So, Oralloy... you do negotiate with terrorists? (yes, I am joking). The idea that you always have to compromise is ridiculous. If your negotiating partner isn't being reasonable, walking away is perfectly reasonable, especially when he is going to pay a greater price than you are.
There are lots of times in life that I refused to compromise, most recently my company didn't want to pay me what I was worth, they offered me something less then what I was asking for. I didn't compromise... I went and got myself a new job.
There is no reason for the Democrats to compromise unless what Trump is offering is too good to let up. Trump has done something stupid and gotten himself into a fight that he can't win. Not surprisingly, now he is losing this fight. The public is against him and he is starting to lose the support of his own party. Trump needs to compromise, and even then the Democrats don't have to give him anything.