Big Brother 6

Debra Law
Reply Thu 21 Jul, 2005 10:14 pm
The big brother house is slightly more calm compared to the last show.

Janelle broke up with her boyfriend in Manhattan on national television so she could play kissy-face with Michael for a week.

Updates from last season's guests: Jase and Holly from BB5 broke up. This is so sad: They were such a perfect couple other than that country boy/city girl/not room enough in LA for two hyper people thing. Diane is still bitter because Drew rode her coattails right up to the end and then evicted her.

Back to BB6: Michael was evicted. Now Janelle can get back to the business of avenging Ashlea's eviction . . . and now Michael's eviction. Kaysar won HoH. I hope he nominates Eric.
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Reply Thu 21 Jul, 2005 10:16 pm
Debra_Law wrote:
Kaysar won HoH. I hope he nominates Eric.


P.S. Don't you just love Jennifer?
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Reply Fri 22 Jul, 2005 07:35 am
I watched the extra "secret" scenes on CBS this morning. nothing good at all.

I love shows where they show what the old big brother folks are doing. I HATE HOLLY. She's so annoying!!!!

It was no surprise to me that the two that found out they're brother/sister weren't really communicating after the show. Lifestyle/personality/intelligence wise.. they're from 2 different worlds.

I like Sarah and James. Kaysar is good people too.
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Debra Law
Reply Sat 23 Jul, 2005 02:07 am
Oh gosh. Didn't Eric get a promise from EVERYONE else--if he didn't nominate them--that they would guarantee him safety if they won HoH?

I think Eric squeezed a promise out of Kaysar and he's not likely to break a promise. Shoot, shoot, shoot.

I hope Kaysar is extracting similar promises from everyone just like Eric did.

I'm waiting for someone to SHINE. NO, Kicky. I don't love Jennifer. I don't even remember what she looks like. She doesn't shine. Sorry.
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Reply Sat 23 Jul, 2005 04:51 pm
That's okay. You'll see. She'll shine. She's going to win this whole damned thing, I tell ya!

Eric's got to go! Eric's got to go! Out the frickin' door! Goooooo Eric!
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Reply Sat 23 Jul, 2005 04:52 pm
I am sort of pulling for Kaysar too. He seems like the kind of guy I could be friends with.
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Debra Law
Reply Sat 23 Jul, 2005 05:00 pm
Kicky: Weren't you in love with Diane last year? Who do you think shines the most? Diane or Jennifer? Do you think you display fickle propensities with respect to the high regard you place on female realty show contestants? Is this entire big brother experience nothing but an opportunity for viewers, such as yourself, to feast on eye candy while the networks fight for ratings?
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Reply Sun 24 Jul, 2005 12:02 am
Fickle propensities? High regard? As for the fickle propensities, yes, and that's because, well, because it's just a TV show. I can like whoever I want to like, and next week, if they do something stupid, I can decide they suck. I don't have a lot invested in it. High regard is a stretch. It's just a TV show.

And no, this entire big brother experience is not ONLY an opportunity for viewers to feast on eye candy, but that is part of the attraction. I actually like the show. If it were all people that I wasn't physically attracted to, I am pretty sure I would still watch it, because I love to see how people interact with one another, and I love to see how the group dynamics shake out. But yes, I also love seeing a woman with a great ass. Can't help that, but it's only a small part of why I like the show.

I like the scheming, the lies, and the backstabbing. Plus, I get attached to certain characters. Jennifer is very cute, but I like her for her personality too. In my opinion, she shines.

Now just watch, since I said that, she'll probably go and do something completely asinine on the next show and make me hate her...
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Reply Sun 24 Jul, 2005 12:02 am
Oh crap. I always forget to tape the saturday show. I missed it again! What happened? I guess I'll go check out the website.
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Debra Law
Reply Sun 24 Jul, 2005 01:53 am
Saturday show:

The houseguests engaged in a food spelling bee. For each word spelled correctly, a PB&J segment was torn off a wheel (the food wheel of fortune) to reveal the word "FOOD."

Several of the nervous, not-so-bright houseguests misspelled the name of their food item. Accordingly, there were several PB&J segments left on the wheel. Kaysar gave the wheel a spin. If the arrow stopped on a food segment--the entire house would have food for the week. If the arrow stopped on a PB&J segment--the entire house would be on PB&J for the week.

The arrow seemed to stop on FOOD and the houseguests were cheering and bouncing around on the make-shift spelling bee stage . . . and perhaps their bouncing gave the wheel a little extra umph because the wheel didn't exactly stop when the houseguests thought it did. It kept creeping and stopped on PB&J.

Oh . . . too bad, so sad, Kaysar said to the disappointed houseguests. But to the camera, he gleefully admitted that he was hoping for this outcome because a week on PB&J will make the houseguests more agitated and easier for Kaysar to rile them up against each other. (Divide and conquer strategy.)

Kaysar has private talks with each of the houseguests. Kaysar tells James that everyone came into the house with a partner and he has figured out all the pairs. James denies that he has a partner--he LIES and tells Kaysar that he was supposed to have a partner in the house, but his partner got sick and couldn't be on the show.

