George Galloway blasts the Senate

Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2005 05:56 am
Sheppard is an ex Air Force general who has worked previously with Rumsfeld and who, so far as I know without exception, speaks the apologist line on every CNN outing. Objective observer he is not. One can go through that piece and list the formulated talking points for pundits spreading the good word...a few bad apples, investigated, perpetrators punished and the matter over, not club med, etc etc.

As debra pointed out earlier, this tour was precisely the sort offered up by Soviet Russia or North Korea to foreign press/observers; those in attendance were not allowed to go anywhere except where they were taken, nor to talk individually to any of the detainees. We knew such 'information tours' were simply PR and a sham before but we don't have the balls to admit the Pentagon is doing exactly the same thing now.

Sheppard says the Red Cross has unfettered access.
In exchange for access, the committee has agreed to take any initial complaints directly to Washington. It publicises its views only when it feels they are not being heeded.

In this instance, the ICRC says it has been urging the White House for months to make significant changes in Guantanamo.

International Committee of Red Cross charges in confidential reports to United States government that American military has intentionally used psychological and sometimes physical coercion 'tantamount to torture' on prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; report follows monthlong visit to Guantanamo by Red Cross inspection team last June; it claims some doctors and other medical workers at Guantanamo participated in planning for interrogations, calling this 'flagrant violation of medical ethics'; Bush administration and military officials sharply reject report's charges; Red Cross has been conducting visits to Guantanamo since Jan 2002; this is first time it has asserted in such strong terms that treatment of detainees, both physical and psychological, amounts to torture;

And when the IRC feels that their reports back to the Pentagon have been ignored, forcing them to release public statements regarding maltreatment and torture, the Pentagon's helpful response is...
The Times said the U.S. government and military officials received the ICRC report in July and rejected its findings.

And what do Republicans do when the IRC actually does speak up, having been stonewalled by the Pentagon, well of course they do the following...
Senate Republicans are calling on the [Bush] administration to reassess U.S. financial support for the International Committee of the Red Cross, charging that the group is using American funds to lobby against U.S. interests.

The ICRC is the only organization mandated by international treaty to monitor the observance of the Geneva Convention governing the treatment of prisoners, and it has the right to visit prisoners.

So, whoodathunk, how about we actually try to find out what is going on rather than depend on propaganda mouthpieces.
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Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2005 06:00 am
International Committee of the RED Cross . . . come on Mr. Mountie, they're obviously a commie front organization . . . what, what is it? Can't you see i'm talking to the Mountie ? ! ? ! ? Huh? It is? We did? Commies ain't the enemy no more?

Never mind . . .
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Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2005 06:17 am
Commies were all killed by Reagan, personally. He was the model for the Conan stories, though, taking poetic licence and playing to the modern american audience, they removed the coonskin cap and Bowie knife and gave him a huge cock and a Hummer.

But the Commies were child's play compared to the new threat...liberalism. Sheesh, is it ever bad!
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Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2005 07:06 am
Whooda - While on vacation last week, I read an article in the NYT about those democratic Senators who were in Cuba last Sunday "primarily to discuss new agricultural trade". They mosied over to Gitmo (an afterthought, I'm sure) to check it out and were quite impressed with both the guards and the amenities at the camp (AC and semiprivate showers). Only one masseuse, though, for the entire camp, sheesh! (OK I made up the part about the masseuse).

Of course, being the NYT, the article "Senators Laud Treatment of Detainees in Guantanamo", was buried on page 15, since they probably felt it was just another Democratic tactic of claiming to support the troops while simultaneously denouncing the military...similar to other dems who've tried to make that distinction in past weeks.

