Further Discussion About Covid-19 and the Covid-19 Crisis 2020

Sun 9 Aug, 2020 03:54 am
Probably by bank credit transfer.
0 Replies
Sun 9 Aug, 2020 02:10 pm
How are...getting paid...?

As izzy indicated, bank transfer.

If you want to know about how the money comes in, there's this thing called advertising. Newspapers, magazines, radio, television, billboards all bring in revenue, many if not all sports organizations receive a percentage of profits. The same holds true for places that sell sports team merchandise.
Sun 9 Aug, 2020 02:21 pm
When the premiership started up behind closed doors, every single match was televised.

We have a peculiar thing about football over here. Matches played at 3pm on a Saturday cannot be broadcast live at home, although they are broadcast live overseas. The highlights are shown on the BBC in the evening, some people avoid the results until they watch Match of the Day. I think it something to do with fear that fans would stay away if it was on television.

All pay per view matches are held at other times.

Not only was every single match televised they weren’t all pay per view. Some Southampton matches were on the BBC and others I could see with my ordinary satellite non sports subscription. Out of about 8 or 9 matches there were only 2 or 3 I couldn’t see.

That must have brought in something.
Sun 9 Aug, 2020 03:43 pm
If the games are being stream live oversea a VPN set for an oversee nation might be useful.

I can remember how annoying it was that all CBS streaming radio stations was block in Mexico an I needed to boot my TOR software to declare I was still in the US.

Oh yes I forgot I used the same means to get Doctor Who shows and games from your nation.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Mon 10 Aug, 2020 05:36 am
izzythepush wrote:

When the premiership started up behind closed doors, every single match was televised.

We have a peculiar thing about football over here. Matches played at 3pm on a Saturday cannot be broadcast live at home, although they are broadcast live overseas. The highlights are shown on the BBC in the evening, some people avoid the results until they watch Match of the Day. I think it something to do with fear that fans would stay away if it was on television.

All pay per view matches are held at other times.

Not only was every single match televised they weren’t all pay per view. Some Southampton matches were on the BBC and others I could see with my ordinary satellite non sports subscription. Out of about 8 or 9 matches there were only 2 or 3 I couldn’t see.

That must have brought in something.

Our American Football games played in the NFL (the professional game)...also cannot be televised live...UNLESS the home team stadium is sold out.

If it is...the game can be telecast live.

I live in area where every home team game is always telecast live, because our stadium is ALWAYS sold out.
Mon 10 Aug, 2020 06:13 am
@Frank Apisa,
Well yes, most premiership matches are too but that doesn’t make any odds.
Frank Apisa
Mon 10 Aug, 2020 07:05 am
izzythepush wrote:

Well yes, most premiership matches are too but that doesn’t make any odds.


You have no idea of how much I miss filling out my pools cards.

Cannot remember who I used to bet with...but it was the big pool. But that was back in the mid-1950's. Is there an Underhill or Wood pool. Those names come to mind for some reason.
Mon 10 Aug, 2020 07:15 am
@Frank Apisa,
I think Underhill was the name Frodo used.

Other than that I’ve not heard of it.

I could never get my head around a pools token it seems really complicated.
0 Replies
Thu 13 Aug, 2020 12:21 pm
On the entertainment side:

The pandemic will make movies and TV shows look like nothing we’ve seen before

Crowd scenes are a no-go. Real-world locations will be limited. On-screen romance will be less common, sometimes restricted to actors who have off-screen relationships. And independent films — that tantalizing side dish in the U.S. entertainment meal — could be heavily scaled back.

“A lot of people believe this is just about getting back to work,” said Mark Gill, a producer and former head of Warner Independent Pictures, the studio unit responsible for independent hits such as “Slumdog Millionaire” and “Good Night, and Good Luck.” “They don’t realize the massive cultural impact we’re about to face.”

To avoid reminding viewers of the pandemic, creators may take an approach that will lead to an unusual trend.

“I think over the next few years you’re going to see a lot more movies set in the past,” Foster said. “Even movies written for the present will be changed. They’ll make it the ’90s because then you don’t have to deal with these questions. And then you can just put in some cool ’90s music, so everybody wins.”

Sun 23 Aug, 2020 02:31 pm
My American Christian penpal thinks there is a Socialist agenda tied to the Covid-19 pandemic and crisis.

When I asked him about Bing Liu, the professor who was killed doing research on Covid-19, he said:

"The guy was obviously murdered."

