Older men and younger women.

Reply Mon 5 Dec, 2005 06:39 am
Wow, stray. Taking a bit of irrational anger out on the general population?

Not all men suck. Not all men "aint ****". And, believe it or not, not all men make women feel as if they have expiration dates. Perhaps better judgment would help in your case, not world-wide anger.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Dec, 2005 09:06 am
Stray Cat wrote:
I'd just like to say that women do not have an "expiration date." Men may think so and they are welcome to think whatever they want to, because I have come to the conclusion that men suck. They suck royally. They long and they suck hard.

But I'd like for all the women out there to know -- you are a human being. You do not have an expiration date like a f***ing carton of milk. No matter what age you are, you can have a fulfilling and satisfying life -- with or without a man.

Because men .....ain't ****!

I'd like to just go ahead and point out that Sanctuary is correct. If the above is the view you hold of men then you have perhaps a horrid taste in men, and really should reevaluate the methods in which you choose those that you enter any relationship with.

It's irrational generalizations like the above that will most likely keep the "good ones" away.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Dec, 2005 10:01 am
Funny, two extremes came here together: Jack Webbs, who
thinks he's God's gift to women over 40, and Stray, who's
had obviously one or several bad experiences with men.

Jack, I know women in their 70s who are far more attractive
and interesting than a man in his 40s with receding hairline,
beer belly and the only impression they leave, is the indentation in the couch.

Stray, you're entitled to be angry, however, don't sell all
men short, some of them might surprise you with their kindness and their abilities to deeply care for and love a woman.
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Jack Webbs
Reply Mon 5 Dec, 2005 11:14 am
Some people do, both men and women as far as the general scheme of things in life is concerned but what can you do?

Most often it is self imposed or others, like the ones you mention, Stray Cat, arbitrarily determine other peoples shelf life. Happens every day.

It is cruel but it is a fact. You or others decide you are obsolete. Smile

I strive to stay as young as I can where the enjoyable things in life are concerned. I joke a lot but I refrain from being childish. I would be happier and smoother I believe, if I were to drink and smoke as I used to but it is bad for my health so I don't do it anymore. I have good friends of all ages and they treat me fine as I am and the feeling is mutual. I can immediately sense when people have decided I am "over the hill" in an instant. I don't waste my time with them because they are the bad exceptions of Americans not the rule.

I have a hunch this strange woman and I are going to enjoy each other. She is working on the next "official" higher plane of education. I am satisfied with my MBA she is working on her doctorate but I know I am much smarter than she is. In a practical sense; streetwise; lifewise. Something like that. Cool
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Dec, 2005 07:50 pm
I didn't read the whole thread. I read the first couple pages and skipped to the end because it is long. And I am very young, and probably have no right to comment here. But I am going to.

Jack, you seem very preoccupied with slimness. I am still trying to keep my dinner down because of the fact that you left your woman because she was too fat. And in your ad, you specified that the woman must be slim (and 20 to 30 years younger than you). You may have two mercedes, and some money in the bank. And maybe you can buy yourself a younger woman. But that younger woman won't be Diane Keaton, I can tell you that much for sure. Because I think that if a woman is going to be with you for your money, they she is a whore. Pardon my language. But effectively, she is letting you buy her. If you're okay with that, then fine. But you should warn her that your buying a commodity and you expect the quality to be maintained, so she better not get any wrinkles, and if she gains weight, you will trade her in for a newer model.

I can believe men like you actually exist. I thought the 25 year olds I've been dating were immature. Well, if this is what I have to look foward to in my old age, count me out.

And I am not bitter. I know this isn't all men. And maybe I am rambling a bit. But this really sickens me. I mean, I know that people like this exist. But now I get to see how it is rationalized, and that is even worse.

Good luck Jack finding your perfect svelte 40 year old woman! Please remember she doesn't think your hot, but likes that you are so willing to pay her.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Dec, 2005 08:00 pm
Okay, I am an idiot and needed to vent before. I read the whole thread and I realize that Jack has some decent ideas about what he can and cannot do with women. But I am still a little bit shocked at this thread.
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Jack Webbs
Reply Mon 5 Dec, 2005 09:07 pm
A thread is a thread. I am an extremely flexible man but even I don't know everything. You should know something though, rather than postulate I actually do these things with women. I experience the full nonsense of it all.

