Hi Neologist,
Thanks for the kind welcome it is my pleasure in sharing with you all!-- I will try to put breaks in the paragraphs in order to make it easier to ready--sorry about that.
Proverbs is referring to the WORD , or the LOGOS which is defined as the visible expression of the invisible GOD. Keep in mind that Jesus Christ (the body) had a beginning --he was born in Bethlehem. To say that Jesus existed before hand in the body is not correct; but if what you mean is that the WORD existed before Bethlehem that is correct.
Jesus was the WORD.--see St. John the first chapter. If Jesus the body had existed before the birth at Bethlehem why was he not called by HIS name Jesus in the Old Testament? The Name of Jesus was not revealed until before HIS birth. GOD the eternal Spirit has existed from ages past and will forever exist. The spirit that in filled Jesus was a portion of God ( the Eternal Spirit--because God fills all space). All of God's attributes filled the man Christ Jesus.
God was called JHVH in the Old Testament,; Jesus means JHVH has become our salvation. To say that Jesus was not God is to reject the entire prophecy ( Isaiah 9:6) and incarnation of Jesus Christ. Jesus claimed to be God that is why the Jews crucified Him on Golgatha. They crucified HIM for blasphemy.
Let me use this example:
Take the bath tub and fill it up to the brim with water. Then take a bowel and put the bowel inside of the bath tub. Let the water in the bath tub represent GOD the eternal Spirit or as some would say GOD THE FATHER. Then let the bowel represent Jesus Christ. Keep in mind that the water (SPIRIT) that fills the tub and the bowel is the same water (Spirit). You can not say that they are two different waters per se. The water in the bowel and the water in the tub are the same--just what is in the bowel is a small portion of what is in the tub. All of the attributes in the water that is in the bowel are the same as those in the rest of the tub. No change of attributes--just a smaller portion of the water that fills the tub.
Jesus said I and my Father are One. He is in me and I am in Him. There are not two distinct Spirits of God--only one that filled the body of Jesus Christ and that same Spirit can fill you if you received the Holy Spirit (a small portion of GOD in your heart). Now take a cup and put it into the bowel. Let that cup represent your body. Now you are in Jesus and he is in you. He said he would live inside of us. How does he do that? By infilling us with His Spirit. His body is not in us but His Spirit which is GOD is in us. Try it. It will make you see things differently.
Most people try to make God divisible and say that he is three persons. He is ONE and will never be three persons. He can manifest Himself in any manner that He so chooses.
Another example--maybe this will help:
I am a father because I have children. I am a son because I have a mother still living . I am also a husband because I am married. BUT-- I am only one person and my name is Daniel. I play three different roles in my life but I am in no wise three persons. To think that I am three persons is crazy; but I am a father to my children and I am a son to my mother and a husband to my wife. All of these roles are distinct but only one person-Daniel. I represent my self differently to my wife than I do my children or my mother. Think about it. I have a different role and am someone different to each one but I am still Daniel and am still one person. Don't get confused with the titles Father Son and Holy Ghost. They represent the Eternal God who revealed Himself to mankind in the face and body of Jesus Christ.
GOD IS ONE and HE is indivisible.
Jesus Christ is GOD manifested in the flesh--fully GOD and fully man.
i.e. when he healed the sick--He was God in action. When he fed the five thousand --God in action. But when he ate of the bread he multiplied he was fully man because he hungered. When He was on the cross HE said "I thirst." Fully man in action.
The Holy Spirit is not a dove and is not a third person in a Trinity of Gods.
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit that dwelled in the body of Jesus sent back to live in your heart. Same Spirit--the Spirit of GOD.