Steve (as 41oo) wrote:As I'm not peeved nor miffed none whatsoever.
I 'm tired of Whooda's juvenile remarks.
And I resent people who funded the IRA telling us Brits and me in particular that we in Europe are living comfortable cozy little lives (but apparantly no cozier than Arkansas) immune from the ever present threat of al Qaida terrorists flying a plane into a power station 50 miles away.
So no not miffed. Pretty angry actually.
The anger flows both way, Steve, and I think mine is as valid as yours.
Incidentally, I've never donated a dime to the Irish Republican Army and I'm guessing 99.999% of Americans haven't either and yet you continue to make your blanket statements about Americans. Occasionally you backtrack and claim your comments are only directed at our president, but one needs only to scroll up to find your actual words. When direct issues are addressed, you skirt them entirely, declare comparisons invalid, or simply become shrill.
If you haven't figured it out by now, I'm not here to make friends and I damned well don't care how you feel about me, my avatar, my dog, or my politics. I do care that we converse, angrily or happily, on an even playing field, and I resent your continual efforts to slant that field.
Chiczaira makes a most valid point about envy. When I have more time I may or may not address the unholy alliance of obstructionist American liberals and envious Old Europe-eans who partner on sites such as this to further their personal agendas under the guise of humanitarianism or inflated outrage against the war in Iraq.
In the meantime, you may want to attempt removing that log from your eye, Steve.