On the matter of her health, my own guess is that she was dehydrated from a stomach bug and then took a blood pressure pill, which shot down her pressure, causing fainting. I fainted from bp pills, plunk down on the floor and hitting my head, twice, when I first took them and had too high a dosage. This was fixed gradually - I now take a very tiny dosage, with physician's agreement, and always stay hydrated.
I have no idea if she takes those kind of pills, but a large part of the population over sixty has some level of high blood pressure and should take bp pills to control it - plus making life style changes as well.
Or, she may have fainted from dehydration even without such a pill.
People making a big deal about her health are throwing a red herring into the mix . To me from afar, she looks healthier than she has in years.
On whether she should/could be president, I'm not her biggest fan, so I'll wait and see what I think as time passes.