We need to pity these no longer relevant Democrats. They're gyrating and twisting into contortions trying to hang onto their last vestiges of power, but all they've got left is obstructing and undermining ... and ridiculing at every opportunity. They're at rock-bottom and have nowhere to go but up, but they won't start that climb until they finally, once and for all, get sick of losing, losing, losing.
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Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2005 01:31 pm
blatham wrote:
Sheppard is an ex Air Force general who has worked previously with Rumsfeld and who, so far as I know without exception, speaks the apologist line on every CNN outing. Objective observer he is not. One can go through that piece and list the formulated talking points for pundits spreading the good word...a few bad apples, investigated, perpetrators punished and the matter over, not club med, etc etc.

As debra pointed out earlier, this tour was precisely the sort offered up by Soviet Russia or North Korea to foreign press/observers; those in attendance were not allowed to go anywhere except where they were taken, nor to talk individually to any of the detainees. We knew such 'information tours' were simply PR and a sham before but we don't have the balls to admit the Pentagon is doing exactly the same thing now.

So, whoodathunk, how about we actually try to find out what is going on rather than depend on propaganda mouthpieces.

I do believe there is considerable difference between the United States and both North Korea and the unlamented Soviet Union. Evidently Blatham doesn't agree.

More evidence that nothing can dent the fixed beliefs of those whose minds are truly closed.
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Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2005 03:44 pm
georgeob1 wrote:
blatham wrote:
Sheppard is an ex Air Force general who has worked previously with Rumsfeld and who, so far as I know without exception, speaks the apologist line on every CNN outing. Objective observer he is not. One can go through that piece and list the formulated talking points for pundits spreading the good word...a few bad apples, investigated, perpetrators punished and the matter over, not club med, etc etc.

As debra pointed out earlier, this tour was precisely the sort offered up by Soviet Russia or North Korea to foreign press/observers; those in attendance were not allowed to go anywhere except where they were taken, nor to talk individually to any of the detainees. We knew such 'information tours' were simply PR and a sham before but we don't have the balls to admit the Pentagon is doing exactly the same thing now.

So, whoodathunk, how about we actually try to find out what is going on rather than depend on propaganda mouthpieces.

I do believe there is considerable difference between the United States and both North Korea and the unlamented Soviet Union. Evidently Blatham doesn't agree.

More evidence that nothing can dent the fixed beliefs of those whose minds are truly closed.


You goddamn ninny. I'm going to have you ordered back for retread on 'Discernment and Differentiation, Level 1'.

The point was the 'value' of this tour, and the techniques which underlay it. It was almost completely without value for the same reasons that tours anywhere, where the observers are not free to go where they desire and speak to whom they desire, are without value. It was a propaganda mission and did not facilitate discovery of any bad news whatsoever, but yet the Pentagon made the pretence of the tour being the opposite. Typical trick of crooks, liars and totalitarian governments.

Now, you wanna point out to me where anything said above entails that the US and Russia and North Korea were identical? There are, for example, no good blues harmonica players across the width and breadth of NK. The US is, in the main, a very free country where NK is at the bottom of the moral barrel. Etc etc.
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Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2005 07:17 pm
Of course those conducting the tour went to extra lengths to make things look good. However, there are physical limits on the degree of such glossing that can be accomplished. For example I doubt that the Japanese prison camps in WWII, any of the facilities in the Soviet Goulog, similar facilities in North Korea, or any of Hitler's extermination or work camps could have practically been dressed up to appear as anything but what they were. There is no comparison between any of those establishments and what exists in Gitmo - though many opponents of our policy have attempted to make one. Such absurdities confirm the prejudices of these commentators.
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Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2005 07:43 pm
Sorry george. You and I have no presently apparent bridge on this one.

Wanna beer?
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Reply Sun 3 Jul, 2005 02:10 pm
JustWonders wrote:
We need to pity these no longer relevant Democrats. They're gyrating and twisting into contortions trying to hang onto their last vestiges of power, but all they've got left is obstructing and undermining ... and ridiculing at every opportunity. They're at rock-bottom and have nowhere to go but up, but they won't start that climb until they finally, once and for all, get sick of losing, losing, losing.

Yep. Even Hillary seems to realize this as she tries to paint herself as a moderate ... though her real colors continue to bleed through.