I asked how did he learn about him, he responded with:

"I read it online. Heard it on the radio. The people who murdered him are Socialists who want Covid-19 to kill as many people as possible, especially the elderly and the disabled. They think the world is "overpopulated" (it isn't), and they want to cut the population. That's why they killed that guy. He not only had valuable research, but he may have known the truth about how it all started."

I asked how did he know Socialists were behind his murder. He said:

"The general idea is that people think the world is 'overpopulated.' It isn't; but they want to kill off millions, to 'thin the herd.' Also, the virus came from China, a Communist country. When President Trump demanded a travel ban, that was the right thing to do; but Socialists denounced it as 'racist' and 'xenophobic.' Race had nothing to do with it."

I asked where are these Socialists from he was referring to. He said:

"They're from all over the world. One of the Chinese scientists who worked on the virus attended Harvard University. Also, foreign influences like George Soros want to mess things up, too."

These are further comments he made about the Covid-19 crisis and pandemic and Socialists from later emails:

"The Bible does say that there would be plagues in the end times (Revelation 11:6, KJV). However, it is pretty obvious that Covid-19 is not one of them. I think it isn't nearly as bad as the news manufacturers say it is. The Socialists are lying about the death toll, as an excuse to create chaos. The Antichrist will soon be revealed, and pull a fake 'miracle' to get rid of Covid-19. This will no doubt be one of the "lying wonders" he will do (2nd Thessalonians 2:9, KJV)."

"As for Covid-19, the plan-demic is doing exactly what Socialists wanted it to do. Not only is it killing off the 'unfit,' but it also provides Socialists with an excuse to kill job prospects. They want people to be unemployed and unhappy, so they can provoke anger and anarchy. I thank God I am still working. There are a lot of things about my job that I hate; but I am fortunate to have one at all."

I asked him how many Christians does he know share his views on Socialism, and do they believe there's a Socialist agenda tied to the Covid-19 pandemic and crisis. He said:

"All the members of my church are the only Christians I know closely, and all of them are adamantly opposed to Socialism. My pastor works for a financial institution, so he knows economics far better than the fools who are being suckered by Socialism."

"Everyone in my church would agree 100% with everything I said. Covid-19 is part of a Eugenics program, and we all know why."
Sun 23 Aug, 2020 02:36 pm
Jesus was a Socialist. You can’t be a Christian and not be a Socialist.

Your penpal is a bigot. Nothing they’re saying is founded in reality, just mad conspiracy theories that don’t stand up to reason.
0 Replies
Sun 23 Aug, 2020 02:38 pm
I wonder if any cartoons on TV are making references to the Covid-19 pandemic and crisis.
0 Replies
Sun 23 Aug, 2020 03:14 pm
JGoldman10 wrote:

My American Christian penpal thinks there is a Socialist agenda tied to the Covid-19 pandemic and crisis.

When I asked him about Bing Liu, the professor who was killed doing research on Covid-19, he said:

"The guy was obviously murdered."

I asked how did he learn about him, he responded with:

"I read it online. Heard it on the radio. The people who murdered him are Socialists who want Covid-19 to kill as many people as possible, especially the elderly and the disabled. They think the world is 'overpopulated' (it isn't), and they want to cut the population. That's why they killed that guy. He not only had valuable research, but he may have known the truth about how it all started."

I asked how did he know Socialists were behind his murder. He said:

"The general idea is that people think the world is 'overpopulated.' It isn't; but they want to kill off millions, to 'thin the herd.' Also, the virus came from China, a Communist country. When President Trump demanded a travel ban, that was the right thing to do; but Socialists denounced it as 'racist' and 'xenophobic.' Race had nothing to do with it."

I asked where are these Socialists from he was referring to. He said:

"They're from all over the world. One of the Chinese scientists who worked on the virus attended Harvard University. Also, foreign influences like George Soros want to mess things up, too."

These are further comments he made about the Covid-19 crisis and pandemic and Socialists from later emails:

"The Bible does say that there would be plagues in the end times (Revelation 11:6, KJV). However, it is pretty obvious that Covid-19 is not one of them. I think it isn't nearly as bad as the news manufacturers say it is. The Socialists are lying about the death toll, as an excuse to create chaos. The Antichrist will soon be revealed, and pull a fake 'miracle' to get rid of Covid-19. This will no doubt be one of the 'lying wonders' he will do (2nd Thessalonians 2:9, KJV)."

"As for Covid-19, the plan-demic is doing exactly what Socialists wanted it to do. Not only is it killing off the 'unfit,' but it also provides Socialists with an excuse to kill job prospects. They want people to be unemployed and unhappy, so they can provoke anger and anarchy. I thank God I am still working. There are a lot of things about my job that I hate; but I am fortunate to have one at all."

