Big Brother 6

Reply Thu 28 Jul, 2005 09:48 pm
Hehe...great point. I didn't even notice that. I'm just wondering now whether Maggie will become a control freak like Eric did. I have a feeling she is going to be less obnoxious than him. At least I hope so. I do think that Kaysar has a giant bullseye on him. Is it possible that he can somehow figure out a way to make it through this week?
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Debra Law
Reply Thu 28 Jul, 2005 10:11 pm
I think she will be in revenge mode. If she's thinking smart, she should secretly approach Kaysar and Janelle and make a deal to replace one of the others in the "final six" plan--after all, she's in the same boat as Kaysar and Janelle--she has lost her partner.

The other partners have a greater financial incentive to fight hard to keep their partners in the game--and that extra half million dollar incentive no longer exists for Kaysar, Janelle, and Maggie. They could be a secret force of three working towards getting the other couples/pairs to work against each other.

In her own alliance of Five--Maggie is the odd woman out--the one that the other two pairs voted to evict. That should be weighing heavily on her mind if her goal is ultimately to win the game. She needs to be thinking long term and make strategic moves necessary to get herself to the end of the game.

But . . . I don't think Maggie will be thinking strategically.
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Debra Law
Reply Fri 29 Jul, 2005 04:33 pm
When Kaysar nominated Maggie, it absolutely escaped her limited intellectual capacities that an HoH would nominate a houseguest who was NOT one of the targets for eviction. Maggie has announced that she doesn't believe in using pawns--which means she's opposed to making strategic nominations--apparently BOTH nominees must be a bona fide target for eviction.

I guess Maggie would disapprove of Nakomis's 6-finger plan last year where BOTH nominees were pawns in order to evict the target: Jase. Because Jase was not nominated, he could not play for GPoV to save himself. When the GPoV was used (as planned) to take one of the pawn nominees off the block and Jase was nominated to take the vetoed houseguest's place--Jase's goose was cooked. There was NOTHING he could do to save himself.

It's a fantastic game strategy--don't give your target an opportunity to save himself.

But, Maggie (the game-moron) has announced that she doesn't believe in using pawns. Accordingly, I don't think Maggie has enough strategic brainpower to think ahead--long term--how to get herself to the end of the game. As the current HoH, I expect that she will target Kaysar and James as the two strongest players in the "opposing" non-sheep (thinking, brainy) alliance.

[Except Sarah--I don't think Sarah is a thinker--I think she's merely her boyfriend's follower--and that she doesn't give a darn about the game and would gladly sacrifice herself to keep James in the game because that's what James wants.]

I don't expect that Maggie will learn from the mistakes that her partner Eric made in his short-lived role as the leader of the sheep (non-thinking, brainless) alliance. I think Rachel, Howie, James, Kaysar, and Janelle will be playing the game and saying whatever it takes to Maggie in order to save themselves from eviction--as they should--this is a game.

May the best man or woman win. LOL
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Reply Fri 29 Jul, 2005 04:40 pm
Oh my God, I was just talking to my friend about this game, and we came to the same conclusions, more or less. We agreed that Maggie is not smart enough to strategize beyond "I don't like him/her". And we were saying that it's kind of like the smart people vs. the stupid people, and that Sarah wasn't really that smart.

The only difference is, I'm not really convinced that James is that smart, either. He's with Sarah, after all...but still, that's weird how you were writing almost exactly what I was thinking.

Did you read my mind, or did I read yours?
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Reply Fri 29 Jul, 2005 04:42 pm
Right now, I am rrooting for Howie.

Howie! Howie! Howie!
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Debra Law
Reply Fri 29 Jul, 2005 05:23 pm
I think, of all the players, Rachel is in the best position. She catered to the "will of the house" to get rid of annoying Ashlea the first week. She was on board with the plan to get rid of Michael the second week. And she's sitting inconspicuously between the smart and dumb alliances. She's not anyone's target.

Howie is entertaining. I hope he stays a long time. But, I think he stands out and will be targeted for eviction long before his partner is.

I give James credit for playing the game and being smart enough to "make his enemies his friends" and switch sides to save himself. His only other choice was to fall on his sword so that leader Eric could save his partner from eviction. Apparently, that's what the sheep believe the "betrayer" should have done--allowed himself to be led to slaughter--but James is NOT a sheep. That places him on a much higher rung on the intellectual ladder than his former alliance mates.
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Debra Law
Reply Fri 29 Jul, 2005 05:35 pm
kickycan wrote:
Oh my God, I was just talking to my friend about this game, and we came to the same conclusions, more or less. We agreed that Maggie is not smart enough to strategize beyond "I don't like him/her".