For a group that prides itself on being so much brighter, so much more enlightened, so much more natteringly nabobish than the rest of us blithering idiots, one would think the Dems might recognize and emulate Clinton's centrist makeover from '92. Instead they proudly display their wacko wares in the storefront and, as you observed, continue to lose, lose, lose and bitch, bitch, bitch.
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Reply Sun 3 Jul, 2005 08:01 pm
I have a lot of respect for politicians (or anyone) who demonstrate a strong belief in the agendas they're pushing -- even if I don't agree with them. Hillary fails this litmus test in that she doesn't appear sincere about anything. Her 'move to the middle' seems artificial to me. I think she adapts herself to whichever situation she finds herself because she knows that the 'real' Hillary can't get elected.

So, although I agree with you that the Dems have a lot to learn and could even take a few cues from her, I just don't think they'll be able to fool enough people to get elected until they start believing what they're preaching.
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sun 10 Jul, 2005 12:08 am
JustWonders wrote:
I have a lot of respect for politicians (or anyone) who demonstrate a strong belief in the agendas they're pushing -- even if I don't agree with them. Hillary fails this litmus test in that she doesn't appear sincere about anything. Her 'move to the middle' seems artificial to me. I think she adapts herself to whichever situation she finds herself because she knows that the 'real' Hillary can't get elected.

So, although I agree with you that the Dems have a lot to learn and could even take a few cues from her, I just don't think they'll be able to fool enough people to get elected until they start believing what they're preaching.

So who are the Democrats who you feel have a strong belief in the agendas they are pushing?

My own candidates:

Nancy Pelosi
Barney Franks
Barack Obama
Harold Ford
Eleanor Holmes Norton
Dianne Fienstien

Unfortunately, I don't know my enemy as well as I probably should and so I am now drawing a blank. Likely I might be able to add to this list anon.

I'm sure there are commendable Libs (in the sense that they truly believe in the tripe they deliver) who I have simply forgotten, and so I open the forum to amendments.

Lefties who, in no way, deserve, a place on this list:

1) Ted Kennedy - His face a field of Gin Blossoms; his heart a field of hedonistic, self aggrandizing weeds. The ultimate despicable politician.
2) Chris Dodd - Satan has granted this man a tongue that is not silver, it is platinum. The Alchemist of the Democratic Party, he is able to turn shite into mother-of pearl.
3) Barbara Boxer - It's all about Barbara, and her losing battle against the ravages of grey hair and turkey necks.
4) Charles Schummer - Don't you just know that this guy is one personal prick in "real life?" Skinny little Jew Boy picked on by his Goy schoolmates, who found a brilliant mind and a brilliant tongue could fight back as the years progressed.
5) Dick Durbin - So aptly named. This is a man who is a living sausage of oatmeal and brine. The Man Who Would Be President? Bring it on Dick!

Here again, I am sure that I have missed some of the figures most foul, and so entreat all others to amend.
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Reply Sun 10 Jul, 2005 12:36 am
Off-topic a tad?
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sun 10 Jul, 2005 12:44 am
McTag wrote:
Off-topic a tad?

How can a cogent response to a given post in a thread be, in and of itself, off-topic, and why would you waste a moment of your life posting as you just did?

I guess if it made you feel superior McTag than it must have been worth it...right mate?
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Reply Sun 10 Jul, 2005 01:00 am
I'm not sure why you think it should make me feel superior.
I think it a shame, though, that so many threads reduce to tit-for-tat discussions of US domestic politics. That is of no interest to many people, and I think, of no particular relevance here.
However, there are many threads which do discuss US domestic politics, where you could direct your thoughts. Should you so wish. May I say also, off-topic asides are usually quite welcomed by me.

I have noticed that the nastiest people who post here, inhabit the right of the political spectrum. Why do you think this is?
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sun 10 Jul, 2005 01:04 am
McTag wrote:
I'm not sure why you think it should make me feel superior.
I think it a shame, though, that so many threads reduce to tit-for-tat discussions of US domestic politics. That is of no interest to many people, and I think, of no particular relevance here.
However, there are many threads which do discuss US domestic politics, where you could direct your thoughts. Should you so wish. May I say also, off-topic asides are usually quite welcomed by me.