I asked him how many Christians does he know share his views on Socialism, and do they believe there's a Socialist agenda tied to the Covid-19 pandemic and crisis. He said:

"All the members of my church are the only Christians I know closely, and all of them are adamantly opposed to Socialism. My pastor works for a financial institution, so he knows economics far better than the fools who are being suckered by Socialism."

"Everyone in my church would agree 100% with everything I said. Covid-19 is part of a Eugenics program, and we all know why."

Sun 23 Aug, 2020 03:35 pm
Your penpal is clearly a conspiracy theorist and slightly unhinged.

And here you are, spreading his conspiracy theories without any evidence to support it.
Mon 24 Aug, 2020 06:11 pm

Man who believed virus was hoax loses wife to Covid-19

A Florida taxi driver, who believed false claims that coronavirus was a hoax, has lost his wife to Covid-19.

Brian Lee Hitchens and his wife, Erin, had read claims online that the virus was fabricated, linked to 5G or similar to the flu.

The couple didn't follow health guidance or seek help when they fell ill in early May. Brian recovered but his 46-year-old wife became critically ill and died this month from heart problems linked to the virus.

Brian spoke to the BBC in July as part of an investigation into the human cost of coronavirus misinformation. At the time, his wife was on a ventilator in hospital.

Erin, a pastor in Florida, had existing health problems - she suffered from asthma and a sleeping disorder.

Her husband explained that the couple did not follow health guidance at the start of the pandemic because of the false claims they had seen online.

Brian continued to work as a taxi driver and to collect his wife's medicine without observing social distancing rules or wearing a mask.

They had also failed to seek help as soon as possible when they fell ill in May and were both subsequently diagnosed with Covid-19.

Brian told BBC News that he "wished [he'd] listened from the beginning" and hoped his wife would forgive him.

"This is a real virus that affects people differently. I can't change the past. I can only live in today and make better choices for the future," Brian explained.

"She's no longer suffering, but in peace. I go through times missing her, but I know she's in a better place."

Brian said he and his wife didn't have one firm belief about Covid-19. Instead, they switched between thinking the virus was a hoax, linked to 5G technology, or a real, but mild ailment. They came across these theories on Facebook.

"We thought the government was using it to distract us," Brian explained, "or it was to do with 5G."

But after the couple fell ill with the virus in May, Brian took to Facebook in a viral post to explain that he'd been misled by what he'd seen online about the virus.

"If you have to go out please use wisdom and don't be foolish like I was so the same thing won't happen to you like it happened to me and my wife," he wrote.

In May, a BBC team tracking coronavirus misinformation found links to assaults, arson and deaths.

Doctors and experts have warned that the potential for indirect harm caused by rumours, conspiracy theories and bad health information online remains huge - especially as anti-vaccination conspiracies are being spread on social media.

While social media companies have made attempts to tackle misinformation about coronavirus on their platforms, critics argue that more needs to be done in the coming months.

A Facebook spokesperson told the BBC: "We don't allow harmful misinformation on our platforms and between April and June we removed more than seven million pieces of harmful Covid-19 misinformation, including claims relating to false cures or suggestions that social distancing is ineffective."
0 Replies
Tue 25 Aug, 2020 09:42 am
If you're really interested I'll ask him what sources did he use to verify his claims.
Tue 25 Aug, 2020 09:48 am
I'm not interested.

I know it is all bullshit.
Wed 26 Aug, 2020 04:54 am
Is ok
0 Replies
Wed 26 Aug, 2020 06:12 am
Your friend is misinformed and probably not a critical thinker. Advocates of population control — and yes, the planet is overpopulated with humans — have never advocated killing the living. And covid-19 would be a particularly inefficient method as it is primarily lethal only in the elderly or those with chronic diseases like diabetes who are already at a greater risk of dying — and healthy people of childbearing age are largely spared the worst outcomes. Encouraging birth control, educating people about the benefits of family planning, and drawing attention to the negative consequences of overpopulation are more effective methods of reducing population growth.
Frank Apisa
Wed 26 Aug, 2020 06:27 am
hightor wrote:

Your friend is misinformed and probably not a critical thinker. Advocates of population control — and yes, the planet is overpopulated with humans — have never advocated killing the living. And covid-19 would be a particularly inefficient method as it is primarily lethal only in the elderly or those with chronic diseases like diabetes who are already at a greater risk of dying — and healthy people of childbearing age are largely spared the worst outcomes. Encouraging birth control, educating people about the benefits of family planning, and drawing attention to the negative consequences of overpopulation are more effective methods of reducing population growth.


Right on the mark!
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