A few weeks ago I had lunch with this woman who was very fluent in French and she was racy. I could tell she was telling some lies but I played along. Then I asked her to speak French for awhile. I don't know why, I don't particularly care for the French people but I could feel myself getting turned on and I began asking her questions about the technical aspects of French and she began making all these grimaces with her lips and cheeks and pronouncing words. I thought I would? Well I was very excited.

But other than that? Well, a big sexy hug in the underground parking lot. I never asked her out again because we had nothing in common. She acted like a peasant.

No this new woman is in her 50s and she is svelte, she has more money than I do (I am by no means rich. I didn't want to give that impression but I'm not poor) and she knows I am good for her, she needs me and I will treat her like I treat every woman I have ever dated or married. As a gentleman.

If it doesn't last? Well it will be for the same reason as always; I like myself more than her and I begin feeling how nice it is to not be entangled, free, non-married and I can come and go as I please. When I get bored with myself well then, it's time to chase the girls again. That's just the way I am. Smile

Other than the one and only time I was married, I can't imagine any woman taking me seriously enough to believe I would marry them. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Dec, 2005 09:30 pm
daniellejean wrote:
Okay, I am an idiot and needed to vent before. I read the whole thread and I realize that Jack has some decent ideas about what he can and cannot do with women. But I am still a little bit shocked at this thread.

Danielle, Don't feel bad about your first post. Jack has written numerous posts about all the effects of age on a woman's body and how it repulses him. He waxes (no pun intended) un-poetic about excess hair, wrinkles, etc. as though he's dissecting something less than human. Your original post was not out of line, Jack certainly doesn't care what some silly woman posts about him anyway. I don't think he's too concerned about making any friends among the women here (or anywhere).
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Jack Webbs
Reply Mon 5 Dec, 2005 10:15 pm
Cyphercat you are mistaken. Please remember I am not here for the purpose of making friend but as you might expect it often happens. I have made a number of fast girlfriends posting my observations. However and make no mistake about it, it would hurt me deeply if I ever hurt a woman's feelings as a result of my straight-forward, comments, observations etc. etc.

All I or anyone for that matter needs to see is a poor, downtrodden, homely woman that absolutely hates herself for what she is. When I step out of my car at the market I often glance in the window of the car next to me. There she sits, a dissipated, heavy set, unhappy woman probably thinking about how painful her hemorrhoids are or feeling absolutely dejected because she cannot get out of the truck and walk to the confectionary section because the corns, which cover all eight toes are crippling her. Her oldest daughter had to go in.

Nobody want to see something like that. When this happens to me I remind myself that she might have been very pretty at one time but for whatever reason she now is the way she is.

What is wrong here?

Well, these woman are still not yet far enough removed from the Old World. This is the way things were for their mother, this is the way things were for their mother's mother. The only improvement the woman in the truck has made is she no longer sports a babushka and she is allowed to drive a truck!

I mean, come on. This is 2005. Look how pretty Laura Bush is. Laura need not be concerned about anyone shedding tears for her for becoming a peasant because that will never happen. The woman taught school, she knows what's right.

No, cypher cat, I would never insult a woman. Others may do that but not me.

I like Eva Longoria too and she's getting up there as well. She doesn't fool me.
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Reply Mon 5 Dec, 2005 10:58 pm
What a blithering assh*le.
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Stray Cat
Reply Mon 5 Dec, 2005 11:28 pm
I like you, snood.
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Jack Webbs
Reply Mon 5 Dec, 2005 11:55 pm
snood, are you a Marathon girl? Jack Webbs has completed 3 real Marathons (26.2 miles) and so many 10Ks Jack Webbs can't count that high (just joking)

Do you stretch well before your run snood, I mean really stretch? Well don't if you do because you will surely ruin your beautiful legs and pretty Achilles if you keep it up. The cartilage is all gone in my knees I sport around the scene with an Oak cane made in Germany.

There are a host of otherwise beautiful women around 40 we don't even know about because unlike the girls that simply walked to a gentle steam before they took off these 40ish girls now have hobbled leggs, feet, knees the whole works. They prefer to stay inside, away. You know?

Only their husbands can love them now. The way they are. Sad.