I have noticed that the nastiest people who post here, inhabit the right of the political spectrum. Why do you think this is?

0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Jul, 2005 01:14 am
Finn d'Abuzz wrote:
McTag wrote:
I'm not sure why you think it should make me feel superior.
I think it a shame, though, that so many threads reduce to tit-for-tat discussions of US domestic politics. That is of no interest to many people, and I think, of no particular relevance here.
However, there are many threads which do discuss US domestic politics, where you could direct your thoughts. Should you so wish. May I say also, off-topic asides are usually quite welcomed by me.

I have noticed that the nastiest people who post here, inhabit the right of the political spectrum. Why do you think this is?


0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Jul, 2005 06:56 am
McTag wrote:
Off-topic a tad?

Considering this thread went 'off-topic' ... more than a 'tad' LOL ... around 10 pages ago, it's rather funny whom you choose to scold.

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Reply Sun 10 Jul, 2005 10:07 am
I didn't scold, and I didn't refer to anyone in particular. He/ she just took it that way.
I just don't like it when Hilary Clinton and other assorted luminaries come into the subject unbidden. Who are these people? Not everyone gives a r.'s a. about that stuff.
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Reply Sun 10 Jul, 2005 12:51 pm
McTag wrote:
I have noticed that the nastiest people who post here, inhabit the right of the political spectrum. Why do you think this is?

I think you're partially correct in your observation, McT. Many "nasty" responses do come from certain A2Kers to the right of the political spectrum. I'm assuming your last question was rhetorical, but I will venture an observation in reply if I may.

On this website, the rightwingers are vastly outnumbered by the leftwingers. In fact, my "nastiest" posts on this site have had less to do with the issue at hand (granted, a no-no) and more to do with the treatment afforded by that majority to those in the minority who simply disagree. Alleged pillars of the A2K community rush in with posts labeling dissenters as silly, useless, stupid, etc. and calling their comments various synonyms of excrement. (Horseshit seems to be a favorite.) Basically, these tactics amount to a shouting-down by the majority of any dissenting opinion, and, unfortunately, you do find many nasty comments in reply. But nasty people? I'm not so sure about that observation ... I doubt the people are so much inherently nasty as they are simply frustrated by the accepted rule-bending on this site.

At the risk of (again) being labeled a whiner by the local talent, I would like to observe that I believe much of the majority's forementioned behavior is sanctioned by the actions/policies of the powers-that-be. On this very thread, a member informed me into which orifice I could insert the log which I believed to be in his eye, suggested I perform an unnatural act of self-procreation, and then suggested I expire long before my time. At the same time (on another thread,) said poster was bragging about finishing off a bottle of wine and being quite drunk. In a way, the exchange was refreshing in that it reminded me of more freewheeling times at the defunct Abuzz. The offending post remained for several hours, this thread was briefly locked, the post was removed, the thread was unlocked, and the offender has continued to enjoy unfettered posting rights throughout it all. Far lesser crimes have resulted in suspensions and banishments for others. I'll return your question, McT. Why do you think that is?

Actually I've broken my own resolution to myself by once again even venturing back and posting on this site. I thought I had effectively disconnected myself from the place, but an errant email arrived from a long-forgotten thread, way led to way, and here I am again posting thoughts that are entirely too personal and certain to be ridiculed ... but ... I suppose you did ask.

And, yes, we're a tad off-topic, aren't we?

Once again, my apologies to our esteemed thread author.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Jul, 2005 01:49 pm
Whooda, I chalk it up to braindead hampsters with whopping double standards.

Still, I wish you'd stick around Smile

It's not like they're gonna amend the 43,381 registered members to 43,380. If you're gonna be counted, you might as well make some noise SmileSmileSmile
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