You were right. I was expecting (well, expecting is a little strong . . . perhaps, hoping) that CBS would live up to the hype and give us a twist we've never seen before. Nevertheless, I'm happy that Kaysar has the opportunity to come back into the house.
I checked the popularity ratings on the CBS website, and Kaysar's rating kept going up every week until he had the highest "LOVE" rating of all the houseguests. Howie is next followed by Janelle and Rachel.
Eric's rating kept going down each week--along with the ratings of his sheep.
So, it appears that Kaysar will most likely be voted back into the house . . . if we vote.
So, Kicky, place this address into your favorite places and send Kaysar a few votes everyday:
If the Kaysar fans don't send enough votes, the sheep fans could possibly out-vote us by spending all day on the internet sending votes for Eric. Seeing Eric back in the house with his sheep worshiping him day in and day out would be a sickening thing to watch. I would much rather see the defeated, heartbroken look on Ivette's face when Kaysar walks through the door instead of Eric. LOL