(think about all the ones that never trapped a husband? Too late, too late, too . . . . . .. . Surprised
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Stray Cat
Reply Tue 6 Dec, 2005 12:17 am
0 Replies
Lord Ellpus
Reply Tue 6 Dec, 2005 01:09 am
Jack Webbs wrote:
snood, are you a Marathon girl? Jack Webbs has completed 3 real Marathons (26.2 miles) and so many 10Ks Jack Webbs can't count that high (just joking).........

Only their husbands can love them now. The way they are. Sad.

(think about all the ones that never trapped a husband? Too late, too late, too . . . . . .. . Surprised

1. IMO, anyone who refers to themselves in the third person, usually has a massively over inflated ego.

2. It IS sad that some women shut themselves away, so that only their husbands can love them. If only they knew what they were missing, eh Jack? If only they could find this thread and discover that you existed, it would spur them on in their efforts, knowing that one day they could be acceptable enough to be in your presence.

What's all this about trapped? Happened to you in the past, did it old boy? Did a particular lady turn the tables, and make the most of being viewed as a commodity?

In the USA, this is known as "taking him to the cleaners". This is probably too late, but I wouldn't let it cloud your view regarding women, Jack.
There are a lot of them out there who are more than just something that you can have on your arm in order to impress your mates, or distract from the fact that one's hair is thinning.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Dec, 2005 01:24 am
Oh, Lord Ellpus! Count on you to redeem your gender just when we began to despair...Perhaps you can help poor little Stray Cat recover from the hurt she seems so embittered by of late...
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Lord Ellpus
Reply Tue 6 Dec, 2005 01:45 am
SC, like many others, wears her heart on her sleeve. In one way, it is a good thing, as nothing is bottled up. In another way, heart on sleeve people tend to expose too much of themselves, in too much of a hurry.
This can leave them vulnerable to adverse response or misinterpretation.

I am not saying for one minute that the heart on sleeve section of our human race are the only people with faults.

For instance, I border TWO categories....the "bloody idiot" and the "foot in mouth" categories just about sum me up.

Heart on sleeve people are very passionate, so whoever is lucky enough to end up with one is in for a very interesting journey, and will certainly not be bored. I know.....I married one.
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Jack Webbs
Reply Tue 6 Dec, 2005 01:56 am
Never taken to the cleaners Lord Ellpus and I certainly do not fool around with married women. I don't fool around with widows and I certainly don't fool around with women who have never been married.

Divorced women that have had at least 5 years to get the angst out of their system are in my comfort zone. I'll lend them a hand.

I could never replace a widow's husband and I have something that tells me to keep my distance from a woman that has never been married. There is just something very odd, very strange indeed, about a situation where a woman past say, 25 that is still single. Something wrong somewhere. I don't mean she has done anything wrong but, you know it just doesn't seem right; over 25, never been married? Sorry. Not in America. :wink:
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Lord Ellpus
Reply Tue 6 Dec, 2005 02:04 am
In this modern world, Jack, a woman of 25 is probably too busy either enjoying themselves, seeing the world, or .....dann-dann-DANNN..... Furthering their EDUCATION, so that they can aim as high in their careers as us males.

Personally, I love women that know their own minds and don't comply with other people's rules and ideas of conformity.

I am not intimidated.
0 Replies
Jack Webbs
Reply Tue 6 Dec, 2005 02:22 am
In another way, heart on sleeve people tend to expose too much of themselves, in too much of a hurry.
This can leave them vulnerable to adverse response or misinterpretation. (posted by Lord Ellpus)

Boy do I have a problem with this. Always the heart I wear on my sleeve. It ties right in with familiarity breeding contempt.

I frequently have to check myself because I tend to take women under my wing and confide in them as part of gaining their confidence. Next thing you know? Bingo it all comes back and it sounds hateful in a week or a month.

When I catch myself being overly honest I kiss them, tug their ear or pat their their head or rub their behind depending on our position. Anything but continuing with the topic. It works. Most of the time.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Dec, 2005 02:25 am
Jack Webbs wrote:
over 25, never been married? Sorry. Not in America. :wink:

That sounds like one of these conservative Indian "aunties"....I thought no one (at least not in America) believed in this anymore...
0 Replies

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