Kaysar pushes James for an admission that he is paired with Sarah. Kaysar names off all the pairs--and accurately. He then says that leaves only James and Sarah as the final pair. James again denies . . . and then later brags in the diary room about being a magnificent liar.

Sarah also has a private talk with Kaysar and she also lies to him and claims not to have a partner.

Ivette had an interesting talk with Kaysar. The house wants the easy target--Janelle--out of the house. Ivette offers to be the pawn. If Kaysar would nominate Janelle and Ivette, the house would evict Janelle and Kaysar would win favor with the other houseguests and probably get to stay in the house a couple more weeks.

Great offer, huh?

Kaysar and Janelle do a lot of plotting and strategizing--mainly Kaysar is TELLING Janelle his master plan to turn the game around in his favor. He needs to make a nomination that will really shake up the house and divide loyalties.

Kaysar nominates two of Eric's allies in the house: Eric's partner, Maggie, and Eric's competition strongman, James.

These are great nominations considering his plan to divide the house and split their loyalties. It's great that James was selected as a nominee. If not, he would likely have been selected by Maggie to help her with the PoV competition and if James won the GOLDEN PoV, both James and Maggie would be safe. This way, James is forced to play just for himself and no one else. If James wins PoV and takes himself off the block--then Eric's other strong ally, Ivette, can be nominated in his place.

Maggie will probably choose Eric to help her play for the PoV--but if Eric wins--who will he save? His partner or his strong alliance mate, James? This is definitely going to stir up the house, cause loyalties to be questioned and broken, and everyone is going to be crabby 'cause they're stuck with PB&J for the week.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 24 Jul, 2005 07:21 am
Ooooh, that scheming Kaysar...I love it. When he nominated them, what did he say at the ceremony? Did he tell them his reason for nominatiing them was to shake up the house, or did he give them some vague, "I nominated you guys for strategic purposes," BS? Also, he knows James was lying, right?

Kaysar is the MAN!
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Debra Law
Reply Sun 24 Jul, 2005 11:29 am
I don't remember Kaysar's exact words, but he said he nominated them because they were strong competitors--among the best in the house--or among the best of us--something like that.

Kaysar strongly suspects that James is lying, but he didn't say for sure that he KNOWS James is lying.
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Debra Law
Reply Sun 24 Jul, 2005 12:17 pm

You'll be pleased to know that Jennifer spelled her word correctly in the food spelling bee:


According to Realty news online, Jennifer did shine just a little when she celebrated her spelling victory with a cute cheerleader kick just before she grabbed a PB&J wheel slice and bounced off the stage.

Also, at the nomination ceremony, Jennifer's key was the first key pulled out of the box. "Jennifer, you are safe."

To read the full recap of Saturday's show:

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Debra Law
Reply Tue 26 Jul, 2005 11:31 pm
Good show tonight. The pot was royally stirred. The looks on Ivette's and Eric's faces as they realized that they were no longer on top of the game were priceless.

Good-bye Eric.
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Reply Tue 26 Jul, 2005 11:40 pm
I LOVED the way Kaysar played that. He really did turn that whole house on it's ass. For once I was yelling at the TV because I actually liked what was going on. I sort of felt a little bad for Maggie, but like Kaysar said, it's not personal.

I love that that moron Eric is going to be out and he won't even get to be on the jury. Unless...I have a feeling that they are going to do one of those crazy twists and somebody is going to come back into the house. I would hate to see it be that a-hole.

And Ivette...well I hate her, so I can't wait to see her grovel all next week. Unless she wins HOH, that is. Now THAT would be interesting...
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Debra Law
Reply Wed 27 Jul, 2005 07:50 am
Kaysar's newly formed alliance of six:

Kaysar & Janelle
Howie & Rachel
James & Sarah

against the othe six:

Maggie & Eric
Jennifer & April
Ivette & Beau

Unless something happens to upset the house again, Eric will be going home and Kaysar's alliance will have both the numbers and the stronger competition players necessary to control the game.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 27 Jul, 2005 09:33 am
Yep, if one of them wins head of household next week, they are good to go...for at least a week. Hehehe...this game never tilts too far to one side for long.
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Debra Law
Reply Thu 28 Jul, 2005 06:04 pm
Conversation between Kaysar and Maggie (nominee) after James won GPoV:

Maggie: You sealed my fate.

Kaysar: No. I sealed your partner's fate.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Jul, 2005 06:44 pm
Julie has said, "It's the summer of secrets, and you never what might happen," to every one of the evicted people. Somebody is coming back into the house eventually.
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Debra Law
Reply Thu 28 Jul, 2005 09:44 pm
By a vote of 5 to 4, Eric was evicted.

After Eric left the house, the four people who voted to evict Maggie (Ivette & Beau, April & Jennifer) gave Maggie a group hug at the door.

After Maggie won HoH, the same people who voted to evict Maggie ran up and gave her another group hug.

I wonder if it will escape her attention that those four people who are fawning all over her wanted her out of the game instead of Eric.
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