engineer wrote:
It all plays back to the "white solidarity" part of racism, the willingness of the white majority to excuse or quietly disagree but say nothing about the racist comments of the vocal few. It's fairly easy to distance yourself from the blatant racism that the most extreme posters spew on A2K. They are anonymous and rejecting them doesn't really challenge your worldview. Doing the same with politicians who you otherwise agree with is harder. Honestly, hats off to McG for actively denouncing the racists comments here. He didn't have to do that and honestly I've never associated those comments with him anyway. Still, he's bending over backwards to defend the President who has a long history of making comments ranging from questionable to outright racist, not only on twitter, and doubling down when asked about it. The difference between what the President does and what happens on A2K is just a matter of degree, not substance. Allowing one while condemning the other is a tough sell.
This is Bullshit! The claim still is that "Anyone who supports Trump is a racist". The problem is that it sets up two extremes ... you are either good or evil, racist or progressive, with us or against us.
There are all of things that are considered racist by some people and not by others.
- People in blackface.
- White people wearing dreadlocks.
- White women wearing hoop earrings.
- The use of the words "Whitelist" and "Blacklist" in computing (I had to add entries to a whitelist as part of my job this week and thought about it).
Honest people will disagree on this. A decent person can think that Oralloy's weird conspiracy theories are racist while thinking that White Christmas is perfectly fine. The calls for
ideological purity are unreasonable.
There are also lots of reasons people might support Trump, including the abortion issue, or fears about gun rights, or simply a dislike of Democrats.
The liberals are setting up an
Inquisition where each poster on Able2know is to be judged for crimes against liberalism... except it isn't really liberalism they are pushing here.
It is a strange new world where people are attacked for letting their hair grow the wrong way.