Absolutely. Maggie kept whining about the "good people" being forced out of the game while the "bad people" stayed. Maggie's limited perception of the game: Eric and I are the "good people" and we should win the game--those who disagree or fail to fall on his/her game sword so the good people can win are BAD and I don't like them. Boo hoo.
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Debra Law
Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2005 10:38 pm
No surprises tonight: Maggie nominated James and Kaysar.

Did you notice the order in which the keys were pulled out of the box?

The four sheep (April, Ivette, Jennifer, Beau);





Maggie showed her pecking order.

For the veto competition, neither Kaysar or James can select Rachel or Howie to play. Neither Rachel or Howie can be expected to use the GPoV because they would be afraid that their partner will be nominated.

Accordingly, James really has no choice but to select Sarah to play. The thought of losing James might motivate Sarah to put forth the effort necessary to win. I don't think Sarah has much competition talent, but sometimes when someone really NEEDS to win--that's when it happens.

I'm 99.99999 percent sure that Kaysar will select Janelle to play. I hope Janelle wins GPoV and takes Kaysar off the block (so that BOTH of them are safe)--but my hopes are rarely realized in the game. I hoped that Eric would be evicted--and that happened. Therefore, I've had my quota of hopes fullfilled for one season. LOL

I think, if James or Kaysar wins PoV and takes himself off the block, Maggie will nominate Janelle as the replacement based on the "pecking order."
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Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2005 11:22 pm
Due to technical difficulties, and the fact that I went to see an all-day concert, culminating with the Dave Matthews Band, which was excellent, by the way, I missed tonight's show. Glad it wasn't anything too surprising.

Oh well, tuesday's show is going to be the interesting one anyway.

Did Maggie become a complete control freak, or did she play it cool?
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Reply Tue 2 Aug, 2005 05:28 pm
yeah... thanks for the update, I missed Saturday's episode too. Smile

Definitely not surprising who she put up. Would suck if Kaysar gets off the chopping block and she puts up James' girlfriend. Then another couple loses their chance to win 1st and 2nd place
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Debra Law
Reply Tue 2 Aug, 2005 11:29 pm
Again, no big surprises.

Kaysar said he wouldn't campaign against James, but James most certainly compaigned against Kaysar. James and Ivette talked--if James was saved from eviction and won HoH--James would put Howie and Rachel on the block because they are flying under the radar. James swore on a bible that this is what he would do.

Maggie and her four backstabbing sheep sleep together in the HoH room ("team" headquarters) and plot all day long and report back to the "team" with the details of all conversations they have with the members of the other alliance. Maggie and the sheep keep canting their "team" motto: Don't let any of the others think they're safe.

Sarah won GPoV and took her boyfriend, James, off the block. She apologized that her decision put another houseguest in jeopardy--someone who is so great, special, blah, blah.

Maggie gave Rachel a perplexed look as if to say, "gosh, poor misguided Sarah must think I'm putting you on the block."

Maggie nominated Janelle to take James' place.

Afterward, Ivette asked James if his word was still true. If he won HoH, would he honor his promise and nominate Howie and Rachel. HECK NO! He claimed his promise was null and void because Maggie tried to circumvent Sarah's chance of winning during the veto competition. If he wins HoH--MAGGIE will be on the block.

Poor Ivette. How could she have trusted James? She doesn't understand how a promise made by swearing on the bible can be revoked. She's devastated. Accordingly, to her . . . James is dead.

Kaysar promises to put on a good fight to stay in the house, but he's the target and will likely be evicted. That will give Janelle one more person to avenge. How many is that now? (Ashlea, Michael, Kaysar). That makes for a lot of avenging left to be accomplished.
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Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2005 06:18 am
What killed me was Ivette crying "bah ...bad guys always win. for once I'd like to see the good guys win, ya know? eric was a good guy and he shouldn't have left" (more tears)

I wanted to barf.
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Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2005 09:40 am
I had the same reaction to that little tearful speech. What a f*cking idiot. And then she was crying because that moron Eric was gone? WTF? She got this attached to the guy in four weeks? Now THAT is a good sheep.

I think James was kind of an idiot for admitting to Ivette that he would put up Maggie instead of Howie and Rachel. He should have lied right to that stupid f*cking moron's face. He should have known that she was too stupid to understand that it's a f*cking game.

