president, he is a Republican president. Is he not?

maxdancona wrote:
2. My exact quote was "Extremism is based on a a basic lie. It says that 'everyone is an extremist'". What I am saying is that the extremists on this thread have an "us versus them" attitude, where anyone who doesn't agree with them is a "racist and a fascist".

Yes, I stand by that quote.

And yet again, you contradict yourself, yet again. Because if "extremism is based on a basic lie" (your own words, not mine or anyone else's), then that would mean that there is no such thing as an "extremist", and/or it only applies to certain groups, but not others - this is utter bullshit designed to try and further your own bullshit argument.

You then even admit that without actually admitting it in saying you're only talking about "extremists" in this thread, using the very word "extremist" after saying that "extremism is based on a basic lie", again, your words not mine - you can't have it both ways, sorry.

Stand by it all you want, I don't give a rats ass what you stand by.

maxdancona wrote:
3. I consider myself a liberal. I am an American, so I have an American perspective on what it means to be a liberal. I accept any label that anyone else gives to themselves.

Good for you. Because if you think by saying that your own comments are going to take on a new meaning, I've got bad news for you.

maxdancona wrote:
There I answered your questions... Now I have a question for you...

Do you really believe that everyone who supports Trump is a racist?

(That is the basic claim that the liberal group-think is pushing here. I my opinion this claim is ridiculous.)

This may come as a shock to you maxdancona but, I'm not compelled in any way to answer any of your questions. So since when did you start paying me a wage and become my boss? Since when do I need to answer to you? As that first statement in the quote above of your post only confirms what Izzy was saying about you being a "control freak". So don't tell me what to do please, as it was entirely your choice to respond to my post above, nobody put a gun to your head, so I'm not responsible for your actions, you are.

Once again, I'm not the one making that claim, so why do I need to defend it?

This is yet another example where you pretend to want a serious discussion, saying you would like to see common sense and sanity prevail, and then start going full circle and ending up back where you started. Then you start attacking posters that are not agreeing with you and doing exactly what trump himself does, in putting a number of groups of people all into the same basket and calling them "extremists". Because you are trying to have a bet each way, as I've said previously.

The bottom line is: I do NOT find you or the OP to be sincere about rejecting racism, wanting to apply common sense and sanity, or anything even remotely similar. And I find you to be no better than the nutcases that promote, and make racist comments on this site.

FWIW, I'll tell you what your problem is maxdancona, and it's called "consistency", in that, you're not consistent and jump from one extreme to the other, while calling others "extremists". Even coldjoint/pinky is far more consistent than you, consistently wrong, but at least they are consistent. And you're the infinite loop who's terminating condition can never be met.

And this is where I terminate my responses to your posts in this thread (maybe other threads too, we'll see).

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