If we in fact "stumbled" into a trade war.
It may prove to be too difficult to pull off without collateral damage, but China's trade policies and violations of international trade laws has to be met head-on. To think that it could be accomplished without some pain would be silly. We didn't stop Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, and the Soviet Union with just harsh words.
Make no mistake, China wants world domination and they have made long term plans on how to achieve it, primarily with economic means (including piracy and predation) but they will eventually have the military might to hold over the world. The idea that doing business with them would bring them into a peaceful cooperative relationship with democracies was at best naive. Democracies can thwart their goal, but only if they are willing to endure some short term pain. The Chinese government isn't elected and it has demonstrated it is willing to brutally crackdown on dissent. (Unless the Hong Kong resistance backs off, the recent troubles will not end well) so it can weather bad economic times far more than any democratically elected government can.
I worry that Western reliance on relative luxury may assure that China meets its goal.