I think Kaysar's going. But I also think that very soon one of the evicted houseguests is coming back, so he might not be out for good. I actually think he is the most likeable person in the whole house.

Right now I think Howie and/or Rachel is/are looking pretty good right now, along with Jennifer and Beau. They are off the radar while Maggie and the dipshit gang fight it out with Kaysay, Janelle and Co.

It's really interesting that there always seems to be this little struggle for moral superiority every season. It's funny because nobody that ever gets to the end EVER plays the game without at least one big betrayal. It's about knowing how far you can go, I guess.
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Reply Thu 4 Aug, 2005 10:40 pm
So I guess nobody wanted to comment on tonight's show. I just want to say, ha! I knew somebody was going to be coming back into the house! Vote for Kaysar!

I don't see any way in hell that idiot Eric is getting back in this game. But America voted Bush in twice, so I guess anything's possible.
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Debra Law
Reply Fri 5 Aug, 2005 12:13 am
You were right. I was expecting (well, expecting is a little strong . . . perhaps, hoping) that CBS would live up to the hype and give us a twist we've never seen before. Nevertheless, I'm happy that Kaysar has the opportunity to come back into the house.

I checked the popularity ratings on the CBS website, and Kaysar's rating kept going up every week until he had the highest "LOVE" rating of all the houseguests. Howie is next followed by Janelle and Rachel.

Eric's rating kept going down each week--along with the ratings of his sheep.

So, it appears that Kaysar will most likely be voted back into the house . . . if we vote.

So, Kicky, place this address into your favorite places and send Kaysar a few votes everyday:


If the Kaysar fans don't send enough votes, the sheep fans could possibly out-vote us by spending all day on the internet sending votes for Eric. Seeing Eric back in the house with his sheep worshiping him day in and day out would be a sickening thing to watch. I would much rather see the defeated, heartbroken look on Ivette's face when Kaysar walks through the door instead of Eric. LOL
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Reply Fri 5 Aug, 2005 06:35 am
i told my husband that I had a feeling Howie would win HOH. ...as long as janelle and sarah are safe, i'm happy. i'm glad rachael didn't win it. to me, ...why win it when you're competing against your partner? being hoh means you're a target to everyone else. howie wouldn't vote for his partner or janelle... so everyone is safe.

i voted for kaysar to come back.

looks like not many people want eric back from the results.
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Reply Fri 5 Aug, 2005 12:16 pm
I put in my vote for Kaysar. What a geek I am, voting on a stupid reality TV show.

I actually had a feaking dream that I was on the show last night. I was one of the houseguests, and I snuck online in the middle of the night somehow...alarms went off, and lights began to flash...I took off out of there as fast as I could and since nobody was awake to catch me, the Big Brother crew got out the videotape that had the damning evidence of my transgression on it. The footage was somehow damaged though, so they couldn't tell who it was.

Then Eric started accusing me, and of course I had to lie and get all indignant, and we got into a huge shouting match, yelling into each other's faces...

...and then I woke up, grumbling about what an as$hole Eric is.

I tell ya, I'm losing it.
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Reply Fri 5 Aug, 2005 12:48 pm
Notice how many times Kaysar has been able to vote

the dude rocks the house - I hope he gets back in.
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Debra Law
Reply Fri 5 Aug, 2005 01:14 pm
I've sent several votes for Kaysar and will continue to do so each day until the voting is over Wednesday at midnight.

The smart(?) alliance:

Howie (HOH)

The sheep alliance:


The sheep alliance will try to work Howie into getting rid of James. They will tell Howie that James "sold them out" and said he would nominate Howie and Rachel if he won HoH. I'm sure they will fail to tell the part where James told Ivette to basically stick it--if he won HoH, he was nominating Maggie.

I sure hope Howie uses some smarts. If he lets the sheep manipulate him . . . then the sheep become the SMART alliance. Shocked

If Howie gets rid of James . . . then it's clear that the "Howie alliance" not only loses James . . . the alliance also loses Sarah. Why would she remain loyal to her alliance if they backdoor her boyfriend? If they lose James and Sarah, that would leave the "Howie" team with only 3 members and the "Maggie" team with 5 members plus Sarah. Even if Kaysar comes back in the house, the numbers would still be in favor of Maggie's team.

I sure hope Howie is "smart" enough to nominate two of the other side instead of targeting one of his alliance members.
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Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2005 01:20 am
I knew Howie wasn't the brightest bulb in the box, but after watching tonight's show, I have to consider the possibility that he may be the dumbest player in BB history.
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