@cicerone imposter,
I haven't been on this blog for a long time. I just stumbled across the political discussion here. Here's my advice to everyone who is upset with the political arena in our country:
Do your homework!
Before jumping to conclusions, study some history so that you get a little foundation of how the political parties have evolved over the past 200+ years. Make sure you really understand the Declaration of Independance, and the Amendments that follow. Much of it is written in old English, which may take a little study and learning to really understand it, and WHY it was written in the first place. Then learn about the Presidents, and the actions of the parties. Some Presidents were good people. Some were outright theives and crooks. What's interesting is the psychology of all of them, and what was the social norm for thier time period.
Slavery, for example is an interesting topic. All of slavery is unjust. However, it did not start in the United States in 1776. It had been going on for thousands of years throughout the world. Europeans had "endentured servants" who were suppose to be students of a craftsman and learn a trade. Really, it was often parents who sold thier son off to another for money. The boy was obligated to the servitude, meaning labor, for years. Egypt enslaved its own people. African tribes enslaved each other. American Indian tribes enslaved each other. Then came the settlers of the new America and paricipated in slave trade from African people.
Saying it was just the custom of the time doesn't make it right. But the reality is, is that it was the custom at that time. People viewed life differently then than the way we do now. Perhpaps better to say, they were a product of their enviroment, a product of social influences, a product of growing up in a world that influenced just about everything.
This is true today as well. Are you not a product of your upbringing? Your parents influence, the social influence of your enviroment, the TV programs you watch, the church you attend? Today we would not promote slavery, anymore than they would have thought to live without it.
This thought provides an understanding that yields acceptance and appreciation for how much our country has grown, abolishing anger and racial rivalry between each other, and/or comparing recent Presidents. If George Washington were to come back to visit his country and see the changes, I'm sure he would be astounded. Anyway, this is history for you to research, learn, and understand.
For todays political arena, also requires a little historical study. It takes time. Historically, the Republican party was against slavery. It placed several motions to the Senate, and House of Representatives for decades, and decades, all shot down by the Democratic party. The Democratic party doesn't talk about this. But it is on the records and it is true. The Democratic party created laws to oppress the black community after slavery, and worked hard to brain wash low income, uneducated whites into thinking they were superior because they were white. It was a way of gaining their support to uphold the anti-black laws of the south. The Democratic party supported and promoted many of their Klu Klux Klan members into political positions, and leadership, including justices of the Supreme Court. That's not cool. Later, President Johnson passed the Civil Rghts Act not because he wanted to, he was a racist. But the Democratic party stongly pushed him to do it so they could win the black vote. His comment was, "If we can't control them, we can give them a little something to shut them up and turn them into Democrats." This is not cool either. And so, the Democratic party went from anti black, created lynching laws, and segregtion laws, to turning to the black with a pseudo support demeanor to then control them in a different way. To win their vote. Then comes welfare, the socially challenged neighborhoods, and poor socio-economic opportunities for the black community. This is inteded to control the black poplulation again. It delivers social oppression financially, and psychologically because the individual becomes dependent on the government. That's what the Democratic party wants. They want to control the black population (and everyone else too).
So before you go and vote blue out of anger, or misunderstanding between the two recent Presidents, make sure you know what you are voting for, and why is it important. Make intelligent educated decisions instead of emotional outbursts that lacks knowledge. People have a problem with Trump because he has an abrasive personality. There's no shortage of examples in that. However, if you study the 'policies' of his presidency you will see that it is benefiting the masses, which includes blacks, white, and everyone. The unemployment rate is the lowest it has been in decades. Businesses are doing much, much better which increases jobs and opportunites for people to work and make a living. There is a lot to list. We never had any of these successes in the previous administration. Not because Obama was bi-racial. But because his policies did not support the infrastructure of our country. I hope you have an opportunity to re-examin your thoughts and feelings, and explore new knowledge.