Seeing as you mention speaking out, Blatham......take a look at this link, which shows the transcript of the resignation speech of Robin Cook (the then Leader of The House) due to his protest at the decision to vote on committing troops without a second resolution from the UN.
It was at this time, that the now famous "sexed up" document was presented to the house in soundbites, in order to scare the living bejeezus out of them and secure a yes vote for war.
How wise his words seem now.....looking back.
It's worth reading carefully people....there are some real truths hidden in there.
"Only a couple of weeks ago, Hans Blix told the Security Council that the key remaining disarmament tasks could be completed within months.
I have heard it said that Iraq has had not months but 12 years in which to complete disarmament, and that our patience is exhausted.
Yet it is more than 30 years since resolution 242 called on Israel to withdraw from the occupied territories.
We do not express the same impatience with the persistent refusal of Israel to comply.
I welcome the strong personal commitment that the prime minister has given to middle east peace, but Britain's positive role in the middle east does not redress the strong sense of injustice throughout the Muslim world at what it sees as one rule for the allies of the US and another rule for the rest."