McTag wrote:I have noticed that the nastiest people who post here, inhabit the right of the political spectrum. Why do you think this is?
I think you're partially correct in your observation, McT. Many "nasty" responses
do come from certain A2Kers to the right of the political spectrum. I'm assuming your last question was rhetorical, but I will venture an observation in reply if I may.
On this website, the rightwingers are vastly outnumbered by the leftwingers. In fact, my "nastiest" posts on this site have had less to do with the issue at hand (granted, a no-no) and more to do with the treatment afforded by that majority to those in the minority who simply disagree. Alleged pillars of the A2K community rush in with posts labeling dissenters as silly, useless, stupid, etc. and calling their comments various synonyms of excrement. (
Horseshit seems to be a favorite.) Basically, these tactics amount to a shouting-down by the majority of any dissenting opinion, and, unfortunately, you do find many nasty comments in reply. But nasty people? I'm not so sure about that observation ... I doubt the people are so much inherently nasty as they are simply frustrated by the accepted rule-bending on this site.
At the risk of (again) being labeled a whiner by the local talent, I would like to observe that I believe much of the majority's forementioned behavior is sanctioned by the actions/policies of the powers-that-be. On this very thread, a member informed me into which orifice I could insert the log which I believed to be in his eye, suggested I perform an unnatural act of self-procreation, and then suggested I expire long before my time. At the same time (on another thread,) said poster was bragging about finishing off a bottle of wine and being quite drunk. In a way, the exchange was refreshing in that it reminded me of more freewheeling times at the defunct Abuzz. The offending post remained for several hours, this thread was briefly locked, the post was removed, the thread was unlocked, and the offender has continued to enjoy unfettered posting rights throughout it all. Far lesser crimes have resulted in suspensions and banishments for others. I'll return your question, McT. Why do you think that is?
Actually I've broken my own resolution to myself by once again even venturing back and posting on this site. I thought I had effectively disconnected myself from the place, but an errant email arrived from a long-forgotten thread, way led to way, and here I am again posting thoughts that are entirely too personal and certain to be ridiculed ... but ... I suppose you did ask.
And, yes, we're a tad off-topic, aren't we?
Once again, my apologies to our esteemed thread author.